ERJ Question


Aug 19, 2002
Why is it the other airlines like American Eagle, AmericaWest Express, Continental put their ERJ''s on Jetways while USAirways makes our passengers walk thru the pouring rain. All you need is a small bridge, like the one from the BAC1-11 to keep our passengers dry. Whats the deal?
In CLT they put the ERJ''s and CRJ''s on Jetways, not all jetways are made to go low enough for a RJ, and the city owns the jetways in most cases and a jetway is a large capital investment
The ERJ''s that Trans States operate have fixed handrails and can''t but put on a jetway for that reason.
Ever heard of an umbrella? Works wonders when it''s raining. Actually, I prefer walking across the tarmac.
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In CLT this past Saturday night we walked on the ramp in the pouring rain. In our station we can''t use the Jetway because we need a bridge and niether MESA or USAirways will buy one, a couple hundred dollar investment for passenger comfort.... Ever wonder why people don''t fly us?
On 3/21/2003 8:31:29 AM LavMan wrote:

couple of hundred dollars? try hundreds of thousands of dollars


My sources at AA tell me that they "prepared" two gates at PIT to take Eagle and Chataqua ERJs for less than $25k for _two_ jetways.
Trans States Airlines operates the very basic model of the ERJ145, which has a door that "falls out" with handrails, similar to the CRJ and many props. Later models were produced with a plug-door similar to Airbus aircraft that are jetway accessible. I believe all of them are produced this way now, American Eagle had its older models retrofitted with the new door.
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LavMan, were did you get a couple of Hundred Thousand from? You DO NOT need to modify the Jetway as long as you use the bridge. The bridge is not all that expensive. The excuse we keep getting is that is if we use a Jetway, we will need to push back the aircraft and they don''t want to give us a towbar or pushback unit. The diamiter of Mesa''s towbars do not fit our current paymovers. We borrow AAE''s bridge when ever we can and use the Jetway, pull it back far enough and let the aircraft taxi out. Good news is since HP Express is pulling out of our station, we are buying their bridge out of petty cash, $150.00. I just can''t wait until we need to tow the aircraft off the runway and tell the Port that we do not have a tow bar. This is no way to run an airline. Just a side note, the aircraft XLD the other night because Mesa refuses to send us a 28V GPU, APU would not start on landing.
Most ERJ-145s have been retrofitted with jetway doors. Many jetways at large airports will not go low enough for this aircraft or many other regional jets. The jetway door is a factory option many lower cost operators choose to do without them. Low jetways like the express ramp at PHL will work on a variety of smaller aircraft, with or without a jetway door. The planes will have to be pushed back though, at least with the type used in PHL. The most uncomfortable ride I have ever had was in a RJ into Elmira NY from PIT, the jets are fast so they have to fly higher and have a long decending approach even through bad weather. The most pax complaints I have heard are on the Fla. routes, where it is notorious for t-storms and rough weather/lightining strikes. Prop, jet, glider, people in the U.S. expect everything perfect for $50 coast to coast. These are the same people that expect 50mpg out of their 6500lb "sport" utility. The reallity of economics effects evryone, not just the aitlines. Mainline airways has learned that you cannot operate a big jet on every route half or less empty, size the equipment to the route and airport, TWA learned too late. Let''s move people safe and on time with whatever aircraft.
On 3/21/2003 7:42:30 AM LavMan wrote:

In CLT they put the ERJ''s and CRJ''s on Jetways, not all jetways are made to go low enough for a RJ, and the city owns the jetways in most cases and a jetway is a large capital investment


CLT has boarding bridges on gates E1, E2, E3, E15, and E17 (with more to come). All these gates are used for ERJs. CRW also has a boarding bridge (C1 or 2) similar to the ones being installed in CLT, and they have a mainline jetway (B1) they use for ERJs. Don''t know if they use a "bridge" on the mainline jetway.

I heard from a Mesa crew member that the stairs on the ERJs are problematic, and having the swing-out door is a lot more reliable. Don''t know if it''s true.

CLT has not started putting CRJs on boarding bridges. If you''re flying on a CRJ out of CLT - expect to get a few breaths of fresh air.
On 3/21/2003 11:21:18 AM Hope777 wrote:

Just a side note, the aircraft XLD the other night because Mesa refuses to send us a 28V GPU, APU would not start on landing.


Won't the airport provide a compatable GPU to rent?
There are 3 types of doors avaialable for the ERJ. the standard plug or standard stair are even-price from the factory. The question of which type a carrier wants is specific to their operating practices. Chautauqua''s USAir and AmericanConnection planes are plug doors, while our America West and Delta planes are stair-type. US, AC, and HP use RJ-compatable jetways some places and ramp-level boarding others. Delta uses ramp-level (read outside) boarding in most RJ markets.

1. Standard stair-door. this is the standard swing down door with fixed handrails. It is actually the same door as on the EMB-120 prop. Many planes are also finished with provision for the plug-type door, or have been converted. This door type cannot directly mate with standard jetways due to the fixed handrail, however there are two solutions. Many stations (like F-gates in PHL) have had RJ-specific jetways installed which have a notch in the floor to accomadate the handrails. This arrangement also makes the jetway DASH-8 compatible. Alternately, and much more simply, a 5 foot long adapter bridge can be used. This is like a ship gangway. It''s narrow enough to fit between the handrails and allows mating with a standard jetway. The advantage of the standard door is that a stair platform is not required for stations that board from ramp-level.

2. Plug-type door. this like a standard airliner door. The door translates (slides as opposed to swinging) forward on opening, similar to the A-320. It is completely jetway compatible. Some stations still prefer to use an adapter bridge so that the jetway stays a foot or so from the plane, due to the risk of hitting the pitot probe with the jetway floor. The disadvantage is that a custom stair platform is needed to ramp-level board. Standard mobile stairs are too tall, a special ERJ 6-step platform is required.

3. Collapsable stairs. There is a version available that is the stair door with collapsable handrails like a CRJ, which is jetway or rampside compatable. Jetway use still requires the short adapter due to the door extending down and out from the plane, but is easier than the fixed handrails. To my knowledge, nobody has ordered this option in the US.

Following is a breakdown of the U.S. ERJ operators and types of doors:
ExpressJet: All plug-type.
Eagle: All plug-type.
Chautauqua: USAir 23 plug, 3 stair (Planes originally for TWE). AmericanConnection plug. HPE/DLC stair type.
Mesa: All plug-type.
Trans States: All stair-type.

For those looking toward the future, the ERJ-170 has a standard plug-type door with an under-floor stair, similar to the arrangement on DC-9''s and 737''s with stairs.

Are the EMB-170''s equipped with evacuation slides or are they just like the other RJ''s....jump? I think the rule is anything over 6 ft from the cabin floor to the ground must have a slide.
I witnessed at least 6 Chatauqua ERJs converted to plug doors by Piedmont/Hawthorn while they were undergoing mandatory ADs for the gear, horizontal attatch, and pylons. It is quite a bit of work to convert from the airstair, a good idea would be to get them with collapsable handrails. Just wish they had Pratt engines. Thanks for the good info on the ERJ airstairs. No airport, at least in the East here supplies GPUs, it is up to the operators.