Dave, Give us an offer!


Aug 20, 2002
Dave offer the following and it will pass this time

1. Grandma's apple pie
2. 2 tickets to a stones concert
3. 4 first class upgrades
4. Chicks for free
1. Delete push-backs from IAM contract. This is supposedly worth $2.00 an hour, so increase pay by $2.00.
2. You want to stop the 2% going into the 401k and add 1.5% into the IAM.
Do this instead-- decrease the 2% into the 401k to 1.5%
3. Ask union members to vote on it.

Combine utility with the ramp. With cross utilization, it would save the company big bucks. Being in the same union it shouldn't be that hard to do.
Admit the bonus thing was a mistake, forget retro cuts, vote again, wow la...simple huh!

I understand how it's difficult for someone to be asked for a concession and then see that group that seeks the concession obtain a bonus. However, we need good management, the best money can buy if we are going to survive.

If the company survives and then thrives due to good management remaining at US Airways, the employees win with bigger profit sharing checks.

I want the best management team posible and if that takes a small bonus, so be it. Seniority based employees do not have lateral transfer ability and are a prisoner to their airline, but management can move about from company to company.

I do not believe any employee wants bad management so things get worse for our employees and let's not forget, you get what you pay for when discussing management employees.

Cross utilize CS with ramp! Unfortunatly different unions, it still wouldnt be that hard to do.
"However, we need good management, the best money can buy if we are going to survive."

So go find some good management and give them them the best money. This bunch has only succeeded in running the Airline into the ground and lined their pockets in the process. Good Management Indeed![:(]
Mr.Laurence A. Munn alias: Chip

Sorry, you are DEAD wrong, you know, I know it, anyone of sound mind and common sense knows it. LOOK at the IAM site and READ why it's wrong, what is being presented to the judge. Why are we in dire straights if this team is so damn good! What, Dave is afraid they will leave and find another job in this DEAD airline industry. I guess every airline out there is waiting to pick up management from a losing team. Asking such big give backs from labor then awarding management bonuses is how barbarians were treated, sorry, but we don’t drink from horns of cattle or answer to Magnus Maximus.
Your mantra is OLD Chip, give it up!

Ramp Rogue,
As I understand it, the NMB considers utility to be historically linked to mech and related at USAirways, and it would be a major deal to alter their terms of representation. I've heard a bunch of rumors on this deal, and the company went so far as to place utes under the direction of the customer service director, rather than the maint. chief. Didn't last long, though. As the company has most of the leverage, I'd guess there's a good reason for not doing it.


Actually, cross utilization is prescribed in the CWA/IAM contracts for class II stations (although fewer and fewer are left[:blackeye:] ). I've never seen it scheduled, though.


If Dave and team pull this off, I'd agree. But, a. they haven't, yet, and b. these bonuses will go to a boatload of holdovers from the team that got us INTO this jam.

There is an apocryphal story that when Bill Howard took over PI, he went from office to office in One Piedmont Plaza
and demanded of each occupant, "How do you contribute to this company's success?" If you BS'd him, or gave him less than a direct, concise, and accurate assessment, you were shown the door that very day. Exactly!
Cavalier-- With the millions and millions these past people have taken the 6 million is like pocket change. I would agree the timing of it was terrible but the judge approved it. I agree there are no airlines probably trying to steal these people now but it isnt just airlines. Most that left in the past went to work outside the industry and from what i hear at a much higher salary. It just seems to me that we continue to fiddle while Rome burns. Good luck on the 10th. I personally hope something will happen before that but time is getting short.
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Diogenes: Putting utility with the ramp won't be an NMB thing if both the company and union agree. True, they will both be under different certification numbers but it wouldn't involve the NMB except if there is an election.
Just the thought of an election with AMFA will mean that the IAM will not be for putting utility with the ramp since it needs all the utility voters. Interesting indeed because here in PIT I would bet 75% of mechanics have signed an AMFA card.
BTW United airlines actually has the stock clerks with the ramp
I agree with chip! I feel you have to be willing to do things like this to keep good mgt... but at the same time keep good employees as well. I think i have stopped looking in the past and have put my trust in Dave.... What other choice do i have u ask? to sit and wallow in the past and point fingers and finish running this company in the ground! Now if dave comes up and does something that makes me wonder if he can be trusted or not then ill have some second thoughts!Sometimes our worst enemy is ourselves... i think in this case we are approaching that level. I know these guys are upset but hey the alternative isnt a pretty one..come on guys lets get this thing moving so we can all breathe a little easier....

I respect your comments, but I am afraid you don't get it. It's not in the past, the membership voted NO and one BIG reason was this bonus thing. If you really believe the membership will all of a sudden say, oh, I was only kidding, you're dreaming. The past made the future, correct the past and move into the future. We all realize Dave is NOT playing games, BUT what many people on these boards fail to realize is this, the membership is not playing games either. I work with these people everyday and know what I am talking about! If the court shoves everything and more down the memberships throat, do you really believe there will be a future at U, I for one don't. Work safe will kick in and U will become dead in the water until the bitter end of U. This is NOT gloom and doom, it's reality, like it or not. BOTH sides need to give, that is the only answer.
On 9/2/2002 10:50:00 PM


I understand how it's difficult for someone to be asked for a concession and then see that group that seeks the concession obtain a bonus. However, we need good management, the best money can buy if we are going to survive.

If the company survives and then thrives due to good management remaining at US Airways, the employees win with bigger profit sharing checks.

I want the best management team posible and if that takes a small bonus, so be it. Seniority based employees do not have lateral transfer ability and are a prisoner to their airline, but management can move about from company to company.

I do not believe any employee wants bad management so things get worse for our employees and let's not forget, you get what you pay for when discussing management employees.


Also, Chip, Your faith in the money issue is flawed. You had the best money could buy, and they all can or will take golden parachutes if they decide to leave a sinking ship or a floating one. Money will NOT KEEP anyone of this calibur. The oil industry is losing someone and United is gaining someone. Do you not think he was not paid well in his last job, do you honestly think he is doing this for the money? Do you honestly think Seigle is doing this for the money? Are you doing what you do for the money?

Think about it and quit sounding like such a suck up.
Unfortunately, Chip, Money isnt the end all to be all.
You also need the best people working the ship and it is obvious that money isnt an ingredient for that formula at USAirways.
There are plenty of people that can and will do a better job for less as is bieng proven by all the concessions being asked for. The bonus was a mistake and you and Seigle know that you just cant take it back. Is it safe to assume that only high paid people can do the job durring tough times?

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