Election year 2020

I don't think Democrats expected to get . . . whatever this is . . . from Biden. There is no longer any good excuse for letting this go on.

Well " Bless your pea-pickin' heart."
Your RE-PLUG NC Senator, just got served by the FBI for insider trading.
He already gave up assignment committies, and IF he resigns, OH BOY, NC has a DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR !!
Say GOOD BYE "DICKIE" BURR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!!!

Lol you’re such a nitwit I don’t know how you manage to get on line.
Burr isn’t going anywhere,besides he’s baby doo doo compared to the Democratic all stars of Obamagate.
If that idiot governor keeps Michigan on lock down like she is, if they don’t burn the mansion down first, they probably won’t be running out to vote blue
So what's your favorite fact-checker k.C. "Snopes"? Or how about CNN? Now there's a source for you!
Typically, I try to use Fox News. Because even when Fox News covered Obama saying "you didn't build that", the NEWS part of Fox actually included the previous words. Tell me if the meaning of those words changes at all by watching this clip

As the Greatest NARCISSIST in the History of the World ( Insp69. A NARCISSIST is Someone who ONLY LOVE HIMSELF, Not any other Person), I Find myself, LAUGHING my BAWLS-OFF, as the................. M O R O N , Cons the living Shite out of the NINCOMPOOPS who fall on their swords for the Arse-hole.
The More 'HE' inserts " IT ", the bigger they smile !!!
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Typically, I try to use Fox News. Because even when Fox News covered Obama saying "you didn't build that", the NEWS part of Fox actually included the previous words. Tell me if the meaning of those words changes at all by watching this clip

I love you K.C........ You actually countered my post with a clip from CNN!........LOL!!!
I love you K.C........ You actually countered my post with a clip from CNN!........LOL!!!

Great...so I did. Did you watch it? What were your thoughts on the words leading up to "you didn't build that"? Because most of the Fox videos only started with "if you have a business, you didn't build that". They ignored it. You bought it...and because talking head after talking head only played "if you have a business, you didn't build that". Sometimes looking at a site you don't agree with gives you what Paul Harvey used to call "the rest of the story".

Not all that long ago, a Facebook meme was going around that said Trump said that veterans suffering from PTSD were "weak" . And looking at videos that agreed with MY dislike of Trump...he sure as hell said it. But I kept looking and found that THAT comment was taken out of context. I called my friend out for posting it. Maybe I shouldn't have. Republicans have shown that you can craft something damaging by removing the context, and Republican supporters will buy it without checking further. Because it came from a "trusted" site. And your side has about as many "trusted" sites as the left. The difference is, some of us will watch the sites we don't agree with to see "the rest of the story".

That's what makes Facebook memes so insidious....you see it...you agree with it...you pass it on, either in Facebook or from Facebook to sites like this. You never stop to even ask "who created this? What was their purpose? Is it accurate".

We have so much technology and information available to us these days, be we are perhaps the most ill informed people in our countries history.
Great...so I did. Did you watch it? What were your thoughts on the words leading up to "you didn't build that"? Because most of the Fox videos only started with "if you have a business, you didn't build that". They ignored it. You bought it...and because talking head after talking head only played "if you have a business, you didn't build that". Sometimes looking at a site you don't agree with gives you what Paul Harvey used to call "the rest of the story".

Not all that long ago, a Facebook meme was going around that said Trump said that veterans suffering from PTSD were "weak" . And looking at videos that agreed with MY dislike of Trump...he sure as hell said it. But I kept looking and found that THAT comment was taken out of context. I called my friend out for posting it. Maybe I shouldn't have. Republicans have shown that you can craft something damaging by removing the context, and Republican supporters will buy it without checking further. Because it came from a "trusted" site. And your side has about as many "trusted" sites as the left. The difference is, some of us will watch the sites we don't agree with to see "the rest of the story".

That's what makes Facebook memes so insidious....you see it...you agree with it...you pass it on, either in Facebook or from Facebook to sites like this. You never stop to even ask "who created this? What was their purpose? Is it accurate".

We have so much technology and information available to us these days, be we are perhaps the most ill informed people in our countries history.

Your sense of self awareness is at a all time low. You have to be the most ill informed and misinformed person on this forum.
Your sense of self awareness is at a all time low. You have to be the most ill informed and misinformed person on this forum.

YEs. I'm ill informed because I don't take Facebook meme's at face value. YOu should try researching some of the BS you post.