Deal is Dead, Abe Reports


Nov 16, 2006
From our friend "Abe" comes the latest news, and it is not insignificant....

<<<<<This deal is in no way, no how.

There are a few combinations of carriers that might make sense, but USAirways and Delta together makes no sense. For all of you out there that think that the "money folks" will give this the green light, you are mistaken.

The Real "big money" is solidly behind the current Delta management (and employees)......and this deal is already dead!>>>>

Eureka!!! I believe that Abe has led us from the darkness back into the light. :up:

The publicly announced "deal" was a mirage from the very start. Mr. Doug Parker never intended to buy and "integrate" the entire Delta dinosaur in all its faded glory. He's far too civic minded and unselfish for such gluttony.

Doug's plan all along has been to take only what he can digest, while sharing the rest with his new best friends. They'll be singing "Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here" when Doug and his pals Kelleher, Leonard, and TILTON belly up to the bar at Scores with those wild and crazy moneymen.

Let's just say that a couple of those New York "moneymen" shared this juicy tidbit with Mr. ralphcramden at a recent meeting of the Order of Racoons. Mr. ralphcramden tried to explain to them that the Delta employees would never stand for such a deal, but they just laughed.

And stay tuned. Mr. ralphcramden may soon be able to report on one more partycrasher who will shock Mr. WorldTraveler out of his shoes! :shock:

The Deal is Dead! Long Live the Deal!

Maybe he can PM me with the winning Powerball numbers too!!
Another fortune teller hits the boards in style... :p first post ever on this board and jackie gleason starts another thread for me.

You and wings are really starting to worry me! I'm guessing that you work for USAirways (or maybe not?)

Or maybe you work for Delta and know that this deal absolutely has to happen or Delta will cease to exist....(yeah, that's the ticket).

Whatever the case, I think I hit a nerve.

I don't work for either, and no nerve has been hit here. I just got a kick out of your senseless post. You started a topic as if you actually had some factual information, which you don't. If you care to check my posting record, you will find that I rarely, if ever start a post. If for some reason I do, it has a VALID POINT. :D
I don't work for either, and no nerve has been hit here. I just got a kick out of your senseless post. You started a topic as if you actually had some factual information, which you don't. If you care to check my posting record, you will find that I rarely, if ever start a post. If for some reason I do, it has a VALID POINT. :D

This whole Delta merger thing is in the first or second inning. There is only one deal on the table right now and to some insignificant creditors, it looks good. There will be other deals (including Grinstein's) that will be arriving in the future. Until I see the big players on the creditors committee get excited (see the original thread for a list), I can only assume that Parker's deal just doesn't cut it.

You want proof? There isn't proof, yet. But we all know that this deal would have happened months ago if the Delta creditors would have wanted it. This isn't "hot off the press" news to them. Grinstein and the big money Delta players have known about it for months.

This last ditch effort by Parker is a smart move, IMO. But it's a desperate attempt and in the end it will not be enough.

As I said in the other thread, this is all my opinion!

In the end I am just a typing fool like you...nothing more, nothing less!



You have over 1100 posts on this board, mostly on the USAirways forum, and you don't even work for them??
At one time I did, but at this time I no longer do. If you were as up to date on this topic as you claim to be, you would know that the previous merger offers were not presented to the creditors. Doug attempted to meet with Jerry, only to be rebuffed twice. AFTER that Doug presented his $8B offer to the creditors instead of Delta management. Remember how Jerry almost choked on his breakfast when he saw the news on TV? There would be no point making this offer had it already been presented to the DL creditors in the past. Doug did what he had to by going directly to the source. I have not worked for the company under Parker's leadership, but it is very evident that the man has a plan and knows what he is doing. If he were that far off the mark, I doubt that he would have the financing lined up to make this deal. You, along with everyone at DL may as well realize that his plan is better that what the current DL management team has in place. DL counted heavily on the demise of US as part of their recovery plan. Jerry is jumping ship in a few months anyway, who is taking his palce?? What is his vision for Delta's future??
Delta has had Piss-poor management for years now, and everyone including the empoyees know it. In the past DL has been fortunate enough to stay afloat at others expense. How many othe Airlines out there had their #1 competior fold up; leaving them with full control of ATL?
The demise of EA alone was a big boost that enabled DL to prosper for years to come. Eventually their lack of solid leaderhsip caught up with them. Didn't Jerry sell out to DL with Western? Did he hand out buttons to his employees back then trying to kill the DL merger? Ron Allen was ousted for the Pan Am purchase, which began DL's long downhill slide. Then along came Leo who had no airline experience, and it showed badly. Then they pull Jerry out of retirement at 73 years of age and dust him off for the short term. Being that I once worked for US, I know all too well about this saga. The US of today is a different company with different mangement in a differnt location. Only the name remains the same. Did the US employees wear buttons saying " Keep US, My US"?? I don't remember any floating around.
You, along with everyone at DL may as well realize that his plan is better that what the current DL management team has in place. Delta has had Piss-poor management for years now, and everyone including the empoyees know it.
I find it entertaining that a non Delta employee is proclaiming what is best for Delta employees. Ya volt, mein commandant! Reminds me of your avatar.
As a current DL employee, let me fill you in on a few things. I will be the first to admit I don't care for Jerry. I will also be the first to tell you that any CEO would be hard pressed to be liked during a BK process. It is not a job I would want. I do believe Jerry did what he had to in order to help DL survive, good or bad. Now if you want to talk about Ron Allen, that is another story.
Now for your "piss-poor" comment. It has already been stated the Jerry will turn over the reigns early next year when Delta exits BK. It is my belief that the BOD will name Jim Whitehurst(COO) as the next CEO. Jim has in fact commanded much respect from the DL employee groups including the pilot group which is saying alot.
I have listened to the man speak. He has expressed his vision for Delta and it is encouraging.
As a Delta employee, I don't believe your assessment of the current management team, to include Whitehurst and Bastain, to be accurate. But I just work here.
> Didn't Jerry sell out to DL with Western?

