American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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overheard some pilots talking on our bus about survey proposals and upcoming negotiations. I cant believe it, all the other groups are coming back to the table for more, already?

That's another issue with Section 6.

We'll be competing with two other groups for some of that Labor expense pie.
I don't dislike Democrats. Democrats = Republicans nowadays. No difference other than the leftist democrats are just commies. I love unions but hate corporate greed. Corporate greed has infested all of the industrial top level unions. Our members have paid a severe price because of it within the IAM Grand Lodge. And our pension will be depleted eventually to crumbs. The only thing left that we have is our health care but Sito and Mr Baskett will not stand in the way of that. After that, there will be nothing distinct about being union, as opposed to Delta, other than paying $800 a year for crapola.
Not buying it -- you are self proclaimed 401k millionaire who made your "profits from corporate greed". Profits that came from the backs of the American Worker.

To realize your investment returns, millions of American jobs were outsourced, and eliminated. Retirement plans were cut, and the living wage was decimated to create your profits as well. All the while, shareholders tolerated huge salaries and payouts to the very Corporate Leaders, and CEO's that made your returns possible... Shareholders like YOU took advantage of the American Worker while claiming to hate corporate greed!

Yep, and guess what. We will be pushed to the back burner by the Company because the Pilots and F/A's contract will take priority over ours. The Contract Revisit Clauses are coming Due Again [Every 24 -36 months] and The Association could care less if you go several more years under the current POS
Chapter 11 TWU Contact.
More YEARS without 10 Holidays and 6 weeks Vacation and 9% 401K and Delta +3.

It sure makes a lot of sense to me: Give up over $20,000 in Wages and benefit Increases to save $13,200 on LUS Health care.
[Approx numbers for 2 years]

You are basing all of that monetary gain on TOP OUT wages. The numbers aren’t the same throughout the pay scale.
Not EVERYONE is topped out.
Speaking of DELTA +3%......
The company is offering that at DOS...their offer is NOT to keep us at Top of Industry throughout the agreement...How long do you think it will take before the NC would hear...” We are getting paid less than UA or Less than DELTA” if we don’t secure language to prevent that?
The Association proposal is to be at TOS on DOS AND KEEP US THERE THROUGHOUT.
The 401k is 5%....not 9%. The other 4% only comes if the employee contributes their own 4%
How many agents that are not topped out can afford to put in an extra 4 % of their pay with increases to their medical of up to $6,564.00 more per year?
The extra week of vacation WOULD NOT be for EVERYONE either. Just for those with the years of service to get 6 weeks.
DO NOT FORGET the issue of the company wanting to ELIMINATE between 5,000-7,000 association related JOBS!!
Please tell me THE PRICE YOU PUT ON THAT!!!!!!!
Not to mention the outstanding issue of PROFIT SHARING!
Now tell me what sense it makes.
Yep, and guess what. We will be pushed to the back burner by the Company because the Pilots and F/A's contract will take priority over ours. The Contract Revisit Clauses are coming Due Again [Every 24 -36 months] and The Association could care less if you go several more years under the current POS
Chapter 11 TWU Contact.
More YEARS without 10 Holidays and 6 weeks Vacation and 9% 401K and Delta +3.

It sure makes a lot of sense to me: Give up over $20,000 in Wages and benefit Increases to save $13,200 on LUS Health care.
[Approx numbers for 2 years]


The Association could care less? Well you see here’s the dichotomy of a comment like that. The Anti Union people always claim its more about dues than anything else. Well they get their dues through our wages and the more our wages rise the more dues they make and the more opportunities those Leaders have to gain raises themselves. So not sure how you draw your conclusion?
You are basing all of that monetary gain on TOP OUT wages. The numbers aren’t the same throughout the pay scale.
Not EVERYONE is topped out.
Speaking of DELTA +3%......
The company is offering that at DOS...their offer is NOT to keep us at Top of Industry throughout the agreement...How long do you think it will take before the NC would hear...” We are getting paid less than UA or Less than DELTA” if we don’t secure language to prevent that?
The Association proposal is to be at TOS on DOS AND KEEP US THERE THROUGHOUT.
The 401k is 5%....not 9%. The other 4% only comes if the employee contributes their own 4%
How many agents that are not topped out can afford to put in an extra 4 % of their pay with increases to their medical of up to $6,564.00 more per year?
The extra week of vacation WOULD NOT be for EVERYONE either. Just for those with the years of service to get 6 weeks.
DO NOT FORGET the issue of the company wanting to ELIMINATE between 5,000-7,000 association related JOBS!!
Please tell me THE PRICE YOU PUT ON THAT!!!!!!!
Not to mention the outstanding issue of PROFIT SHARING!
Now tell me what sense it makes.

