CLT as a HUB and Hangar ?


Aug 10, 2005
As of what Doug is saying right now, CLT is going to be a major hub after the merger occurs. I hope they keep atleast the LGW flight going on from here. I dont think ATL is big enough to carry all of US' International flights. CLT should be a place where the send extra flights from ATL. Also the other question is the Main Hangar in CLT. DL has its Tech ops center in ATL, but do you guys think the Hangar will still be in CLT, my dad works there, so i want to know what would happen. I think it will stay, the new DL/US would have so many planes, they have to do some insourced or something right ? and also news that the 733/734 are to leave in merger sucks too. Thats what mainly CLT does.
As of what Doug is saying right now, CLT is going to be a major hub after the merger occurs. I hope they keep atleast the LGW flight going on from here. I dont think ATL is big enough to carry all of US' International flights. CLT should be a place where the send extra flights from ATL. Also the other question is the Main Hangar in CLT. DL has its Tech ops center in ATL, but do you guys think the Hangar will still be in CLT, my dad works there, so i want to know what would happen. I think it will stay, the new DL/US would have so many planes, they have to do some insourced or something right ? and also news that the 733/734 are to leave in merger sucks too. Thats what mainly CLT does.


Your concerns about CLT and your fathers future in CLT are all valid ones...but I wouldn't start freaking out about things at this point.

(1) The DL/US Merger is far from certain..Don't count the chickens until all the eggs hatch....and then mature

(2) DL is in Chapter 11...and still , unlike the combined HP/US operation has the ready ability to abrogate leases and contracts on Acft and Facilities (Yes..Hangars in ATL too) The same cannot be said for U/LCC's present facilities. PIT on the other hand..only has about 4 years left on the facilities contracts that were negotiated.

(3) The B737-300/400 is the mainstay of CLT Base Maintenance...but U is reported to be in talks with Boeing on obtaining B737NG's as the EMB-190 is NOT the direct replacement for the -300/-400 series. DL and it's strong affiliation with Boeing is just another possible added perk.

Regarding the Hub status...Sure , ATL is a Fortress...No Bones about it...but ATL can only handle so much traffic...CLT will get tweaked in the merger process...but eleminated as a hub?....I doubt it. CLT is a bargain to operate out of...and a 4th Runway in the works only aids in CLT's presence for the future.

I'm not saying to live life looking through rose colored glasses by any means...but for the near term...I wouldn't be sweating bullets over things either.

Simply put....Live it a day at a time...and always have a Plan B. I'm willing to bet that your Dad has one.
DL has a huge MTC facilty in ATL, and given their own fleet reductions over the last few years, they could accomidate plenty more A/C. I believe they also do contract MTC for other Airlines as well. My advice would be to start shopping the ATL house market. What Doug says :eek: now, and what he does later are 2 different things. It all comes down to what will cost the company less in the long run.
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Yeah i think CLT has like a less than 3% chance of being de-hubbed. also i checked out SLC and CVG, they seem to have some type of DL hangars as well. I think the CLT hangar is the best maintenance facility in US system, the AWA hangar is so small it looks like the line hangar in CLT. Hopefully we get more 737s, i dont think the 733/734 can go away in 2 years, probably at least 5 more years. those birds are built to last forever.

Thanks guys !
PIT was said it wasn't needed next to big PHL yet some think that itty bitty CLT would be needed while it's right in ATL's backyard? I think a big presence would remain in CLT for a while but the overlap regardless of what some think in the southeast between US and DL is HUGE to say the least. I don't think it looks pretty. Never say never. I hope we can retain as much as possible but being realistic. hmmmm If doug says no cuts then no cuts it is. :blink: ;)
The CLT-ATL thing is familiar....sounds like the PIT-PHL thing. Too many hubs too close to each other. More revenue being in ATL and PHL, than in CLT and PIT.
While we are on this topic, does anyone know if DL still does their painting in house? I know that they had their own paint shop up and running a few years ago, but not sure if they still do.
Nobody should kid themselves. This merger would be to merge two major competitors and, therefore reduce competition.

