AA Management


Aug 30, 2002
I work as a aircraft overhaul mechanic in Tulsa.We are way too top heavy with managment.Examples are 2 supervisors on 1 aircraft on 1 shift and 1 manager per Dock position.We have supervisors supervising the supervisors and managers managing the managers.This is going to have to be corrected or Don Carty had better forget the idea of wage concessions.He needs to clean up his own house first before asking labor for wage and benefit concessions.Wage concessions without fixing the excess management problem will leave an attitude with the work force that is not desireable for successful companies to have.
Well, you know, those mechanics need supervision, they're not as mature as the pilots (for example)
Maybe you should email Carty and let him know how heavy local management is. He might appreciate the cost cutting idea.
Maybe you should email Carty and let him know how heavy local management is. He might appreciate the cost cutting idea.
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They are supervising each other,not the mechanics.Ha!Ha!
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They are supervising each other,not the mechanics.Ha!Ha!
On 12/5/2002 5:21:01 PM HI-LOCK wrote:

I work as a aircraft overhaul mechanic in Tulsa.We are way too top heavy with managment.Examples are 2 supervisors on 1 aircraft on 1 shift and 1 manager per Dock position.We have supervisors supervising the supervisors and managers managing the managers.This is going to have to be corrected or Don Carty had better forget the idea of wage concessions.He needs to clean up his own house first before asking labor for wage and benefit concessions.Wage concessions without fixing the excess management problem will leave an attitude with the work force that is not desireable for successful companies to have.
That has always been the American Way,they are and will always will be top heavy in Management
On 12/5/2002 5:21:01 PM HI-LOCK wrote:

I work as a aircraft overhaul mechanic in Tulsa.We are way too top heavy with managment.Examples are 2 supervisors on 1 aircraft on 1 shift and 1 manager per Dock position.We have supervisors supervising the supervisors and managers managing the managers.This is going to have to be corrected or Don Carty had better forget the idea of wage concessions.He needs to clean up his own house first before asking labor for wage and benefit concessions.Wage concessions without fixing the excess management problem will leave an attitude with the work force that is not desireable for successful companies to have.
That has always been the American Way,they are and will always will be top heavy in Management
If I recall, the management/TWU ratio for AFW and TULE are both about 1:16, including production supervisors, supervisors, all the way up to and including managing directors on the management side, and AMTs, SRPs, Facilities, and Stores on the TWU side.

Anyone have numbers for any other carriers to compare it with?
If I recall, the management/TWU ratio for AFW and TULE are both about 1:16, including production supervisors, supervisors, all the way up to and including managing directors on the management side, and AMTs, SRPs, Facilities, and Stores on the TWU side.

Anyone have numbers for any other carriers to compare it with?
Being management heavy is the company's shield against a union labor strike. Management doesn't strike and when the day comes that labor does, there will be plenty of management milling around to fill the 5 minute void, enough to ride out pretty much any strike.
Being management heavy is the company's shield against a union labor strike. Management doesn't strike and when the day comes that labor does, there will be plenty of management milling around to fill the 5 minute void, enough to ride out pretty much any strike.