Why is it that after three years and at least three different online personas on this site, you still fall back to personal attacks and name calling when a discussion moves out of your comfort zone?

See Guess who
Guess who?

I am not the only one who says the DL flight attendants are kool-aid drinkers. It's obvious that you have an obsession with people who call you a kool-aid drinker. You need to seek help in a serious way!
No disrespect WT, but I don't think you really know what you are talking about here. The presidential intervention you refer to has been in regards to the RLA and section 6 negotiations. BK proceedings are not governed by the RLA. In fact, the courts have not had to decide on this issue, and that is likely the reason they have pushed both sides so hard to reach a negotiated settlement.
We could argue until we are blue in the face about the legality of a strike, but the courts will ultimately decide. You cannot cite precedent because it is unprecedented. If the courts allow a strike, it is highly likely a strike will occur.

Whether the ruling is illegal or legal, the Delta pilots could also just decide to strike anyway. At one point I really think one of these airline groups is just going to say "enough is enough". When do the Delta pilots give backs become enough for management? We've all seen what management did to their workers pensions at UAL only to get unheard of amounts of compensation and retirement money for themselves.

What will be the straw the broke the camel's back?

I'm not gunning for a strike and shut down from any work group. I'm just disgusted that the managers of all the airlines have managed to persuade so many people that the only way to survive is to strip the workers as they add to their own treasure troves. I am also embarassed to admit that AA unions' give backs added to, if not started, the whole domino effect.

DL employees are probably all scared and angry and that is exactly how management would like them to be. Nothing like pitting one work group against another. Divide everyone and they are all easier to conquer.

Delta pilots have given enough.

Just my AA employee opinion.
I agree with SkyMess.

All Unionized employees have given enough. While greedy management buy new homes, cars, boats and anything they desire with our givebacks; we struggle to get buy.

I think all airline employees should UNIONIZE! Unity pays and all of us need to stick it to the corporate greed!

Don't tell this to the Delta flight attendants who have rejected representation several times. They complain about the cuts they took all day long. If they had a voice and a contract, they would have been able to voice their own choice with a vote!

I look forward to seeing a certain flight attendant at Delta, try to say unions are bad. That they corrupt your brain and inject poison into your blood stream. That we know is a bunch of crap!
Don't tell this to the Delta flight attendants who have rejected representation several times.

Once again, you do not have your facts straight. Delta flight attendants voted exactly once on representation.

However, feel free to continue spouting your simplistic rhetoric and incorrect information. It is quite entertaining. :up:

You have a serious problem, it's called negativity and you need help. Being positive leads to a healthy lifestyle!!

Delta flight attendants voted exactly once on representation.

You may want to check again! It seems you have not been flying long enough to remember the first time.
You may want to check again! It seems you have not been flying long enough to remember the first time.

Ok, when was the first time? Since you do not have a reputation for accuracy with the facts, please document your information and specifically cite a verifiable source.

For example, the NMB website lists the 2002 afa loss.

By the way, I am positive. I am positive that you do not know what you are talking about. :up:
