Dem's paint the stripes on a Zebra


Oct 29, 2002
Same old crap as before

Dems bend rules, break pledge

Gee...I thought everything was going to change :eek:

Democrats are wielding a heavy hand on the House Rules Committee, committing many of the procedural sins for which they condemned Republicans during their 12 years in power.

So far this year, Democrats have frequently prevented Republicans from offering amendments, limited debate in the committee and, just last week, maneuvered around chamber rules to protect a $23 million project for Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.).

On Wednesday, Democrats suggested changing the House rules to limit the minority's right to offer motions to recommit bills back to committee -- violating a protection that has been in place since 1822.

Just last December, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) declared that Democrats "intend to have a Rules Committee ... that gives opposition voices and alternative proposals the ability to be heard and considered on the floor of the House."

If this sounds familiar, it is. Republicans made similar promises in 1994, only to renege when they took control of the Congress in 1995

"The Democrats have not made good on a single promise they made during 2006, especially when it comes to fostering a more open and deliberative House of Representatives," Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said. "Instead of making the House more open and deliberative, they've gone in the opposite direction, doing things we never even contemplated during our time in the majority."
A politician is a politician. Bull Sh!t Artist. Local guy running for a County Commissioner says he initiated a program for "Seniors Medicine Assistance". That was his forum. PACE is the program that he was talking about. Oh, either the people are that dumb around here or just don't care. But the program just happens to be a state program, funded by the PA State Lottery. So tell me how can start that program, especially since it was implemented at least 12-15 years prior to his 1st term. My case and point, For an Honest and Dedicate person to win a seat or a position, their chances are slim and none. Its getting there if it isn't already, only the worst of the crop are getting in, Democrat, Republican or whatever other party. Its who can BS the Best. Like a Magician, watch this hand while his other hand is pulling out millions. This Country needs another revolution. We need to get OUR COUNTRY back!
This Country needs another revolution.

Seriously?!?!? That is your solution???

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Where is the despotism?