" A Lil' Bird " !

Aug 20, 2002
A lil' Bird landed in a tree, next to my house, with some interesting info.

(Before I relate what lil' Bird said, keep the following info, "Front and Center")

"Wal-mart guilty of employing ILLEGAL aliens" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lil' Bird told me that in a very large northeast AA city(NON HUB), that negotiations were underway, between the " --- " GM, and the 2 highest ranking TWU officials.

Before I continue on, let me state EMPHATICALLY, that if the 2 TWU clowns even so much as gave the " --- " GM the "right time of day", they should be bounced IMMEDIATELY out of the union.
However, this is 2003, and we are after all talking about the TWU here, so I'm not surprised.

Lil' bird said that "they're" afraid that it's just a matter of time, before the FEDS come down on AA for employing ILLEGAL workers, cleaning overnite A/C, in " --- "
The " --- " Port authority is equally concerned, because THEY issue the badges.

Lil' Bird said that " --- " GM, went so far as to produce internal company figures, showing how much $$$ money is being spent, etc, etc, etc.

Now it's certainly reasonable to assume that in(just as an example), stations like JFK, LGA, EWR, PHL, BDL and BOS(given the ultra high cost of living) could never get LEGAL folks to work for "Peanuts"

Lil' Bird said that AA wants to make a deal with (the mighty) TWU, to let AAers start cleaning planes again, at a "reduced" rate. (D scale, anybody) ??
In exchange for TWU's "COOPERATION", some concessions could be re-instated.
furloughed people, could be recalled.

I asked lil' Bird, if that meant a Furloughed(TWU) employee could(Hypothetically) be recalled to clean planes, for say $10 an hour, and "flo-thru" back into a $20 per hour ramp job??

Lil' Bird said "Don't bet on it" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine making a deal with the (DEVIL) company, and in return, the company pays you back(for your cooperation) "WITH YOUR OWN FRIGGIN" MONEY"

With this GOD DAM union/company, "NEVER say NEVER" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thanx lil' Bird, come again ANYTIME.
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Garfield1966 said:
Well, since we are starting rumors again.

I heard Uncle Bob was coming back again. lol

Since I think your in DFW, it's DEFINITELY not surprising that you "good ol' boys" don't have a clue about the "possibility" of AA returning overnite cabins, back to the(useless) TWU.

Having spent 20+ years, in northeast station(s), I've witnessed first hand that DF+W is the "LAST" place to know whats going on in the "fast paced" northeast.

Ya ya, I know, DF+W is where HDQ's is located.
Therefore, I "rest my case" ;) ;)

I don't know about the Illegal alien issue that NH/BB's has referred to. But I have to agree with him that the TWU is more than capable of regaining outsourced work and retaining it. I have complete confidence in the TWU to guarantee lower wages and claim a victory in job preservation. The TWU's ultimate goal will be to regain 100% of lost jobs and they will achieve it by offering to the company even lower wages and loss of benefits.
But I have to tell you all here. Now I have nothing against people getting off the welfare and unemployment payrolls and I respect those that do. But I do work at JFK, and you have GOT to see the people that clean the overnight aircraft. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I have heard these individuals in conversation while cleaning the cabin, and the ones that I do understand, are the ones who should not have been hired by their companies. It's downright scary.

But it's all about dollars and sense, isn't it?
I wonder when AA will start outsourcing its management.
Best I've heard since the early 80's. "OUTSOURCING MANGEMENT" That my freind must be the answer :up:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Lil' bird said that "they're" afraid that it's just a matter of time, before the FEDS come down on AA for employing ILLEGAL workers, cleaning overnite A/C, in " --- "
The " --- " Port authority is equally concerned, because THEY issue the badges.
The problem with this theory is that these are the EXACT same people everybody else (including JB) is using and has been using. Having these people walking around the ramp is only new to us. Its old news to the PA and the feds.
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Hopeful said:
I don't know about the Illegal alien issue that NH/BB's has referred to. But I have to agree with him that the TWU is more than capable of regaining outsourced work and retaining it. I have complete confidence in the TWU to guarantee lower wages and claim a victory in job preservation. The TWU's ultimate goal will be to regain 100% of lost jobs and they will achieve it by offering to the company even lower wages and loss of benefits.
But I have to tell you all here. Now I have nothing against people getting off the welfare and unemployment payrolls and I respect those that do. But I do work at JFK, and you have GOT to see the people that clean the overnight aircraft. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I have heard these individuals in conversation while cleaning the cabin, and the ones that I do understand, are the ones who should not have been hired by their companis. It's downright scary.

But it's all about dollars and sense, isn't it?
I wonder when AA will start outsourcing its management.

Your "outsourcing Management" line, has to go into your TOP 5 all time posts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:up: :up: :up: :up:

DFWCC said:
NHBB You might want to take a look at "the-agw.org"
If it works for the Pilots, Flight Attendants and Mechanics why not you guys? One union, right across the industry for everyone doing the same job as you. Fleet service workers could be as powerful as Longshoremen. We know the current structure is ineffective.


They all have one thing in common-Airline unions for and by airline workers. Makes sense doesnt it? Or does it make more sense to be split up with some of you in a truckers union, some in a Machinists union and still others in a Bus and Subway workers union? All with different priorities that have nothing to do with the airline industry.

Start collecting cards today the-AGW.org
We (the mechanics) are going AMFA. Hopefully we can work better together than we could when put at each others throats by the TWU.
AAmech said:
The problem with this theory is that these are the EXACT same people everybody else (including JB) is using and has been using. Having these people walking around the ramp is only new to us. Its old news to the PA and the feds.
Not entirely true Mech, this company (ACI) was so ill prepared for this contract they were buying equipment from AA to do the work.

I dont know whats happening elsewhere,but at LGA they had to buy one of the old mail trucks as well as the rug truck and assorted other equipment.If this was in fact the same outfit everyone else was using,you'd expect them to have all the vehicles and equpiment they'd need to do the job ready to go.

Up until just recently they still had a large percentage of their workforce being escorted around on the ramp because they didnt have airport ID.

As for the union making some kind of deal with the company to bring back furloughed employees as "Junior Cabin Cleaners", I'd have to think that people on the street are covered by exisiting CBA's with the recall rights to the classification they were laid off from,not recall rights to an as of yet uncreated "Sub Class" of employees.

Although this is the same union that allowed "Junior Mechanics" and "Junior Fleet Service Clerks" back in 1995, the Halcyon days of profitablity so nothing would suprise me.
MCI TRANSPLANT I sincerely hope that is not a cut on my heritage. We don't need any SLIT sling'n here......... <_<