A loooong read, but a MUST read, about the SICK REPUBLICAN PARTY.

"In other important areas the party has abandoned serious thought. Instead, the alternate reality of the GOP has created a closed intellectual system immune to fact or reason..."

Ain't that the truth!
Kev3188 said:
"In other important areas the party has abandoned serious thought. Instead, the alternate reality of the GOP has created a closed intellectual system immune to fact or reason..."
Ain't that the truth!
And your party is in fine shape?

Your only choice is a 90's old goat retread and a whacko old goat socialist who hasn't a chance in hell of ever winning. And neither supporters can stand the other and eating their own.

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Methinks the author DID NOT suggest changing party to become a " D " !!

(But that comes when people do DENIAL READING ) !


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cltrat said:
maybe he just looked at the OP and the source of the link and decided not to waste his time
And YOU think the article is untrue, a waste of time ?
Are YOU(seriously) That MUCH In DENIAL ?
The author NEVER praised the democrat party, never.

Soooo tell Us ALL, what your beef is with that very FACTUAL article about todays Republican Party .

DE - NIAL is NOT a River in Egypt !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
And YOU think the article is untrue, a waste of time ?
Are YOU(seriously) That MUCH In DENIAL ?
The author NEVER praised the democrat party, never.

Soooo tell Us ALL, what your beef is with that very FACTUAL article about todays Republican Party .

DE - NIAL is NOT a River in Egypt !

Richard North Patterson
Fiction writer · richardnorthpattersonbooks.com

Richard North Patterson is an American fiction writer.

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