As a pilot for a major airline, I would discourage anyone wishing to take this job. Yes, it is enjoyable because you're doing something you like to do and the environment is constantly changing. However, the time away from home and family (particularly during the holidays), the inability to schedule anything in your life, and the living on the road in shabby hotels eating substandard food really starts taking a toll as time goes on. And if you are commuting to work, that makes long (15 hour) days even longer.
Add to all of this the six month you bet your career checkrides and medical exams, along with the declining pay/benefit packages, and more productivity being demanded by managements, and you have a job where at age 45 you are stuck being a slave to your company for declining wages and benefits, and less time off to enjoy the things in life like moving to a smaller house.
It is not the golden jewel of a job it was, and I think that other fields have more to offer in terms of compensation, benefits, and family life.
Just one man's opinion.