Boeing cutting 2000 HR and Finance jobs.


Oct 20, 2007
Hey Eolesen aren’t you in Finance?

At the end of last month, on the same day that Boeing touted plans to hire 10,000 people this year, senior leadership convened virtual meetings internally to break bad news to “””nonunion staff””” in human resources and finance.

Despite the growth elsewhere, those corporate positions will be slashed through substantial job cuts and layoffs.

“We expect about 2,000 reductions this year primarily in Finance and HR through a combination of attrition and layoffs,” Boeing confirmed Monday.

Boeing is outsourcing about a third of those jobs to Tata Consulting Services in Bengaluru, India.

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picked up 50 shares at $129/share last year. have a current limit order to buy another 30 at $200/share. not looking to good for boeing to get back to $200.

i believe in the holy duopoly of boeing/airbus for at least another 40 years and boeing could get back into the $400s when they reinstate a dividend.
Hey Eolesen aren’t you in Finance?
Nope. I used to support them as IT, but now am part of what USAir v2.0 calls the IOC.

This type of outsourcing is nothing new in other industries. Using TCS can be a double edge sword. They'll find people to work for 20% of what someone in WA or VA would earn without all the paid leave & healthcare coverage some states are now mandating. The problem is turnover. Those people stay for 4-6 months and leave.

The hand wringing over forced ranking is interesting... there's always going to be a top 10% and a bottom 10%. We used it at every company I've been with, and I rarely had to push anyone down or up to make the curve fit.

Its a cold hard fact some people do just enough not to get fired, and others go above and beyond. If Boeing's managers have trouble being honest about having underachievers, that says wonders about their culture... and more about who they've promoted as people leaders.

It's what you do with the bottom that matters. Firing them is the easy way out, but it's better to come up with a way to salvage the investment youve already made i.e come up with a development plan to bring them up, or find a different position where they'll be more effective.
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Nope. I used to support them as IT, but now am part of what USAir v2.0 calls the IOC.

This type of outsourcing is nothing new in other industries. Using TCS can be a double edge sword. They'll find people to work for 20% of what someone in WA or VA would earn without all the paid leave & healthcare coverage some states are now mandating. The problem is turnover. Those people stay for 4-6 months and leave.

The hand wringing over forced ranking is interesting... there's always going to be a top 10% and a bottom 10%. We used it at every company I've been with, and I rarely had to push anyone down or up to make the curve fit.

Its a cold hard fact some people do just enough not to get fired, and others go above and beyond. If Boeing's managers have trouble being honest about having underachievers, that says wonders about their culture... and more about who they've promoted as people leaders.

It's what you do with the bottom that matters. Firing them is the easy way out, but it's better to come up with a way to salvage the investment youve already made i.e come up with a development plan to bring them up, or find a different position where they'll be more effective.

I personally noticed how the article said they broke the bad news to “nonunion staff”

In other words if these workers had a union and even more importantly a contract that protected their work maybe this article wouldn’t even exist.

And no I don’t take any pleasure in anyone losing their jobs but I’m not at surprised that it’s occurring.
I personally noticed how the article said they broke the bad news to “nonunion staff”

In other words if these workers had a union and even more importantly a contract that protected their work maybe this article wouldn’t even exist.

And no I don’t take any pleasure in anyone losing their jobs but I’m not at surprised that it’s occurring.
American Airlines did away with my whole shop and TUL.

UNION didn't help much there did it?

Over 100 jobs.
Cry me a River.
I'm not after your sympathies.

My point was, and it obviously went over your head, that a UNION contract will NOT save your job if the company wants to get rid of you.

How many stations used to have American Airlines TWU employees and are now serviced by contractors?

You CHOSE to walk away.
Yes I did. But out of over 100 people I assume some did not.

Play the victim much?
Every person in that shop who paid dues was a victim of the TWU. Except the 2 UNION officers...... naturally.
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Cry me a River.

And the CBA gives options on what to texted workers options are.

You CHOSE to walk away.

Play the victim much?

What he can’t understand is that just like so many other Airlines, AA in 2011 filed for Bankruptcy protection looking/needing to cut costs. Part of that cost cutting under the BK law calls for an equal and equitable distribution of all unsecured creditors. The TWU is autonomous so the International doesn’t make the ultimate call how those cuts are crafted. So within the Locals the Presidents and their Executive Boards need to convey if their portion of cuts come from Jobs (Work) or Pay or a mixture of both.

Because of the concessions of 2003 there would be no appetite for the membership to vote yes for further pay cuts being as how pay was basically anemic since. Leadership knew any deep pay cuts were not going to pass. So in both Fleet and M&R work became the sacrifice. And M&R “Members” absolutely weren’t going to salvage those within their Class and Craft who basically didn’t have any measurable taught outside skills. And in a Union it’s the “Members” who make that ultimate choice in their votes.

