Five escorted out in TUL


Feb 19, 2008
Word has it five guys were walked out from hangar 6A (July 29th@ 3:15am) for nodding off while on standby until their plane arrived.
Word also has it two of the crew chiefs were written up the night before because management said the crew took to long to complete an aircraft.
Anyone confirm this ?
Word has it five guys were walked out from hangar 6A (July 29th@ 3:15am) for nodding off while on standby until their plane arrived.
Word also has it two of the crew chiefs were written up the night before because management said the crew took to long to complete an aircraft.
Anyone confirm this ?

Just wait..if this TA is voted in, crew chiefs are going to get more than written up.
Just wait..if this TA is voted in, crew chiefs are going to get more than written up.
The unfortunate thing is the company, as many have pointed out, wishes to get the gung-ho pro-company types in the crew chief positions instead of weeding out the few that aren't worth a damn by the reviews - those are what they want to keep.

The tooling department in TULE has a crew chief on its day shift that's isn't worth hanging yet they can't do a thing with him because of the TWU - the man has already been removed from one crew chief position for his exteme stupidity. He' so incompetent, he meshes perfectly into management even though they wouldn't admit it.

All hangers during the day get to deal with this fool when they call to get tooling to come out to do when their boys can't or won't do re: their own work.
Word has it five guys were walked out from hangar 6A (July 29th@ 3:15am) for nodding off while on standby until their plane arrived.
Word also has it two of the crew chiefs were written up the night before because management said the crew took to long to complete an aircraft.
Anyone confirm this ?

TUL what's that?

You mean to tell me with so many people unemployed, someone earning almost 6 figures ( wage plus benefits ) can fall asleep on the job. Here in NYC with the high cost of living, people have to hold two or three jobs, ( just to survive ) so if someone nods off it's almost excusable, but TUL..........give me a break.
TUL what's that?

You mean to tell me with so many people unemployed, someone earning almost 6 figures ( wage plus benefits ) can fall asleep on the job. Here in NYC with the high cost of living, people have to hold two or three jobs, ( just to survive ) so if someone nods off it's almost excusable, but TUL..........give me a break.

People are human, if someone is standing by and they nod off its no big deal , I've been told the FAA, in thier efforts to address fatigue, has information that indicates its benificial towards safety. We may see the company back off on this, it only makes sense, they only started cracking down on this recently, probably due to the fact that despite FAA regulations other departments are having more and more of a say in how maintenence is run. For decades it has been a widely, although not explicitely, accepted practice throughout most of the industry, union and non-union alike.

If two guys are standing by, and one is reading the newspaper or watching TV and the other nods off who is more productive? A short nap has benifits, namely a recharged individual. Fire Departmnets recognized this years ago.

The policy is for management to wake the person and give them a CR1 advising them that Nodding off is a violation of company policy.

The fact is that all of us have taken a hit, granted we didnt have much of a cushion but from what Ive heard mechanics in places like DFW and TUL have also resorted to taking second jobs as well in order to maintain the standard they were used to. Fatigue is becoming more and more of an issue as real wages decline.

Hopefully common sense will prevail if what has been said here is true.
Give me a break... Please! Sleeping, reading, watching tv, etc. while not on break or lunch has a lot to do with why unions have a bad reputation in today's world. Defending it is irresponsible. Yes, management does not do their jobs by disciplining these individuals, but having members with this entitlement attitude make me ill and does us all a disservice. How do people like this help our profession? Get rid of the lazy slugs, and if we do our jobs, maybe we will actually get paid what you think we are worth.
Give me a break... Please! Sleeping, reading, watching tv, etc. while not on break or lunch has a lot to do with why unions have a bad reputation in today's world. Defending it is irresponsible. Yes, management does not do their jobs by disciplining these individuals, but having members with this entitlement attitude make me ill and does us all a disservice. How do people like this help our profession? Get rid of the lazy slugs, and if we do our jobs, maybe we will actually get paid what you think we are worth.

