Final Offer

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700UW said:
The company has to be realistic, the IAM knows their is a need for concessions, but will not reach a T/A when the company wants to get rid of 50% of the workforce.

The company has no reason to be realistic in negotiations with IAM 141 or 142 as it is not to their advantage.
They know with certainty that even the most unrealistic offer, when rejected by rank and file will be approved during abrogation.
It is obvious that they don't have a care as to whether these proposals are agreed to or not. Maybe the old judge in the pocket trick has something to do with it.

I would also have to say IT'S OVER

If there is any abrogation and then a strike, the ATSB will pull the funding so fast it will make Lakefield and his cronies head spin so fast, that they won't even see the padlocks on the doors.
700UW said:
If there is any abrogation and then a strike, the ATSB will pull the funding so fast it will make Lakefield and his cronies head spin so fast, that they won't even see the padlocks on the doors.

Why do you always look at what would happen to them, why don't you focus on what will happen to us. That is part of the reason we are here. It always appears that the fight is between the union and the company, it never seems like neither the company nor the union is foicusing on winning anything for the employees just beating the people directly on the other side of the table. It's dishearting. :(
Well it all went downhill when the Company stole the airbus work.

And the company is the one who seems to be making it a war.

Go ask your boss how it went Thursday morning.

Their answer to everything is outsource. With attitudes like that, there is no solution it only fosters strife.

The union is focusing on bringing back something the membership will ratify, not something that will gut thier pay, benefits, pension and lay-off 50% of the mechanic and related employees.
700UW said:
The union is focusing on bringing back something the membership will ratify, not something that will gut thier pay, benefits, pension and lay-off 50% of the mechanic and related employees.

What, what is the union focusing on, what? Nobody on this board has heard what?
Job security, and not everyone on the board is entilted to see it, I don't make those decisions.

Like I said a counter by the M&R was given to the Company thursday evening and Fleet gave the company one on Wednesday and I believe the company gave Fleet a counter to that.

Glad to see you did not answer about the airbus thievery.
ClueByFour said:
Cost? Maybe.

Pace? Are you nuts?

As a pax (and a relatively low-time PP/SEL) I become nervous when outsourcing firms start racing thru checks "on time." If time is the driver, I'll drive rather than fly on that aircraft (U's experiences with ST Mobile and small things like flaps-out landings bear this out).

Sans a union for your mechanics, you have unlicensed people doing the work and leads who are driven by time to sign for stuff that might be absolute crap. I'll pass.

This particular issue is all about bringing jobs to Alabama. And it's nuts.

As an airline pilot with 30 years experience (ATP, CFII, FE, A & P), I can tell you it's not the problem you think it is. I never refered to rushing and tha's not been the case here.

A320 Driver
Go ask the families of the 21 people on the Air Midwest B1900D, or the 100 or so families of the Valujet Flight.

Or the passengers on 700 which made 3 emergency landings or 707 which made one emergency landing upon leaving ST MAE.

And go ask the FAA why they are investigating ST MAE because 7 of the 12 302 family that they S-checked had maintenance problems.

Go ask they FAA why they are down at ST MAE now since US has resumed outsourcing.
FAA is at "our house " too. It has to do with our financial status. The emergency landing I made last year had nothing to do with MAE, so don't go there.

A320 Driver
ClueByFour said:
Cost? Maybe.

Pace? Are you nuts?

As a pax (and a relatively low-time PP/SEL) I become nervous when outsourcing firms start racing thru checks "on time." If time is the driver, I'll drive rather than fly on that aircraft (U's experiences with ST Mobile and small things like flaps-out landings bear this out).

Sans a union for your mechanics, you have unlicensed people doing the work and leads who are driven by time to sign for stuff that might be absolute crap. I'll pass.

This particular issue is all about bringing jobs to Alabama. And it's nuts.
ClueByFour take it from a licensed A&P mechanic who has worked 20+ years in heavy aircraft overhaul, we are in for some major events near term some possibly catastrophic if the Government does'nt start holding third party maintenace to the same level they hold U.S Carriers. i started my aviation career at a fly by night hell hole many years ago and i ran from that place as fast as i could. they work under very strict time constraints and "PENCIL WHIPPING" is paramount in order to deliver. aluminum and composite structures being exposed to intense pressure's and major temp. changes must be maintained properly or you will have a disaster in the making, these aluminum tubes with engines can be very forgiving but they require alot of TLC.
And the FAA was just at US Airways in CLT Base and Line and the FAA found nothing wrong and actually praised the professionalism of the mechanic and related employees.
A320 Driver said:
As an airline pilot with 30 years experience (ATP, CFII, FE, A & P), I can tell you it's not the problem you think it is. I never refered to rushing and tha's not been the case here.

A320 Driver
YOU SIR have not spent 30 years in AIRCRAFT OVERHAUL, yes you may know how to get that bird airborne and back to the pavement, but until you have worked in the aft cargo removing ribs and stringers so corroded you could stick a punch thru without any force you have no CLUE. I have many maintenace horror stories but i would never waste them on a KNOW IT ALL like yourself!
Said the same thing at MAE. Stick to the topic. BTW, I am a licensed A & P as well as my other ratings. I do have the knowledge and experience to backup my statements. Maybe more so than yourself. I've maintained em' and I fly em'.

A320 Driver
Are you the moderator now?

I replied to your posting, so I guess you need to take your own advice.

That is right I forgot you volunter to fly the planes back and forth to MAE.

From the FAA:
Airport ID: BFM
Physical Location:

MOBILE , AL 36615

Certificated Mechanics: 532
Repairmen: 74: No license
Non-Certificated Mechanics: 1173 No license
Total Employees: 1776

And you also said nothing was wrong with 709, and it was grounded to due the Girt Bar attachments missing and covered in PRC at the MED, and the slide rigged wrong.

And you also said you were never gonna post again.

Remember that?
A320 Driver said:
As an airline pilot with 30 years experience (ATP, CFII, FE, A & P), I can tell you it's not the problem you think it is. I never refered to rushing and tha's not been the case here.

A320 Driver
YOU SIR do not have 30 years in AIRCRAFT OVERHAUL, you may indeed get that aluminum tube airborne and back to the pavement but until you have seen firsthand what ive seen don't presume to know MAINTENANCE! ive cut ribs and stringers out of commercial aircraft that were so corroded you could stick a punch thru without any force, nothing but exfoliated powder and the skin holding them in place. i have 20+ years in HEAVY AIRCRAFT OVERHAUL and have many horror stories but will not waste them on a know it all! flying Driver ;)