Since his group for whatever they did at the Airline was only 100 people and I guess wasn’t the group I was thinking about that went to TULE they may not have had any Fleet Ramp time so they may not have had any options? He doesn’t even seem to know who they are so he must have been separate? Those others who did come from the Ramp would have had opportunities for at least an eventual transfer to get back in.

There are and were a lot of different job functions in Fleet and M&R. Bankruptcy sucks. Don’t know what more I can say. Nothing will ever soothe his anger though.

And although he doesn’t care about the story anyway.

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I'm not after your sympathies.

My point was, and it obviously went over your head, that a UNION contract will NOT save your job if the company wants to get rid of you.

How many stations used to have American Airlines TWU employees and are now serviced by contractors?

Yes I did. But out of over 100 people I assume some did not.

Every person in that shop who paid dues was a victim of the TWU. Except the 2 UNION officers...... naturally.

Here you go man in case you never read it. Yes you’re right that there’s little any Union can do when it comes to a Company filing Bankruptcy and asking for financial relief. But if you want to throw all the weight on the Unions shoulders who am I to stop you.

You could just say the TULE cuts were a delayed payback for deicing and pushback work going from mechanics to fleet in 1989 or whenever that was...
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You could just say the TULE cuts were a delayed payback for deicing and pushback work going from mechanics to fleet in 1989 or whenever that was...

Maybe. But shifting that work back to M&R kept many of them from facing the chopping block instead of La Li. And Robert Gless was also an AMT so.

Edit: I’m sure the AMT’s looked at those people as no different than any other subcontractor. TWU represented or not.
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What he can’t understand is that just like so many other Airlines, AA in 2011 filed for Bankruptcy protection looking/needing to cut costs. Part of that cost cutting under the BK law calls for an equal and equitable distribution of all unsecured creditors. The TWU is autonomous so the International doesn’t make the ultimate call how those cuts are crafted. So within the Locals the Presidents and their Executive Boards need to convey if their portion of cuts come from Jobs (Work) or Pay or a mixture of both.

Because of the concessions of 2003 there would be no appetite for the membership to vote yes for further pay cuts being as how pay was basically anemic since. Leadership knew any deep pay cuts were not going to pass. So in both Fleet and M&R work became the sacrifice. And M&R “Members” absolutely weren’t going to salvage those within their Class and Craft who basically didn’t have any measurable taught outside skills. And in a Union it’s the “Members” who make that ultimate choice in their votes.

Since his group for whatever they did at the Airline was only 100 people and I guess wasn’t the group I was thinking about that went to TULE they may not have had any Fleet Ramp time so they may not have had any options? He doesn’t even seem to know who they are so he must have been separate? Those others who did come from the Ramp would have had opportunities for at least an eventual transfer to get back in.

There are and were a lot of different job functions in Fleet and M&R. Bankruptcy sucks. Don’t know what more I can say. Nothing will ever soothe his anger though.

And although he doesn’t care about the story anyway.

I was in Fleet Service. Instead of working at the airport I worked at the maintenance base. We cleaned and stocked the aircraft, changed upholstery, changed the carpets. That sort of thing.

My anger does not come from my shop getting cut. My anger comes from the fact that the 2 UNION officers were PUSHING a CONCESSIONARY contract. After the vote those two were MIRACULOUSLY the only two that landed a local, ready made job out of over 100 people.

You could just say the TULE cuts were a delayed payback for deicing and pushback work going from mechanics to fleet in 1989 or whenever that was...
Why would you say that? Mechanics do not vote on the Fleet Service contract.

Maybe. But shifting that work back to M&R kept many of them from facing the chopping block instead of La Li. And Robert Gless was also an AMT so.

Edit: I’m sure the AMT’s looked at those people as no different than any other subcontractor. TWU represented or not.
That's the TWU way alright. You are Brother "insert name here" until someone can stab you in the back for their own benefit.

Just ask Brother Cirri.
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I was in Fleet Service. Instead of working at the airport I worked at the maintenance base. We cleaned and stocked the aircraft, changed upholstery, changed the carpets. That sort of thing.

My anger does not come from my shop getting cut. My anger comes from the fact that the 2 UNION officers were PUSHING a CONCESSIONARY contract. After the vote those two were MIRACULOUSLY the only two that landed a local, ready made job out of over 100 people.

Why would you say that? Mechanics do not vote on the Fleet Service contract.

That's the TWU way alright. You are Brother "insert name here" until someone can stab you in the back for their own benefit.

Just ask Brother Cirri.

The AMT’s wanted that work transferred over to them to keep more of their members on the property over you. Even if it was us who voted in that LOA it was an AMT who signed that deal with AA transferring the work.

And you being angry 😡 doesn’t change the fact that when I looked just last week Sam Cirri is still on the manning for FMT.

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