A Thank you from the heart.


Oct 28, 2002
As a former TWAllcer, many of our commuters were on your flights. You all have been so kind to us and accomodating.I have known a few fellow TWA Flight Attendants who have joined your force. I wish you all well, and thank you for the kindness you have extended to TWllc commuters .Im so glad that Jet Blue is doing well. I have been furloughed from TW since Nov 2001 at due to the closing at AAs hand.
I wish you all the best.Some of my girlfriends are within your ranks....Im proud to say.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/4/2002 6:43:10 AM LGA Fleet Service wrote:
[P][BR][FONT size=1]Translation:American Airlines bad, TWA good.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT size=1]You are so enraptured by jet blue go work for them.Leave the factory of evil that is AMR and save yourself.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT size=1]Flee now lest the evil taint your soul and deny you entry into the Kingdom of Heaven...[/FONT][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][STRONG]You really need to get out more! [/STRONG][/P]
We do offer unparalleled jumseat opportunites to other flight/inflight people. Yes, we do get a lot of compliments for offering something for which we receive no reciprocity. Thanks for taking the time to say thanks!
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Happy to say FLeet was just having a bad day. It is an emotional time for all of us.
FLying off the handle sadly seems to be the norm these days. Thankfully, some are willing to admit mistakes, and that builds character. We will get thru this.
ALL of us.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/4/2002 2:13:55 PM Farley wrote:[BR][BR]We do offer unparalleled jumseat opportunites to other flight/inflight people.  Yes, we do get a lot of compliments for offering something for which we receive no reciprocity.  Thanks for taking the time to say thanks!----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR][BR]Jetblue has no choice but to offer unlimited jump seats. Think about it. JB only has one crew base JFK. How many of their employees actually live in NY? Most of them are commuters. I know I see plenty. In order to get them to an from work, Neeleman decided to be nice to all the other carriers employee's. Smart move on his part. [BR][BR]That's why he is opposed to guns, imagine the problem he would have if he had to worry about all his commuting pilots getting to work with their guns.

Jetblue has no choice but to offer unlimited jump seats. Think about it. JB only has one crew base JFK. How many of their employees actually live in NY? Most of them are commuters.

That may have been true in the past. As of Nov. 1, there are roughly 200 JB employees in South Florida that won't be needing jumpseats to go to work in NY. FLL/PBI is now the 2nd crew base for JB.
Jetblue has no choice but to offer [FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00]unlimited[/FONT] jump seats. Huh???[BR][BR]While it is true that jetBlue has many commuters, the same is true of most airlines. What jetBlue has done, and continues to do, is allow as many jumpseaters as there are open seats, plus allow OAL F/A's on these seats, without, I might add, charging a fee. Plenty of OAL employees take advantage of this and it is nice to be able to accomodate more than one. Have had the pleasure of offering rides to plenty of AA employees.
11.gif] [BR][BR]How this is relevant to jetBlue being against guns on the flight deck, quite frankly is beyond me. I am however certain you can educate me, after all, all the other airlines will be facing the same problem, that is if pilots will ever be given guns
Thanks for setting me straight. I was so dumb I thought we did it because it was the right thing to do.
JetBlue's JS policy rocks! Especially for the FAs. All carriers should reciprocate.

JB also allows FAs to ride the cockpit JS. This is an outstanding policy. Sometimes gets that FA to work vs calling in sick.

Cost = pennies. Benefit = priceless.

JB is an innovative company we all better pay attention to.
On 11/4/2002 8:31:11 PM Diesel8 wrote:

But if you want, G4G5, you can petition jetBlue to only allow as many jumpseaters as there are jumpseats and not permit OAL F/A's.


I remember hearing that AA management sent a letter to JetBlue management asking them not to allow AA employees (especially FA's) free, unlimited jumpseats. And Neeleman, et al, told them to go run their own airline. I don't know if this is a true story, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Even though it doesn't do a thing for our bottom line, I am very glad this policy is in place. The cost is extremely minimal, it's a great gesture, and it's something to be proud of. What's sad is that it's often cheaper and easier for OAL employees to ride JetBlue than their own airline.
Actually, Jeff, it does help the bottom line. That FA of yours going to work who only gets there because he/she has access to the cockpit JS pays off.

The FA gets to work on time. It also knocks down the wall with respect to the cockpit/cabin crews.
On 11/6/2002 7:38:18 AM Rhino wrote:

Actually, Jeff, it does help the bottom line. That FA of yours going to work who only gets there because he/she has access to the cockpit JS pays off.

The FA gets to work on time. It also knocks down the wall with respect to the cockpit/cabin crews.

Also, there are a lot of failed companies and failing companies in our industry who have been led down the hallowed halls of the beancounters into believing you can't place a column for morale on a balance sheet. That has obviously been proven wrong more than once. This obviously is not limited to our industry.
On 11/6/2002 7:38:18 AM Rhino wrote:

Actually, Jeff, it does help the bottom line. That FA of yours going to work who only gets there because he/she has access to the cockpit JS pays off.

The FA gets to work on time. It also knocks down the wall with respect to the cockpit/cabin crews.


When I wrote my last post, regarding adding nothing to the bottom line, I was thinking about allowing unlimited OAL jumpseaters at no charge. The only thing that does really is show goodwill, but JetBlue would have been more than justified to follow the industry standard by allowing only as many jumpseaters as jumpseats. I'm very pleased they decided not to, and it's always a pleasure to fill seats with OAL crews. We're even allowed to put OAL pilots and FA's in the extra cabin jumpseats. Hopefully, the two cockpit jumpseats will be reopened sooner or later, also. I'd like to think that this policy helps our own crews get to work, but I can't point to any statistics.

OTOH, I've heard several stories from our pilots who have been denied the jumpseat (i.e., an empty cabin seat) because JetBlue is non-union. Or maybe it's because the captains are schmucks. I don't want to single out any particular company, but if you think grits and widgets, you'd be on the right track.
any airline employee who would think anything but HORRAY for JB and their jumpseat policy is down right crazy....Thanks JB, yet on the cutting edge of airline management..I have not yet had the pleasure of riding with you, but have many co-workers at JFK who do and are so thankfull..Keep up the good work..I hope soon we can return the favor at AA........