Change in the US but no change at AA


Dec 21, 2002
Why is it that people were motivated enough to enable a power change in the government but not to enact a party change at American Airlines?

We applaud Bush's setback citing the Iraq war and the class warfare that exists in this country, but the TWU gets to stay in power without a argument!

We want to see the rich pay more in taxes, but we don't demand that the TWU leadership pay more in terms of the sacrifices we made and still make.

We see ethically challenged politician scumbags get caught with their pants down, literally, but no one has the nerve to demand that the pro company union leadership be held accountable.

We have TWU leaders in bed with company determining our fate at OUR expense, but we don't see this as class warfare!

Because the majority at certain bases, wont mention any names, are scared and have been brainwashed into thinking that they are lucky to have a job.

Bonuses and compensation for everyone except us union folk is OK for retentioon puposes.

It is a race to the bottom with the twu at the steering wheel.

The only change we are going to see is the change you make yourself.
If you wait for the majority at AA to enact change you will be retired before it happens.
Lets hope the Dems do something for the lower middle class
because thats what we have become.

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Because the majority at certain bases, wont mention any names, are scared and have been brainwashed into thinking that they are lucky to have a job.

Bonuses and compensation for everyone except us union folk is OK for retentioon puposes.

It is a race to the bottom with the twu at the steering wheel.

The only change we are going to see is the change you make yourself.
If you wait for the majority at AA to enact change you will be retired before it happens.
Lets hope the Dems do something for the lower middle class
because thats what we have become.

And that seems to be OKey dokey with the TWU!
Actually I believe there were enough cards signed to hold a vote to remove TWU.

It was the National Mediation Board allowing deceased and those no longer in the craft or class to remain on the list of eligible voters. This was done by AA and TWU working together to convince the NMB of the farce.
We want to see the rich pay more in taxes, but we don't demand that the TWU leadership pay more in terms of the sacrifices we made and still make.

We see ethically challenged politician scumbags get caught with their pants down, literally, but no one has the nerve to demand that the pro company union leadership be held accountable.

Nobody? Maybe you should ask a few of Local 562 E-Bd members why they squash anything that would hold the International accountable? Maybe Corabi has his eye on following Gless?
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The bottom line is that we the people have voted for change in the government.

But we do not have that privilege with the TWU.
If the Democrats have Unionized Airline Labor in their hearts: they will immediately amend Section 1113 of the Bankruptcy code to recognize that Labor Contracts covered by the Railway Labor act that are abrogated under Section 113 of the bankruptcy code by any Employer represents abdication of the RLA Status Quo Provisions; therefore enabling all parties to Self-Help.

Talk the talk; walk the walk.

Any Individual Union or AFL-CIO failure to force this issue, in light of the Court Rulings in the NWA F/A case, amounts to a failure to represent and should force a ruling in Federal Court Outlawing Closed Shop Provisions under that RLA.
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='428388' date='Nov 10 2006, 12:44 AM']Ok, then I will:

I don't think DFW was what he had in mind.
Aw, C'mon. There is plenty of change. Bush canned Rummy and our board of directors canned Carty. With nice golden parachutes, to boot.

Of course, both were well thought out beforehand as contingency plans, but...................ah, never mind.
If the Democrats have Unionized Airline Labor in their hearts: they will immediately amend Section 1113 of the Bankruptcy code to recognize that Labor Contracts covered by the Railway Labor act that are abrogated under Section 113 of the bankruptcy code by any Employer represents abdication of the RLA Status Quo Provisions; therefore enabling all parties to Self-Help.

Talk the talk; walk the walk.

Any Individual Union or AFL-CIO failure to force this issue, in light of the Court Rulings in the NWA F/A case, amounts to a failure to represent and should force a ruling in Federal Court Outlawing Closed Shop Provisions under that RLA.

The AFL-CIO has shown their true face, its the face of Business unionism. Its time for airline workers to cast out these parasites who do nothing for us but take our money. We must form a new union that will unite airline workers across the industry into one union.

As far as the recent change I'll admit I was glad to see that the people have sent a message to power. I suffer no illusion in that the shift from Republican to Democrats represents a real shift in power that will be to our advantage. The fact is the same people who own the Republicans own the Democrats ( What the American people did, and all they can do as long as they adhere to a political system confined to two parties owned by entities that are not citizens, is send a message to power. If we want to see real change we will have send power a much stronger message than picking a Democrat over a Republican, and that message can not be confined to a ballott box or a Diebold machine.