Rusty doesn’t care because he says we’re going back into Bankruptcy Court in another year or two so he thinks we should jump in those life rafts now.
That's another issue with Section 6.

We'll be competing with two other groups for some of that Labor expense pie.

So when do you think the Company is going to make that “Official” offer that you think is coming?

Are you ok if we don’t gain back any Stations that you voted to give up in the Bankruptcy besides the ones currently held by the IAM? Are you ok if they keep the “When and where so directed” for Lavs? Are you ok with giving up even more Fleet Service/Agent work for $$Money$$?

Since although you’ll spin it anyway it’s obvious that you support striking a deal and I also believe as an individual with 1988 Seniority and a Crew Chief you will vote yes (I’m 100% positive of that) I just want to know if there’s anything that anyone in the 30,000 large Association could lose that would bother you?
It's not a game to me. I've been supporting our health care AND United's health care from day one. You voted to toss United's health care in the garbage and I was out campaigning against their anti union deal you voted upon. You said on here that that wasn't your fight. Really?

Well now, you dopes realize that Parker is only asking you to approve of something you already approved of at United. From his perspective, why would he not want fair treatment? You clowns waived off part time caps over there as well, and now you are crying that Parker wants to loosen part time here. How about you look in the damn mirror and reflect on all of the dopey decisions you made that are now coming back to haunt us?

You, sir, are our enemy. You hosed United, and you will surely not protect our health care here. And obviously, you go pretty silent on this awful IAM pension as well. You only say and do what you are told. That's the difference between me and you. I'm proud of everything I have done and you can't even enforce the contract you have as you idiots have back to back part time but the original langtuage is lost on you knuckleheads because you just don't listen.

Carry on!
Tim is there any way the current negotiators can be replaced?
So when do you think the Company is going to make that “Official” offer that you think is coming?

Are you ok if we don’t gain back any Stations that you voted to give up in the Bankruptcy besides the ones currently held by the IAM? Are you ok if they keep the “When and where so directed” for Lavs? Are you ok with giving up even more Fleet Service/Agent work for $$Money$$?

Since although you’ll spin it anyway it’s obvious that you support striking a deal and I also believe as an individual with 1988 Seniority and a Crew Chief you will vote yes (I’m 100% positive of that) I just want to know if there’s anything that anyone in the 30,000 large Association could lose that would bother you?
Weez if hes your local President shouldnt he be acessable to you ?
You are basing all of that monetary gain on TOP OUT wages. The numbers aren’t the same throughout the pay scale.
Not EVERYONE is topped out.
Speaking of DELTA +3%......
The company is offering that at DOS...their offer is NOT to keep us at Top of Industry throughout the agreement...How long do you think it will take before the NC would hear...” We are getting paid less than UA or Less than DELTA” if we don’t secure language to prevent that?
The Association proposal is to be at TOS on DOS AND KEEP US THERE THROUGHOUT.
The 401k is 5%....not 9%. The other 4% only comes if the employee contributes their own 4%
How many agents that are not topped out can afford to put in an extra 4 % of their pay with increases to their medical of up to $6,564.00 more per year?
The extra week of vacation WOULD NOT be for EVERYONE either. Just for those with the years of service to get 6 weeks.
DO NOT FORGET the issue of the company wanting to ELIMINATE between 5,000-7,000 association related JOBS!!
Please tell me THE PRICE YOU PUT ON THAT!!!!!!!
Not to mention the outstanding issue of PROFIT SHARING!
Now tell me what sense it makes.
That’s because he doesn’t give a damn about no one but himself
Weez if hes your local President shouldnt he be acessable to you ?

Even if he is my Local President he doesn’t have to answer the questions on how he would vote and he has already stated that he doesn’t want to go into Section 6 without having voted on a deal first.

Other questions I asked are up to him if he has the fortitude of his convictions to answer or not?
Even if he is my Local President he doesn’t have to answer the questions on how he would vote and he has already stated that he doesn’t want to go into Section 6 without having voted on a deal first.

Other questions I asked are up to him if he has the fortitude of his convictions to answer or not?
Does he habe an office you can visit?
Does he habe an office you can visit?

I’m not interested in going to his office if he makes himself readily available on Social Media for public display.

Besides I honestly think he’d blow his stack if I showed up there.
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