Federal Bailout $$ Billions, for the Airlines, with 'Conditions' ?

Baggage handlers still have a want and need to ride the AMT's coattails.
While you guys are busy circle jerking each other and congratulating each other for being masters of the universe you might want to consider that you both provide a valuable service to the airlines and to the customers.

Aircraft need to be maintained and repaired.

Luggage and cargo need to be loaded and offloaded.

As an ex Fleet Service Clerk I assure you I had no interest in "riding your coattails". I was unaware and unconcerned about about the details of your contract. The only concern I had was the future prospects of the job I was applying for.

If you want to accuse the UNION of leveraging "Baggage Handlers" (Fleet Service) to maximize dues then so be it but stop accusing the rank and file of some sinister plot to steal what is yours. That fantasy only exist in your mind and the rest who have succumb to propaganda.

The victim card has been played out.

Move on.
You guys are taking the phrase too personal. They mean no disrespect when they say "ride the coattails" it's simply a figure of speech, but, it really does mean something. It just means the mechs and related need to get their very own C&C union to better represent their needs and issues NOT everyone elses besides theirs, and only take what is left over in the end. So nothing personal by the comment at all, you guys are reading too deep into the phrase.
Hell when we were considering going into the Pilots union, they and we said the very same thing. The Pilots don't want us riding their coattails. So we stayed separate but moved into their exec. offices, joining them in the local offices and working hand and hand together as well with all on property unions. A win-win for all.
You guys are taking the phrase too personal. They mean no disrespect when they say "ride the coattails" it's simply a figure of speech, but, it really does mean something. It just means the mechs and related need to get their very own C&C union to better represent their needs and issues NOT everyone elses besides theirs, and only take what is left over in the end. So nothing personal by the comment at all, you guys are reading too deep into the phrase.
Hell when we were considering going into the Pilots union, they and we said the very same thing. The Pilots don't want us riding their coattails. So we stayed separate but moved into their exec. offices, joining them in the local offices and working hand and hand together as well with all on property unions. A win-win for all.
Now that's funny swamt. Now you speak for the AA amt's, AND you tell us AA Fleet Service Clerks how we should think. C'mon man!
Now that's funny swamt. Now you speak for the AA amt's, AND you tell us AA Fleet Service Clerks how we should think. C'mon man!
Haven't you noticed after all these years in the commercial aviation industry that it has been a monkey see, monkey do industry? Regardless of employer all airlines are competing with each other in all aspects of the operation. Similarities are common place. The jobs are the same but the name on the door is different.
You guys are taking the phrase too personal. They mean no disrespect when they say "ride the coattails" it's simply a figure of speech, but, it really does mean something. It just means the mechs and related need to get their very own C&C union to better represent their needs and issues NOT everyone elses besides theirs, and only take what is left over in the end. So nothing personal by the comment at all, you guys are reading too deep into the phrase.
Hell when we were considering going into the Pilots union, they and we said the very same thing. The Pilots don't want us riding their coattails. So we stayed separate but moved into their exec. offices, joining them in the local offices and working hand and hand together as well with all on property unions. A win-win for all.
Don't take it personal?

I think you need to read again EXACTLY what he wrote.

Baggage handlers still have a want and need to ride the AMT's coattails.

That was an accusation.

There was nothing there about a C&C Union.

I suggest you gentlemen find a new phrase.
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Haven't you noticed after all these years in the commercial aviation industry that it has been a monkey see, monkey do industry? Regardless of employer all airlines are competing with each other in all aspects of the operation. Similarities are common place. The jobs are the same but the name on the door is different.
I don't understand the point of the post.

Of course airlines have similarities because...... they are airlines.

Any industry is going to have like jobs across multiple employers.

Care to clarify on your point?
I would also like to add I don't care to be called a "Baggage Handler".

I might remind you I was a Fleet Service Clerk but I worked for TULE.

Handling baggage was not even part of my job.

At TUL and TULE Fleet Service Clerks cleaned the aircraft, changed out rugs and upholstery, stocked the aircraft, stocked the first aid kits, serviced the lavs and potable water, did overnight cleaning, deiced, loaded/unloaded cargo and mail, and yes, loaded baggage.

We even had title 3 fueling.

We also cleaned the aircraft between flights which in my opinion should have been the damn flight attendants.

Calling us baggage loaders is like saying you are oil changers.

We put out a good product at TULE. Those aircraft left looking brand new. At least they did on my dock.
I don't understand the point of the post.

Of course airlines have similarities because...... they are airlines.

Any industry is going to have like jobs across multiple employers.

Care to clarify on your point?
Do I really have too explain it too you in detail? Just read it again, figure it out or just ignore my post and move on. That's all.
Haven't you noticed after all these years in the commercial aviation industry that it has been a monkey see, monkey do industry? Regardless of employer all airlines are competing with each other in all aspects of the operation. Similarities are common place. The jobs are the same but the name on the door is different.
Exactly. I even used another group at OUR airline as an example of others using the very same terms.
If he really thinks I was telling him how to think, he got issues.
I would also like to add I don't care to be called a "Baggage Handler".

I might remind you I was a Fleet Service Clerk but I worked for TULE.

Handling baggage was not even part of my job.

At TUL and TULE Fleet Service Clerks cleaned the aircraft, changed out rugs and upholstery, stocked the aircraft, stocked the first aid kits, serviced the lavs and potable water, did overnight cleaning, deiced, loaded/unloaded cargo and mail, and yes, loaded baggage.

We even had title 3 fueling.

We also cleaned the aircraft between flights which in my opinion should have been the damn flight attendants.

Calling us baggage loaders is like saying you are oil changers.

We put out a good product at TULE. Those aircraft left looking brand new. At least they did on my dock.
Again, don't take it so personal. It is simply a reference to a certain group. Good God. You act just like these snowflakes now days. I've been called a "shade tree mechanic", "grease monkey", "wrench twister" you name it. Who cares it's only references. Get over it and grow some thicker skin. Pretty soon you guys will want us to go to "sensitivity training" classes. C'mon Man!!!
Last night I was a grease monkey on the 737......literally!

But I like the term "lube technician"

Perfect timing. I posted my response to LuLu before reading yours. I must say ILMAO after reading your response. How about "Southerned Engineered" :)
Remember that AA has the King of Bankruptcies as a CEO.
It's obvious that this AmericaWest management team is in it for the money and short term. Everyone needs to pay attention and cut your expenses to minimum until this passes or worse.

Any airline that would take bankruptcy over the government money would do more harm than good to their company
With money on the table for them to maintain payroll only to file and cut pay and benefits would give them a huge black eye in the public
I think if anyone is actually saying this is just a bargaining tool to try and change some of the conditions of this money