Attention! Benefits Enrollment Changes


Jun 28, 2003
I knew there was something wrong with the projections on my Benefits
Enrollment site, but everytime I would call Human Resources I would get a different answer and usually I could tell the person did not know what they were talking about.

The error I found on my projections were with the employee life insurance. They originally had 4 choices on the drop down menu...of which two of those choices did not make any sense at all...they had a negative amount being paid by me each month.
Well, today I logged on and there was one choice besides the standard $70,000. I called HR and the gal told me that they had mistakes on the Benefits Enrollment Site and that they had fixed them last week....and that what I saw two weeks ago was incorrect. WoW! What if I had just stayed with the $70,000 and given up this opportunity to raise my life insurance without a statement of health...all because
they had incorrect information posted to thousands of employees.

So, please check your life insurance selection and make sure that it has not changed. There may be other corrections on there that I have not picked up on yet.