Airline Pilot Pay

From the link above, here are the top B-737/A-320 or equivalent Captain hourly rates for the following Airlines:

Alaska $197
Frontier $156
ATA $155
AirTran $153
US Air $152
United $147
AWA $138
Independence $132 (new)
jetBlue $126
Spirit $123
Kev3188 said:
It'd be nice if they could include the regional pay schedules as well (I know Independence Air is/was ACA). Anyone know where they might be posted?
As to the information I have received from the author, he is working on it but it might take some time. If you have any info on regional pay please send it to him.

You also should send the info about UA's F/A to him and he might start posting them too. Otheres might follow your lead and provide their info.

I have attached an overview sorted by aircraft type of cockpit pay rates. You have mixed two separate aircraft types together and it gives a distorted view. Most airlines have different pay scales by aircraft type, the information you posted is giving the wrong impression.


  • Cockpit_Pay_Rates.pdf
    94.8 KB · Views: 264
Just Plain Crazy,
I was merely copying the AirlinePilotPay.Com info, which was posted at the top of the thread. The data is not my opinion, however, I agree with you that it does probably give the wrong impression when calculating true pay rates.
very interesting website...looks as if Delta & Northwest are the highest paid B737($257hr)/A-320($212hr), at least for today. :huh:
C54Capt said:
Just Plain Crazy,
I was merely copying the AirlinePilotPay.Com info, which was posted at the top of the thread. The data is not my opinion, however, I agree with you that it does probably give the wrong impression when calculating true pay rates.
Airline lists by Airline and Aircraft Type. They don't mix it as you did it. No hard feelings!

The overview I attached is a summary of the information provided by this site and broken down into Pay Rates by Aircraft Type and the addition of and average pay summary.

You are correct with your assumption and in general DL & NW pilots get in their first year as much as others in their 12th (by aircraft type)