I remember being in the hospital maternity ward waiting for my children to be born. We were there overnight each time with children born in the morning. I remember passing the doctors' lounge throughout the night and seeing several doctors in a dead sleep. They were on call waiting to be called into action at a moments' notice.
I didn't know what each of their specialties were, but guess what??????????? WHO CARES? LET THEM SLEEP IF THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO.....
And guess what? they were sleeping with the TV on all night...You think they should've be disciplined? Or don't you consider the AMA a union?

It's one thing if a person was in a hiding spot with his pajamas on and wearing eye shades holding his favorite teddy bear...There should be discipline in that case.
But it is another thing to be sitting in a chair in a room full of people and nodding off at 3 am.

Let me ask you this, FACTS....
When you are done with your job assignment, do you go running to your superior and ask for something else to do?
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Been on the phone most the day and I talked with all 5 involved.
Barfbag, for your information 4 of the 5 have second jobs and the 5th has three.
They all feel this was in retaliation from a vengeful supervisor.
The previous day they were told they weren't allowed to take their breaks (Sup said breaks were up to AA discretion) and management kept changing their lunch times.
I know per contract management can change lunch no sooner than 3hrs before beginning of shift and no later than 5hrs.
They said the Sup. was changing lunches on a daily basis, telling the crew before their start time what their assignments were, and was cussing the day before because they all turned down overtime. They were also told that if they didn't start working the minute their shift started that their clock in and out times would change to benefit management. I have talked with this sup. and he is a wack job that previously held an A/C cleaner position w/ no A&P.
They also said they tried to call an e-board member to no avail.
A couple months ago it was voted in that e-board members were to man the grievance hall (on base) 24/7. Unfortunately some e-boarders have took it upon themselves to use call forwarding to their personal phones at the house therefore no e-board was present or available.
All these men have families and are obviously hard working professionals. Considering the heat, working two & three jobs and no aircraft in the hangar, it was could a sane Sup walk 5 out for accidentally nodding off on standby ?
They all were upright in their chairs and not nesting as the rules explain.
Give me a break... Please! Sleeping, reading, watching tv, etc. while not on break or lunch has a lot to do with why unions have a bad reputation in today's world. Defending it is irresponsible. Yes, management does not do their jobs by disciplining these individuals, but having members with this entitlement attitude make me ill and does us all a disservice. How do people like this help our profession? Get rid of the lazy slugs, and if we do our jobs, maybe we will actually get paid what you think we are worth.
Like I said, but I guess you chose to ignore it, "union and non-union alike". If someone has work they should be doing its a different story.
I remember being in the hospital maternity ward waiting for my children to be born. We were there overnight each time with children born in the morning. I remember passing the doctors' lounge throughout the night and seeing several doctors in a dead sleep. They were on call waiting to be called into action at a moments' notice.
I didn't know what each of their specialties were, but guess what??????????? WHO CARES? LET THEM SLEEP IF THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO.....
And guess what? they were sleeping with the TV on all night...You think they should've be disciplined? Or don't you consider the AMA a union?

It's one thing if a person was in a hiding spot with his pajamas on and wearing eye shades holding his favorite teddy bear...There should be discipline in that case.
But it is another thing to be sitting in a chair in a room full of people and nodding off at 3 am.

Let me ask you this, FACTS....
When you are done with your job assignment, do you go running to your superior and ask for something else to do?

Actually, yes. I do request a new job assignment from my crew chief when I complete an assignment. Don't you?

I will admit that I have some days at work that are better than others just like everyone else. I will however follow the rules of my employment. If you would like me to quote them for you I will, but I really don't think that is necessary. What other professions do in their work environment is irrelevant. I think you know the folks I speak of who bring our profession down. I try to give an honest days work for what in Tulsa is a decent wage. I subscribe to the belief that one of the ways to prove our worth to the company is to be productive.

I work near a guy who gets away with sleeping half the day. No joke, no exaggeration. Another is on the phone most of the day. The Supervisor is inept and afraid to do anything. My frustration stemmed from the defense of these types of actions by Bob. I believe mechanics such as these hold the rest of us down, and I am tired of carrying them.
Like I said, but I guess you chose to ignore it, "union and non-union alike". If someone has work they should be doing its a different story.
Bob, I apologize. I did not catch your qualifier of "standing by". I understand that part, but it is a fine line. If you read my reply to "hopeful", you'll get my drift.