All the East flight crews should be united soon for first time "ever".


Dec 15, 2003
After a three day trip talking to other pilots and 30+ yr mechanic's-- unless ALPO does some kind of miracle---looks as if the only way to get rid of the award is to out vote Westies ousting ALPO from the property----we cant operate separately forever even though the East contract favors us as profit makers---a senior mechanic says forget the Teamsters etc etc--he says the ratios would not be bad if you could count on super duper growth of the company--fat chance on that---what other direction is there?
After a three day trip talking to other pilots and 30+ yr mechanic's-- unless ALPO does some kind of miracle---looks as if the only way to get rid of the award is to out vote Westies ousting ALPO from the property----we cant operate separately forever even though the East contract favors us as profit makers---a senior mechanic says forget the Teamsters etc etc--he says the ratios would not be bad if you could count on super duper growth of the company--fat chance on that---what other direction is there?
United behind what? The desire to go back on what they agreed to, just because for the first time in a long time, they couldn't bully their way into what they wanted?

The bully got a bloody nose. What kind of sympathy does that demand?
Let me explain this to you.

Changing unions will not void the arbitration award, arbitration awards are precedent setting.

Just as changing unions does not change nor void your CBA, the jurisdiction to enforce it goes to the new union.
Let me explain this to you.

Changing unions will not void the arbitration award, arbitration awards are precedent setting.

Just as changing unions does not change nor void your CBA, the jurisdiction to enforce it goes to the new union.
He's right did it,you live with it.Unless you can get both sides to vote on it.Take it or not,but I dont think thatll go over too well.
He's right did it,you live with it.Unless you can get both sides to vote on it.Take it or not,but I dont think thatll go over too well.

How do some of these east guys breath with there heads stuck so far up their own asses?
June that's uncalled for. Show a little respect, and stop fanning the flames OK?

It's a tough pill to swallow and if you were them I could hear you howling all the way from the west coast.

Fact of the matter is US East can throw you and the company right under the bus with disruptions. So play to win, not against each other but against the real enemy.


Have you not been reading this flippin' board!?! This merger has been a #### on all of us and the west pilots have been targets of unwarranted abuse. We've been made pariahs because of the decision of an arbitrator that was duly chosen by both sides.

I had empathy. But it faded very quickly after reading the insults and threats.

And don't let me start on the hypocrisy.

This merger was crammed down both of our collective throats. If you ask any of us over here, we would have picked AWA over LCC any day.

So you want respect to be given, fine. The east first!
June that's uncalled for. Show a little respect, and stop fanning the flames OK?

It's a tough pill to swallow and if you were them I could hear you howling all the way from the west coast.

Fact of the matter is US East can throw you and the company right under the bus with disruptions. So play to win, not against each other but against the real enemy.


I have learned that anything you say about the "new" US Airways is always perceived as either being entitled, thankless, or know it all Easties. You will then get comments like get over yourself, meaning that person has affirmed to you the last sentence.

East crews should not be united. US Airways EMPLOYEES should be united against a bunch of lying SOB's that speak like Christ (or as IF Christ), and react like Lucifer himself. They are sneeky and use thier boyish looks and awe shuck grins to charm you. Thank GOD I know in my heart that the majority of the Westies dont feel like this management team is the last savior.

You know, Bob, I never thought that US Airways reputation could be any worse, but in 2 short years it has. I wish we would had kept the America West name. Given that the team making crucial decisions mostly came from AW, why should the US Airways name suffer anymore carnege? Oh, I forgot, if we were America West, then it would be the fault of those pesty, entitled, thoughtless Easties anyway.... <_<
This merger was crammed down both of our collective throats. If you ask any of us over here, we would have picked AWA over LCC any day.

Your comment is why we need to respect one another and stand as one against the real evils...doug and scott.

I think you take lashing out about the west too personally. We on the east KNOW US Airways was a #### up airline...THATS a GIVEN!! The current management team...led by doug parker mainly come from the old America West. The HQ is in Tempe. BELIEVE ME when I say that if the identical INSANE decisions were made at the old US, we would be barking as loudly.

You, my friend, should be THANKFUL for the loud mouth barking of the East employees and FF's like Art and Bob. THAT group of people are forcing management to make changes for the better before we drive every FF in the US to other airlines and even lose confidence in ma and pa travelor. Even scott kirby himself APOLOGIZED...YES APOLOGIZED to Mike Flores because the company didnt listen to labor and has made POOR decision (320 recon). How do I know this? Mike's wife is a f/a and worked with her.

I am tired of the East vs West, but remember that we Easties can't look towards CCY to voice our concerns and displeasure. It now all falls to the west. Dont confuse disgust with management to be hate for the Westies. That simply isnt true.

Dont let our direct northeast emotions and sassy southern insults bother you so much. This is a forum and on the internet. It will ALWAYS be a place where people feel free to say how they really feel by typing and hitting the ADD APPLY button.

Having said that.....
Dont confuse disgust with management to be hate for the Westies. That simply isnt true.

Dont let our direct northeast emotions and sassy southern insults bother you so much. This is a forum and on the internet. It will ALWAYS be a place where people feel free to say how they really feel by typing and hitting the ADD APPLY button.

Having said that.....
Sorry, but there is NO confusion when the east pilots threaten to make our lives miserable, threaten us with whipsawing, physically threaten us on these boards, etc.

Pretty cut and drive that the focus is on my pilot group.
Sorry, but there is NO confusion when the east pilots threaten to make our lives miserable, threaten us with whipsawing, physically threaten us on these boards, etc.

How is it possible to "physically threaten" anyone within the noncorporeal ether of the internet?

"Pretty cut and drive that the focus is on my pilot group."

That's "cut and dried" btw. Another AWA poster offered "mute" versus moot point. My favorite, to date, was the hopeless moron bragging about how someone was going to be "my beeatch". The class act/true gentlemen noting that he had "pussy all over" is also noteworthy.

"I am sure you guys will really like calling my name (cactus) after certifcate merge this summer. It really is a catchy call sign."

"I’ll never fly with an arrogant East prick."

I certainly hope that the english "skills", and eloquence thus far displayed, are not representative of anything attendant to these posters aviation studies. Given that the relative lack of flight experience already places your group at some social might be beneficial to be a wee bit less demanding of "respect".
YES I have read the flippin' board and when on here as the voice of reason something is terribly wrong with the world.

You have 2 choices in reacting to what the East is saying. One is to be above all of the bile and venom and behave in a professional manner despite what others do.

Or you can choose to crawl right down there in the mud puddle and wallow in the insults hoping it will make you feel better. But it won't because while you're fighting each other HP/US Labor Relations will stick it so far up both of your collective arses that you'll feel it tickle your tonsils
Or, you can ignore it and hope that it grows up.

Have you not been reading this flippin' board!?! This merger has been a #### on all of us and the west pilots have been targets of unwarranted abuse. We've been made pariahs because of the decision of an arbitrator that was duly chosen by both sides.

I had empathy. But it faded very quickly after reading the insults and threats.

And don't let me start on the hypocrisy.

This merger was crammed down both of our collective throats. If you ask any of us over here, we would have picked AWA over LCC any day.
So you want respect to be given, fine. The east first!

BS, your proposal was even worse than what we got. Now you guys are crying over the International flying. You will get no respect from me.