Bye Bye ALPA Pension

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Biff said: Don't you just hate it when your words are used against you?

Chip comments: There is a movement to terminate all US Airways defined benefit pension plans. Will it happen I do not know. However, what I do know is I have a six figure job offer if I want to take it. How about you?

[P][SPAN class=t]US Airways'' President and CEO Comments on Senate Vote Defeating Pension Restoration Funding Plan[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=tt]Wednesday January 22, 7:42 pm ET[/SPAN]
[DIV class=ar]ARLINGTON, Va., Jan. 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- US Airways President and Chief Executive Officer David Siegel issued the following statement this evening after the vote by the U.S. Senate to defeat by a vote of 64-31 the Specter amendment to H.J. Res. 2, the FY 2003 omnibus appropriations bill. The amendment would have granted the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) the ability to authorize a restoration funding plan for the US Airways pension obligations.[BR][BR]We are deeply disappointed by the outcome of this evening''s vote and the failure of the Senate to see the wisdom and public benefits of a restoration funding proposal to allow us to maintain our pension plans and meet our funding obligations, rather than turn the liability over to the federal government. All of us appreciate the tenacity of Senators Specter and Santorum in getting this measure to the Senate floor twice within the first three weeks of this new Congress -- as well as the efforts of Senators Allen, Dole, Warner, Edwards, and Clinton as cosponsors, and the 24 other senators who voted to support the amendment.
[P]We continue to support and work for any solution that maintains pension benefits which our pilots have worked so hard to earn, especially given the sacrifices they have already made to help this company successfully restructure. [/P][/DIV]
As an outsider looking in, it is absolutely disgusting to see how childish the pilots are acting now. Before...they were pressing everyone else to settle with the company to keep it alive. Now that they may see deeper cuts like everyone else, they are wanting to sink the entire company - instead of practicing what they were preaching.

As they told others...if you don't like it, go find another job and quit.

You'd think they let toddlers pilot the planes around here - among other positions. I'm glad however, that there are some mature people around here who aren't wanting to sink the whole ship.
Oh come on Chip, take one for the team, just like you told us. If you dont like it quit, just like you told us. Chip, bye bye, best wishes, dont let the door hit you on the way out. Your pension is gone and there is not a darn thing you can do to stop it. Face the facts it is reality. Don't you just hate it when your words are used against you?
Chip is just lashing out, US has stated the other pensions are safe, the pilots is the only one in trouble. Funny how people change their tune when the shoe is on there foot.[BR][BR]The only movement he is talking about is his fellow pilots wanting everyone to get screwed and not just them.
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The job is out of this country and will require a decision for my family because of our children and their education, but the good news is I am not high and dry. The problem is the position does not have a retirement plan as well as being out of the country, but US Airways may not have a pension for any of us in the near future, if the airline "closes its doors".

As of today, the ALPA MEC was in favor 12-0 to not voluntarily terminate the pension plan. Furthermore, the Legislative Affairs Committee knew of today's vote result before hand and the likely outcome, which is why Bill Pollock called for the Special MEC meeting tomorrow.

I have some time to make my employment decision because of a personal relationship; therefore, it's in my families best interest for me to wait and see how the pilot pension issue is resolved.

By the way, what's your Plan "B"?

On 1/22/2003 7:25:01 PM chipmunn wrote:


Biff said: Don't you just hate it when your words are used against you?

Chip comments: There is a movement to terminate all US Airways defined benefit pension plans. Will it happen I do not know. However, what I do know is I have a six figure job offer if I want to take it. How about you?



By what authority to you speak? A hunch? Misery loves Company? What?
Did Seigel not say the company would instate a different plan for the pilots if their's is terminated to make up for what they may lose. Once again, this is another issue getting out hand on these boards. Everyone needs to chill. There is no way some over 4000 pilots are going to watch their jobs evaporate over this. Chip may have an offer, but many do not, will never find a job that pays as much as they get now (especially the over 50 bunch, sorry, but there is age discrimination in the job market), nor are many qualified to do much else. A college degree earned 25 years ago and no experience in business will not get you far.
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I think you should prepare a resume. By the way, I'm ahead of you on this issue.

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/22/2003 7:49:51 PM willnotworkforfree wrote:
[P]What ya think Biffe..should we bend over to make the Pile-its feel warm and cozy, or remind them of 92. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]I think what comes around goes around. Karma is a beautiful thing, and now it his hitting them ten fold. I think it is poetic justlice. 1992 is still fresh in my mind, it is payback time.

If the job offer is so great what is there to think about? I guess your gone and will no longer post here. I will miss you. Best wishes.

- Oh please......
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Biff, I'm very pragmatic and I do not lash out at people, unlike others on this board. Furthermmore, Tim Nelson and I are the only two people with the courage to use our real identity to debate issues.

As I said in anotehr thread, tomorrow the ALPA Retirement and Insurance Committee, Negotiating Committee, MEC officers and Communications Committee will be conducting an internal meeting with ALPA and MEC professional and legal advisors at the ALPA offices in Herndon. MEC Chairman Bill Pollock has scheduled the meeting to coordinate pension plan issues and MEC contingency strategies.

I believe you will be surprised at what comes out of the MEC meeting. The agenda is interesting.

actually I wish them the best, not because I am a caring person,...just that I am in a good mood right now.
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