Cuts at DL


Aug 20, 2002
With the recent announcements of cuts by AA and CO plus the BK of US, are there any rumblings of cuts at DL?
On the employee side, I know DL is looking to trim employee benefits and of course DL is still furloughing pilots. Anymore?
In terms of capacity, DL doesn''t seem to be as aggressive in least so far. I''ve only seen a handful of notable route cuts (BOS-LAX is being axed), but overall nothing big. Also, there are rumors of 732''s being pulled from the desert and put back into mainline service at CVG...upgrading some RJ routes. So what''s up?
Including seasonal adjustments look for a reduction of 6-8%.
Specifics still being worked out, along with announced "low fare" strategy.

p.s. Nice bounce in the sector stock prices, at least for the viable majors. Wall Street must like what it's hereing.
I am just glad that dl is not doing anything too major like the other airlines. i really think that after this is ov er dl will come out on-top. With the lowest cost structure of all the majors and a modern diverse fleet along with key assets throughout the globe, DL is really in the b est position right now.[:p]