Contested Convention

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I've got  2  words for YOU  eolesen, AND  Mittens.
(trump)  .......  " THIRD  PARTY "    !
'chuck' MITT  !
And I've got 3 words for you.....BIGOT!

"Hitlery For Prison!"
As of tonight, say goodnight to any chance of a "contested convention".
xUT said:
Trumps Platform
7 positions.
All ambiguous.
Maybe one of you supporters can tell me why you support trump.
I personally think he's crazy, "as a potential POTUS".
B) xUT
And Hildabeast is the picture of "sanity"?

Not to mention the other old goat Socialist?


Trump would never have gotten far as he has in life if he was "crazy" as you say.

We just had a certifiable pathological nut case for the past 7.5 years in the Whitehouse and you are in a kerfuffel over Trump?
Trump only needs 41% of the remaining delegates (not even a majority) to clinch the magic number 1237.
townpete said:
And Hildabeast is the picture of "sanity"?

Not to mention the other old goat Socialist?


Trump would never have gotten far as he has in life if he was "crazy" as you say.

We just had a certifiable pathological nut case for the past 7.5 years in the Whitehouse and you are in a kerfuffel over Trump?
Thanks Pete,
That is the conundrum.
It sure would be nice to vote 'for' someone than against.
IMHO, Trump has no substance.
Ask yourself why he wants to be POTUS.
To make 'America Great Again'?
OK, if you say so.
B) xUT
xUT said:
Thanks Pete,
That is the conundrum.
It sure would be nice to vote 'for' someone than against.
IMHO, Trump has no substance.
Ask yourself why he wants to be POTUS.
To make 'America Great Again'?
OK, if you say so.
B) xUT
You should vote for Bernie. Now that's a winning platform there eh?

townpete said:
And Hildabeast is the picture of "sanity"?

Not to mention the other old goat Socialist?


Trump would never have gotten far as he has in life if he was "crazy" as you say.

We just had a certifiable pathological nut case for the past 7.5 years in the Whitehouse and you are in a kerfuffel over Trump?
So your answer to xUT is that Trump sucks less than the other candidates?
Kev3188 said:
So your answer to xUT is that Trump sucks less than the other candidates?
Trump is a knight in shining armor compared to those two idiots.

At least Trump has experience in solving problems.
Ted Cruz drops presidential bid

(CNN) — Ted Cruz bowed out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday following a crushing loss to Donald Trump in Indiana, clearing the path for the real estate mogul to clinch the GOP nomination.

It was a remarkable turn of events in a presidential primary race that seemed destined -- just weeks ago -- to end in a contested convention this summer.
Kev3188 said:
So no specifics, then?
Just like Trump; long on rhetoric, short on substance.
Trump has laid out the specifics.

You just choose to dismiss them at your own intellectual peril.