I don't think you can make a real comparison between PIT when it was dehubbed in favor of PHL, and CLT and ATL. PIT was dehubbed not only because there was a competing hub in PHL; but also because the airline simply couldn't afford PIT anymore. I know some claim that PIT and U (when it was U) were close to a deal to keep PIT alive. If that was true, though, it only had to last as long as the second bankruptcy filing.

The better comparison would be STL and ORD when American bought TWA. STL was supposed to be the overflow hub, and was later dehubbed.

Unless LCC can keep CLT hubbed at the 90% monopolization rate it has now, post-merger, then I think it would "rationalized" like STL and PIT.

One lesson to be learned from PIT, though, is that words and promises mean little.
The CLT-ATL thing is familiar....sounds like the PIT-PHL thing. Too many hubs too close to each other. More revenue being in ATL and PHL, than in CLT and PIT.
It would be interesting to see what O&D revenue numbers PHL & CLT generate, then factor in the cost to operate in both cities....CLT numbers I believe are up quite a bit, you here more and more pax are not driving to RDU,GSO and GSP, and are now originating out of CLT...Does the company breakdown station revenue numbers?
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CLT keeps on getting bigger and bigger, its the busies hub US has, and with the most destinations. I think CLT will be hubbed, just probably w/o INT flights, i hope CLT stays the same.
i think DL still does in-house painting.
US can paint there planes anytime they want !
DL outsources the majority of their maintenance, CLT MTC should be safe.
While we are on this topic, does anyone know if DL still does their painting in house? I know that they had their own paint shop up and running a few years ago, but not sure if they still do.

Some not all is in house. Bays 10 11 and 12 were built as paint bays but only one of them is used for painting now and even that is not full time.
Some not all is in house. Bays 10 11 and 12 were built as paint bays but only one of them is used for painting now and even that is not full time.

Let's skin this cat another way. DL outsources next to everything in regards to Heavy at present....then let's make the grand assumption (I know , so spare me) that the DL/US thing does take place for a moment.

If U's current IAM contract survives the DL intergration?..thier will be more work in CLT,ATL PIT and PHX than we see at present. Let's NOT look back on what was for a's all about "what is" Vs. what can be. The key is U's less than perfect contract surviving the intergration process to keep more work in-house.

Let's also give the IAM a degree of credit for seeking returns on a number of things that a BK Judge took opposed to caving into the thoughts that the IAM lost or simply gave away everything in terms of jobs, pay and benefits. Giving something away and having it taken away in court are two entirely different things.

DL is bringing back 700 as we speak...and with a DL/US merger...retirements out of shear frustration are going to climb. Take it from a U/Vet that has seen what frustraition will do to the senior most ranks. Some are NOT willing to deal with the changes that come...and some are just plane fed-up and will not stick around to deal with the changes that will come. This should open up opprotunities for U as well as DL AMT's and the alike whom have been displaced along the way.

Mergers are never fun...and as we know , they are damn sure never smooth or painless...but somehow change always seems to create opprotunity in some degree of measure. The issue is where and if the individual is willing to deal with what comes with it?
In regards to doing more stuff inhouse a big problem with doing heavy checks was that compared to other airlines US has a very small widebody fleet thus spreading cost over very few units. With a combined fleet that will be one of the largest this changes considerably.

If things look good (cheap available hangar space, little amount of heavy infrustructure investment needed) more MX functions can be accomplished inhouse. Hopefully like AA the MX division can be made into a revenue generating division by working on other airlines' fleet.

The ironic thing is we could become in effect a 3rd party mx company to other fleets. Kind of good the work coming to us for a change instead of seeing it go.

I might be mistaken, but I believe that DL has bid for the gold care contract on the 787.
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DL already has a mainteance division called Techops
here is their websiteTechOps
that would be cool if they brought in 777s in house- that would be really interesting, but yet again, need training for that