The WA/DL merger was not a sell out on any front. It was well done, and the result was a company greater than the sum of its parts. As promised, there were no jobs lost on either side and WA personnel got an immediate salary and benefits increase on signing.

> Did the US employees wear buttons saying “Keep US, My US"??
> I don't remember any floating around.

US was dead. You had, what, two days to closure before AW bought you out? If US did have buttons they would have said “Bye-Byeâ€￾, not “Keep US...â€￾ At the time we were happy that US employees got another chance. Now, thanks to enlightening posters such as yourself, … (?)
Actually, my avatar is the one and only Baghdad Bob.. :D
As for DL, I have a close family member who was a loyal Delta employee for nearly 40 years. I was raised being around the old Delta family work environment myself. As I'm sure you know this family member of mine recently had a good piece of their retirement benefits slashed by their good old Delta as did many others. If you have been around DL long enough, which I assume you have been, you know all too well how they have screwed their family members. The next CEO in line has been mentored by the same morons that have been trying to run DL in the past. He will run all of his best B.S. past you now, and do whatever he wants as soon as his butt hits his new seat in HDQ. I have been involved and follwed the airline indusrty for over 30 years now, and have a tiny bit of knowledge of your Delta.
They may very well fight off this bid by US, but that won't stop consolidation from taking place within the industry. If Delta wants to go it alone, they will be dwarfed by the mergers of other carriers at some point. In my opinion, Delta has been going downhill since Garrett and Beebe left the company. Delta's inability to compete has become very obvious these last 5 years. Being run out of DFW speaks volumes in itself, and CVG is nothing more than a friggen RJ mecca anymore. At this point it may seem brilliant of DL to reduce domesticaly, and increase their Int'l flying, but that to will runs it's coarse. At some point there will be just as much Int'l competiton as their is domestic. What will DL do then?? Space flights?? :unsure:
Actually, my avatar is the one and only Baghdad Bob.. :D
As for DL, I have a close family member who was a loyal Delta employee for nearly 40 years. I was raised being around the old Delta family work environment myself. As I'm sure you know this family member of mine recently had a good piece of their retirement benefits slashed by their good old Delta as did many others. If you have been around DL long enough, which I assume you have been, you know all too well how they have screwed their family members. The next CEO in line has been mentored by the same morons that have been trying to run DL in the past. He will run all of his best B.S. past you now, and do whatever he wants as soon as his butt hits his new seat in HDQ. I have been involved and follwed the airline indusrty for over 30 years now, and have a tiny bit of knowledge of your Delta.
They may very well fight off this bid by US, but that won't stop consolidation from taking place within the industry. If Delta wants to go it alone, they will be dwarfed by the mergers of other carriers at some point. In my opinion, Delta has been going downhill since Garrett and Beebe left the company. Delta's inability to compete has become very obvious these last 5 years. Being run out of DFW speaks volumes in itself, and CVG is nothing more than a friggen RJ mecca anymore. At this point it may seem brilliant of DL to reduce domesticaly, and increase their Int'l flying, but that to will runs it's coarse. At some point there will be just as much Int'l competiton as their is domestic. What will DL do then?? Space flights?? :unsure:

Having worked at both carriers in the past, I am truly speechless. Both places have great employees and both have had their share of terrible leaders. But I'll take Leo and even Ron Allen over Wolf anyday.

I won't rehash the past for you about all the places USair has been chased out of over the years (the West coast, BWI, etc..).

We've both had bad people at the top. It looks like you got a guy (Parker) who may be good for you now. That's great...good luck to you!

We'll stick with our guys, thank you!

If you were as up to date on this topic as you claim to be, you would know that the previous merger offers were not presented to the creditors. Doug attempted to meet with Jerry, only to be rebuffed twice. AFTER that Doug presented his $8B offer to the creditors instead of Delta management.
You really need to know what you are talking about before you tell some one else they are wrong. It is you who is making a fool of yourself with this post. It has been noted in several press accounts that the proposal was presented to the committee by Grinstein in Septmeber/October. dougie was told there was no interest.

You may want to do a little better research in the future. It will make you a more creditable troll.
You really need to know what you are talking about before you tell some one else they are wrong. It is you who is making a fool of yourself with this post. It has been noted in several press accounts that the proposal was presented to the committee by Grinstein in Septmeber/October. dougie was told there was no interest.

You may want to do a little better research in the future. It will make you a more creditable troll.
Get lost, you have made a fool of yourself plenty of times already as well. Jerry kicked the requests by Parker under the rug as many times as he could. I doubt that Parker and his investors would go thru this effort had it already been rebuffed by the creditors. Jerry may have mentioned it to them, but not to the tune of $8 Billion Big-ones that could be coming their way...
Oh yea, you can keep Longing4Piedmont as long as you want, but they Ain't commin back. :shock:
Maybe in a few years you can be longing4Delta, Oh, that's right Parker wants to keep that name.
It just kills those Southern folks when someone wants to take their hometown Airline away, don't it???
And all of this advise coming from a guy who hasn't even worked in the industry. Just another know-it-all FF. You guys sure learn a lot by looking out the windows, don't you!!!
You really need to know what you are talking about before you tell some one else they are wrong. It is you who is making a fool of yourself with this post. It has been noted in several press accounts that the proposal was presented to the committee by Grinstein in Septmeber/October. dougie was told there was no interest.

You may want to do a little better research in the future. It will make you a more creditable troll.

"Good Goes Around"!! :up: