Airline Lobbying


Aug 20, 2002
I wonder which airline benefited most from the lobying of Linda Daschle?[BR][BR][A href= target=_self][/A]
[P align=left][STRONG]
11 by as much as $5 billion.[STRONG]"[BR][BR][BR]And the liberals want us to believe that is only Bush and McCain that are out [BR]"to get us"
On 1/25/2003 11:01:59 AM RV4 wrote:

[P align=left][STRONG]

"[/STRONG]Yet these two clients of Linda Daschle’s got nearly $1 billion from the airline bailout her husband pushed into law — thanks to which Northwest (which was the second largest contributor to Senator Daschle’s 1998 campaign, and which scooped up $404 million in government cash) actually posted a $19 million profit in the third quarter after the twin-towers attacks. And, as the lone senator to vote against the bailout, Illinois GOPer Peter Fitzgerald, decried, “The only people who got bailed out were the shareholders. The 1 million airline employees were left twisting in the wind.” So much for the populist noises that occasionally come from Senator Daschle’s mouth. The Daschles also made sure that the bailout exempted American (which has consistently lobbied against tougher airline safety standards) and other carriers with lousy safety records from any real liability to lawsuits from the families of 9/11 victims. Moreover, the General Accounting Office found that the airline industry’s representations to Congress to secure the bailout overstated its anticipated losses from 9/11 by as much as $5 billion.[STRONG]"

And the liberals want us to believe that is only Bush and McCain that are out
"to get us"??

Don't worry, both wings of the corporate party are out to get us. Or at least to get theirs, while they trample all over us....

What a bunch of crap. A real hatchet job by some tiny rag and the reactionaries around here are all over it like it's the gospel.

Just to make a couple of quick observations, if she works for former Senate GOP leader (and Reagan Chief of Staff) Howard Baker, how come she's the culprit and he's above the fray?

If her oh-so-powerful husband was so personally responsible for getting the ATSA legislation passed soley to benefit himself and his wife, why did the GOP controlled House pass it and why did Bush sign it???

You really need to get a life and stop using this forum as a propaganda tool for the John Birch Society.
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[P align=right][FONT face=Arial][A href=""][/A][/FONT][BR][BR][BR][BR]
[P align=left][FONT face=Arial][STRONG]John Birch (1918-1945)[/STRONG][/FONT][BR][BR][BR]
[P align=left][FONT face=Arial]John Birch, a Christian missionary, was murdered by the Chinese Communists just after the end of WWII. An early casualty in the struggle between freedom and world government, his death continues to serve as a valuable warning to all who would fail to oppose a "new world order".[STRONG] [BR][/STRONG][/FONT][/P][/DIV][BR][BR][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial size=2][A name=believe][STRONG][BIG][BIG]What do we believe?[/BIG][/BIG][/STRONG][/A][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe the American system of government, a Constitutional Republic, is the finest yet developed by man. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe the traditional moral values of our Judeo-Christian heritage form the cornerstone of Western Civilization, and that the family is the basic and most vital unit of society. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe the free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise afford the widest opportunity and highest standard of living for all. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe in the dignity of the individual. The Society welcomes and enjoys the participation in its ranks of individuals from every walk of life and from all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Judging others only by character and ability -- as we wish to be judged ourselves -- our common bond is a love for liberty and our rejection of totalitarianism under any label. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe that the rights of the individual are endowed by his Creator, not by governments; that the proper function of government should be limited to the protection of the rights to life, liberty, and property; and that individual rights are inseparably linked to individual responsibility. [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Arial]We believe in patriotism based on principle, not on pragmatism, personality, or partisan politics[/FONT][IMG height=4 src=""][BR][BR][BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/26/2003 1:34:29 AM MrMarky wrote: [BR][BR]What a bunch of crap. A real hatchet job by some tiny right-wing rag and the reactionaries around here are all over it like it's the gospel.[BR][BR]Just to make a couple of quick observations, if she works for former Senate GOP leader (and Reagan Chief of Staff) Howard Baker, how come she's the culprit and he's above the fray?[BR][BR]If her oh-so-powerful husband was so personally responsible for getting the ATSA legislation passed soley to benefit himself and his wife, why did the GOP controlled House pass it and why did Bush sign it???[BR][BR]You really need to get a life and stop using this forum as a propaganda tool for the John Birch Society.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][STRONG]Another fine example:[BR][BR]When it comes to liberals and involvment, "IT's ALWAYS SOMEBODY ELSE TO BLAME".[BR][BR]I believe it was Bob Owens and WingNaPrayer to first introduce politics and their importance to USAvaition. This thread is all their fault![/STRONG][EM] (Hey That works pretty good, I see why liberals use blame)[/EM]
OK, so in Carty message that there is no effort to take away worker rights etc. he's lying? Keep in mind that most of you have little to no credability. Often when you folks say these things you take it from some newspaper article or some other creditless source. For the longest time I read these boards hearing folks say that the RLA needs to revamped. Are they looking for changes to it? YES! So, now you're getting what many wanted for a long time...hell, I've read articles in union newsletter saying the RLA needs to be changed. Why is it that when you want to change things, it's always for the better, when the company wants to change things you say it's for the worse?
Because the changes the "company" wants vs. the changes the "workers" want are on two totally different ends of the fairness spectrum.
FAIR? What the heck does fair have to do with it? Fair is what your state holds in the the summer. That's about the dumbest thing I've heard anyone say. Fair is socialism and communism, not capitalism. Go somewhere else if you don't like it. The RLA was enacted to prevent the vital railroad industry from being taken hostage by unions...over time, its effectiveness in fulfilling that task for the airlines has diminished tp the point of being useless. It's absurd to say you don't want to change jobs, but will instead stay at this one and take the company down with you because you don't like it. That's where we are at.
On 1/26/2003 3:00:33 PM flyhigh wrote:

FAIR? What the heck does fair have to do with it? Fair is what your state holds in the the summer. That's about the dumbest thing I've heard anyone say. Fair is socialism and communism, not capitalism. Go somewhere else if you don't like it. The RLA was enacted to prevent the vital railroad industry from being taken hostage by unions...over time, its effectiveness in fulfilling that task for the airlines has diminished tp the point of being useless. It's absurd to say you don't want to change jobs, but will instead stay at this one and take the company down with you because you don't like it. That's where we are at.


We are all at wages that unions negotiated. Whether you are a union member or not, your wages have been set by what the unions were able to negotiate. Unions are not to blame for AMR's financial woes. Carty told us a few years ago that the pie doesn't get any bigger. If that was true then why did they agree to give us a bigger piece?
...nor has it all been blamed on labor. $4 billion in cuts are needed...$2 billion has been cut from other areas, but some of it has to come from labor. As you quote, it's not ALL labors fault, but some of it is. More importantly...labor is THE MOST CONTROLABLE COST. The price of fuel is relatively controlable. Airplane leases are somewhat controlable. Facilaties are basically not controlable. What you guys fail to recognize is that the size of the revenue pie has shrunk dramatically and at the same time, the cost pie INCREASED dramatically. As a result, you have to be a part of bridging that gap!

As for the size of the pie changing...from what I remember, money changed, but other parts did as well thereby allowing the money part to grow through increased efficiencies. At what point are people going to accept the reality that it isn't fair, the company doesn't owe you, and they're not you're best friend. They pay you...if it doesn't work for you...move on to those wonderful high paying jobs I keep hearing mechanics talk about being out there.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/26/2003 10:24:14 PM flyhigh wrote: [BR][BR]As for the size of the pie changing...from what I remember, money changed, but other parts did as well thereby allowing the money part to grow through increased efficiencies. At what point are people going to accept the reality that it isn't fair, the company doesn't owe you, and they're not you're best friend. They pay you...if it doesn't work for you...move on to those wonderful high paying jobs I keep hearing mechanics talk about being out there.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]How will lowering our wages change the pie of supply versus demand?[BR][BR]That is the problem you know?[BR][BR][BR][BR][STRONG][FONT size=3]Capitalism[/FONT][/STRONG][BR][BR][BR]
[P class=text][SPAN class=title][STRONG][FONT color=#330066]capitalism,[/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN] economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, in which personal profit can be acquired through investment of capital and employment of labor. Capitalism is grounded in the concept of free enterprise, which argues that government intervention in the economy should be restricted and that a free market, [STRONG]based on supply and demand[/STRONG], will ultimately maximize consumer welfare. [/P]
On 1/26/2003 6:01:33 AM RV4 wrote:

[P align=left][FONT face=Arial]John Birch, a Christian missionary, was murdered by the Chinese Communists just after the end of WWII. An early casualty in the struggle between freedom and world government, his death continues to serve as a valuable warning to all who would fail to oppose a "new world order".[STRONG]

How about getting us some pictures of those American nuns that were murdered by pro-Capitalist soldiers that were trained and equiped by the US? Its sad to think that those American Missionaries were murdered with our Tax dollars. This tragedy took place within our lifetimes, assuming of course that the murder of papists count as a tragedy?

Isnt 'New World Order" Bush's (and Hitlers) term? Are you advocating that we resist Bush in the name of Freedom? Now you are starting to make sense! We should resist S-1327, which establishes that stockholders have a right to earn a profit off our labor but we do not. We should resist the CFR change that was put in place without prior notice or public comment on Jan 24 that allows the TSA to strip us of our airmans certificates without due process, where we are guilty because they say so and they are not even compelled to allow us to present evidence to the contrary. What a fine job Bush is doing establishing new rights for stockholders while taking away the rights of ordinary working Americans. You must be proud of Dubya now!

Funny, I did not see where you beleive that we have the right to organize.