Airline, Attendants Ready For Concession Talks


May 18, 2003
Airline, attendants ready for concession talks

Union official: "I have been told that the company is looking for concessions that yield a greater savings than winter and summer combined, and a contract that is similar to America Westâ€￾

PITTSBURGH (Beaver County Times) - Both US Airways and its flight attendants are gearing up for meetings on concessions.

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In my opinion, the F/A's will participate in the "Transformation Plan" with a S.1113 letter because the other options will be worse.

In a recent Washington Council 41 newsletter to members the US Airways F/A LEC Rep wrote, "Once Mr. Lakefield was appointed, Dr. Bronner convened a conference call with the labor leaders. The message was clear: we will restructure the airline with you or without you. What does 'without you' mean? In my opinion, this statement means bankruptcy or at least the threat of bankruptcy. Be prepared to relive the summer of 2002. Remember, management is comparing us to America West or Airtran. Both of these contracts can be found on the AFA website at"




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Kick butt Teddy..........Don't worry about saving this place for USA320Pilot or Dave's stock options!
320 Pilot...When would you say no?????

At what point would you say enough. Is there ever any point that you would stand up like a man and say " No Mas "

Please don't tell me to accept fight another day.

The day is here and now..........No Concessions. I'm looking forward to becoming a Barista @ Starbucks. You want a tall, no foam latte??? No problem.

OldGuyinPA said:
320 Pilot...When would you say no?????

At what point would you say enough. Is there ever any point that you would stand up like a man and say " No Mas "

He'll say No about two seconds after his skull collapses from exceeding it's limits of pounds per square inch in vacuum it's rated for. (Limits to be determined)

Honestly....No will only come when his salary lines up with those whom he and his fellow seniors that have sold the others down the river for match-up....or when we commoners are working for McDonalds wages and living in a community cardboard box for the priveledge of saying we work for an airline.

Time and time again....this man has prooven beyond a shadow of doubt that thier is no reasonable limit to what others are to be subjected too....and that comes from a person that feels as secure as his senority will allow at present , all the while looking forward to a salary in the six figure range to continue..but at everyones elses peril.
If "reasonablity" can not be achieved (and AFA will determine that), then the proposal will fail.

PIT Pres. will be writing out to the members as often as possible to prepare them. If there is no substantial gains and returns, (as determined by AFA; not management) and no way to attain these types of cost savings because of the impact to all the f/as, then we will wait for BK, and be prepared for the ultimate, strike or liquidation or both.
Yeah, I think at some point enough is enough. And this from a UA F/A who will probably be going through the same thing before our little Ch.11 roller coaster ride is through.

There comes a point where you are making the same as the cashier down at the Piggly Wiggly, with comparable benefits, and without all the drama of living on the road for 2/3ds of your life. It sounds like the U F/As are about there. And that would be enough for me.

This job used to be nice. But how much are people willing to put up with for the "privilege" of zooming through the sky with travel bennies and lots of time off? (And it should be noted that both of those benefits are rapidly deteriorating as time goes on, what with record high load factors being reported month after month making stand-by travel nightmarish, and days off being whittled down to nothing.)

I think our limits are being reached. Wonder what caliber of employee will want this job after management gets its way.
I want to emphasize that the profession we once knew, past and present, wil not be what the future will hold.

These are historical moments for us in avaition. We will live to talk about them and write about them for the next 20 years. I wrote out two years ago that Pandora's box was opened with U and the "new team". I even went as far as to write it out on the UA Board "The Domino Effect".

They have captured us and taken us hostage. They will not let up until they have killed all the group at a time.

Just what are folks willing to settle for?
She will only devastate her group because of her foolish behavior. Waiting for BK is one of the most ignorant comments that I have read on these boards. I highly doubt that any f/a is willing to risk their jobs and company for a strike-stop with the foolish thinking.

If I was a member of your labor group I accept HP wages and benefits before taking my chances in court. A judge isn’t interested in what a labor group has given in the past, especially if it means saving the company. The company can prove that it will make money with the new business plan. This includes the 6 cents cost structure, which a judge will rule in the company’s favor to abrogate any CBAs, if needed. Pitbull needs to wake up and realize that the times have changed and so will their wages.

How about YOUR salary???

What have you given up, and what substantial cost savings to the company will you offer up? The employees and vendors gave this company $2 billion which only effected the CASM by .05 cents. I'm over you!

I will be waiting for management to speak and to prove that they will decrease their salaries and perks substantially. :angry:

The company needs to survive only if the employees that work there can.

The PIT Pres will wait for her members to instruct her on their vote. That will be your "prelude" for things to come.
I was reading the update from the CWA It seems that the company is messing around with seniority dates. I also read that the company mention nothing about pay cuts but this seniority thing is scary............because they were comparing our seniority to air Tran and America west do you think they might want us all to cut years off our seniority this is getting ridiculous.

Why can’t they just come out and ask what they want …..Oh I know… they are to embarrassed …………..
BLAH BLAH BLAH Please the members of afa will determine what they want to , NOT YOU! Please do us a favor and keep up the good talk because thats all its worth is talk and good soap opera scenes. Bark all you want to, but we all know the reality of it all , we dont need to be led like a bunch of mice by a country girl who sees a path with blinders on.
A few thoughts here because there are so many to respond to...

320 Pilot will only 'Say No" when his Seniority is the next "lowest group on the totem pole" and he finds his OWN position in jeopardy...until then, he'll push EVERYONE ELSE to accept management's rotten concessions in his passive aggressive redundant posts that grew tired YEARS ago. <_<

Bear96- Right ON! At what point do you need to just walk away because IT'S JUST NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE?? The "benefits" that once made this profession so attractive HAVE and ARE quickly disappearing. Who can even afford to travel? Your time off is disappearing, your pockets are emptying, Load factors are are CORRECT in asking WHAT caliber of employee will see this as worthwhile after more cuts? ;)

PITBULL- DON'T EVER STOP. This profession has changed...for the worse, it will NEVER let me return to Mainline in the way I once hoped. If you need to lead the way to BK...THEN DO IT. I think you have the support of the majority of the active AND inactive F/A's behind you. :up:

The Truth- You MUST be Management...Urging the F/A's to accept the America West contract. POOF - Be Gone, we've heard enough out of you and those like you. :angry: