Airlines have you completely at their mercy and it sucks. AA totally screwed my husband which caused him to miss a fishing trip years in the making. Flight delayed and deplaned, he was going to miss his connection to Key West. While in the hour +line (me in the hour+ line on the phone at home ), the plane leaves, no loudspeaker announcement, AFTER the plane leaves he gets a text that he has been rebooked out of Charlotte HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT!!! While at the counter,he finds another flight BUT their computers are down and he can’t get a ticket issued , while he stands there THAT flight leaves! Now all they can offer is stand by to Miami but all flights to Key West are full . Leaving him stranded in Miami! Now he has to go stand in another hour line at Resolution to be told nothing they can do and he may not get his money back !!! WHAT ????? He literally missed the boat, now he has to pay 450 dollars for a flight they screwed up on ???? Come on. !! Shame on you American Airlines.. make this right !