BOMBS mailed to leading Democrats ! (MUST be FAKE NEWS)

No one cares, till there is a suspect in custody and what their motives were. Sounds like another Ford fiasco to me. I could be wrong after all look who they were sent to. If this is real and not another Democratic hoax the motive will be real interesting.
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No one cares, till there is a suspect in custody and what their motives were. Sounds like another Ford fiasco to me. I could be wrong after all look who they were sent to. If this is real and not another Democratic hoax the motive will be real interesting.

Did " No One Care ", the very second AA flt 11 smashed into the World Trade Center ?? Did we know at "impact" that it was OBL ?? This has correctly been labeled as TERRORISM, by the FBI. Does it 'make a difference' that the UNI Bomber's packages exploded, while these did Not ???????????
YOU are a SICK, SICK -Rick !!!
This is too funny. Don Lemon is flipping out. Dems continue to cry wolf.
Hehehehehehe. Don Lemonhead is such a crybaby. Whiney wiener he is. Republican politicians being harassed left and right at Hillary’s and Waters taunts and he says nothing. Idiot Democrats send themselves fake bombs then he wants to cry a river. Where is the Greg Gutfield Show when you need it.
Did " No One Care ", the very second AA flt 11 smashed into the World Trade Center ?? Did we know at "impact" that it was OBL ?? This has correctly been labeled as TERRORISM, by the FBI. Does it 'make a difference' that the UNI Bomber's packages exploded, while these did Not ???????????
YOU are a SICK, SICK -Rick !!!
The only problem with your statement is that you are confusing reality and fantasy.