Amfa Informational Meeting


Sep 30, 2003
To Mechanic & Related Workers at AA

I would like to make a public service announcement that the AMFA-NEC is holding meetings in Tulsa, OK on April 27, 28, and 29th. Dell has comitted to being available for an informational meeting on April 30th at the AMFA, Local 12 meeting hall. Feel free to stop down and hear Dell's perspective on what is going on in the industry today and what AMFA thinks should be done relative to the situation.

As some of you already know the Card Drive at AA is ratcheting up and we look to gather momentum for a filing later this year. The fact that AA has just announced another layoff of 513 workers at MCI, with the most layoffs in the Mechanic & Related Classification, should serve as a wake up call to all those that believed that capitulation to AA's demands for more concessions was going to actually save their jobs. Of course, this was but just another case of theft by deception. Let us not forget that AA was assisted in this theft by their faithful servant, the twu International and satellite locals.

Now, with the Kansas City crowd getting twu screwed they had better wake up and smell the coffee. AMFA organizers at AA informed them they were being kept as an anti-AMFA tool as early as March of 2003 and they bought the AA lie and withheld from signing AMFA authorization cards. Well, we don't have that problem now, do we? The MCI group can rest assured that they are the victims of the bad faith representation of the twu, industry leader in concessions.

Let us all band together to help stop the rape of this once proud industry and start kicking to the curb all the bought off unions that have served the captains of the aviation industry and government well. AMFA has been the only union to consistently fight the good fight for mechanics. The iam, twu and ibt have been silent about what is happening. Instead, those sell outs use media hype and thugs to lie to the memberships and keep the dues monies flowing.

Sign your AMFA Authorization Card now!! Let's kick the lying, thieving felons, boozers and dopers off our property as representatives once and for all.
The rape of a once proud industry will stop once the unions start doing the right thing, that is taking care of their own without selling out their membership.
I am anxiously awaiting to see what AMFA will do at UAL since Tilton said he will tear up the labor agreements!
Now, with the Kansas City crowd getting twu screwed they had better wake up and smell the coffee.

We were screwed all right, and we smelt the coffee long before you. I wish I lived closer, I'd love to hear how Delle is going to stop outsourcing, lower fuel costs, and regulate our wages/benefits scales. He must be a powerful person...btw..good luck in your ventures, those remaining with AA are going to need it. It will not be AMFA or the TWU to save your profession...anyhow...good luck.
It would be nice to see Delle use his time to help the his membership at NWA, AS and UAL instead of trying to save us at AA.
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AAmech said:
It would be nice to see Delle use his time to help the his membership at NWA, AS and UAL instead of trying to save us at AA.
How about starting a twu card drive at NWA, UAL, or AS???? What about US Air??? The 3 time iam concessions aren't saving them are they? Put your twu card drive where your mouth is.

Delle is coming because WE, the unhappy soldout for 22+ years twu members ASKED him to come. You twu bubbas still don't get it do you? This is a ground floor movement, twu members want change, and the twu International WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!! Therefore, your "RAID" chants don't hold water.

So, you have Mr. O.V Delle-Femine coming to Tulsa. Got it??? Should be interesting to see what he has to say. See ya there.
Your obviously confused. Amfa is the outfit that has endless card drives. Most unions are too busy trying to serve their members. Instead of pissing away more money and time on ANOTHER card drive Amfa should be using their time, energy and money working to help their existing members. It sure would'nt hurt to work on their contract writing skills to undo the damage they've inflicted on OUR craft! If they did these things maybe there would be a day where the amfa supporters could stand up proudly and point to their accomplishments instead of just bashing other unions and running from their record.
Does anyone really think that our profession will return to each airline doing it's major O/H and putting an end to outsourcing? The seperate airlines cannot even stabilize a price increase, much less, attempt to build a reputable workforce within the US.

AMFA followers will continue to scream the same old slogans, the TWU will again fight the drive, and life goes on with the gutting of our work and benefits...and I should be upset about being furloughed?

I may not go out and immediately make what I am currently...but it won't be long until I'll match you or better yet, you'll match me. You need to go find another profession, not another union.
AAmech said:
Your obviously confused. Amfa is the outfit that has endless card drives. Most unions are too busy trying to serve their members. Instead of pissing away more money and time on ANOTHER card drive Amfa should be using their time, energy and money working to help their existing members. It sure would'nt hurt to work on their contract writing skills to undo the damage they've inflicted on OUR craft! If they did these things maybe there would be a day where the amfa supporters could stand up proudly and point to their accomplishments instead of just bashing other unions and running from their record.

No confusion at all. We as organizers know what we are doing and that is changing our current bargaining agent. If you want to change your career for the better we as mechanics and related need to change unions. If you would like to continue down the same path and capitulate.Stay with the twu. They will continue to degrade our wages and benifits till there is nothing left,but the dues that you pay. How do think your children would feel if they went into this career field and found out that their parents decided to be cowards and sell out their future for their own self interest when they had the chance to fight for their chidrens future. As for as the AMFA representing their membership, they are doing that by fighting the companies at every turn as you have seen at NW,UAL, AL and the other airlines. If the twu were at these airlines they would simply turn around and stick their a$$ in the air. A perfect example is the fact the 500 million in concessions that the 514 in tulsa gave up with out even a vote. I would have thought that the local 514 would have wanted something back, as in a one for one trade,but I guess the company knows exactly who they are in bed with (Dennis Burchettes words not mine). It seems to me that the number 500 million was the same number that the company used to threaten us with. You remember don't you if we go into bankruptcy we will ask the judge for another 500 million to cover the cost of bankruptcy. It seems to me that the company has played the twu and local 514 like a fiddle and have gotten exactly what they wanted, just a little bit later. Oh and let us not forget about the layoff's that we did not get credit for.
I will compare contract language any time you would like. The twu has been giving concession for at least 25 years and you expect the AMFA to come in and change all of their give backs in one contract. Do you remember what union it was that went all the way to a PEB and received approx a 9 dollar an hour raise? You know the one that the twu could'nt get on it's own and had to ride the the backs of the guys that were rolling their toolbox's out the door. I will give you another clue. They are the union that are still receiving top pay. I thought that it was part of twu's constitution to preserve wages and working conditions? Not union dues!!!!!!!!!!The only unions that I see running are the afl-cio unions. They are running from AMFA and straight into the warm confines of the companies bed. Hope to see you in Tulsa on the 30th so that you can learn a little more.
AAmech said:
Your obviously confused. Amfa is the outfit that has endless card drives. Most unions are too busy trying to serve their members. Instead of pissing away more money and time on ANOTHER card drive Amfa should be using their time, energy and money working to help their existing members. It sure would'nt hurt to work on their contract writing skills to undo the damage they've inflicted on OUR craft! If they did these things maybe there would be a day where the amfa supporters could stand up proudly and point to their accomplishments instead of just bashing other unions and running from their record.

You do not understand the meaning of being confused. Nor do you understand the meaning of posting the truth. What is your point of AMFA's card drives? Are you saying that AMFA is more successful in democraticaly having elections where they were chosen over industrial unions than the twu is? Why don't you talk about the twu's card drive to unionize casino dealers? How does that help AMTs?

You truely are an idiot by saying AMFA damaged MY craft. You aren't an AMT. What wouldn't hurt would be for twu supporting cowards such as yourself to admit the twu is NOT democratic nor are they held accountable for their sellout actions. Why don't you also admit that the iam was the one who negotiated the "damage" you speak about?

AMFA supporters aren't "bashing" other unions. We are simply pointing out the DAMAGE these other industrial unions have cause MY craft & profession.

Tell me now coward, when will we get our FULL REVOTE? LOL!
decision 2007'

"I may not go out and immediately make what I am currently...but it won't be long until I'll match you or better yet, you'll match me. You need to go find another profession, not another union."

Your last sentence speaks volumes about your ability to fight for what is right. Why are you afraid of fighting to protect & promote your profession? Is it because the twu international has no position left for you?
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AAmech said:
Your obviously confused. Amfa is the outfit that has endless card drives. Most unions are too busy trying to serve their members. Instead of pissing away more money and time on ANOTHER card drive Amfa should be using their time, energy and money working to help their existing members. It sure would'nt hurt to work on their contract writing skills to undo the damage they've inflicted on OUR craft! If they did these things maybe there would be a day where the amfa supporters could stand up proudly and point to their accomplishments instead of just bashing other unions and running from their record.
Mechanics deal puts union on map AMFA wins respect
with Northwest pact
Marilyn Adams. USA TODAY. McLean, Va.: Apr 17, 2001

Northwest Airlines' men and women in jumpsuits, the people who fix the planes, are walking
taller these days.
Last week, the union that represents Northwest's 9,000 mechanics, the Aircraft Mechanics
Fraternal Association (AMFA), ended 19 months of contentious negotiations with a tentative
contract that would make its mechanics the best paid in the industry by far.
Even before members have voted on the contract, it has turned heads in airline boardrooms and
hangars, bringing attention and grudging respect to this relatively unknown union.................

AAmech, and you have a selective memory. AMFA set the bar in 2001, and your twu couldn't match it. :unsure: YOU KNOW IT, AND I KNOW IT. Endless card drives??? I think 8 airlines would disagree. AMFA did file at the NMB last year on AA. We would have had an election except your friends in manAAgement assisted your twu to lie and cheat to stop the vote. Why are you so afraid of a representational vote??? Why does the compAAny want to keep its toy union so bad??? Has to be a good reason, right???

Contract writing skills??? Surely you jest.....look at our present contract, and then look at the past contracts for 22 years. Concessions.....after concessions.....after good times with record AA profits. Couple this with the thousands on the streets, and the lying unelected sellouts we have in the International. Hmmm, that's an ugly, ugly picture. Punks, Drunks and Cowards.... nothing more.

Come to the meeting in Tulsa, and ask the AMFA NEC any twu lies you have the stones to ask. Should be as much fun to watch as Looney Tunes on Saturday morning. :lol: :rolleyes: :lol:
A perfect example is the fact the 500 million in concessions that the 514 in tulsa gave up with out even a vote.

Since when is commiting to $500 million in increased revenue a concession?

You AMFA guys need to come to grips with a couple of things:

1. If you think a new union is going to be able to change much of anything you are a fool. All you're going to do is reshuffle the deck, maybe you can get higher wages for increased productivity, meaning fewer AMTs doing the same amount work. AMFA can't Bring back the good old days, stop kidding yourself.

2. Is that are to comprehend that in March '03 oil was at about half of what it is today and that commitments that were made were based on the idea that oil would stay about the same price? Meaning that you weren't lied to, but things changed and AA had to adjust their plans. I this really that difficult of a concept?

3. You can't fight a company losing money. AA will just declare bankruptcy and have the contract thrown out. Then everyone will lose there jobs and what will you have accomplished? Keep in mind that 99% of people are more interested in feeding their family than defending a profession.
Last week, the union that represents Northwest's 9,000 mechanics, the Aircraft Mechanics
Fraternal Association (AMFA

Remember the good ol days when there WERE 9000 mechanics at NWA? :down:
AAmech said:
Your obviously confused. Amfa is the outfit that has endless card drives. Most unions are too busy trying to serve their members. Instead of pissing away more money and time on ANOTHER card drive Amfa should be using their time, energy and money working to help their existing members. It sure would'nt hurt to work on their contract writing skills to undo the damage they've inflicted on OUR craft! If they did these things maybe there would be a day where the amfa supporters could stand up proudly and point to their accomplishments instead of just bashing other unions and running from their record.

Didnt the TWU use over $2 million of our dues in an unsuccessful bid to 'represent" Delta?

How many TWU drives were done by volunteers with donated funds in the last twenty years?

Didnt the TWU, along with the rest of the AFL-CIO make a new commitment to organizing?

The TWU International only serves themselves. They talk of serving the members while colecting six figure salaries and bringing nothing but concessions back.