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Frontier Duct Tapes Passenger


Oct 23, 2010
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What else you gonna do after someone puts their hands on you. I support what they did with this passenger. Either that or the plastic cuffs were in order. Once he decided to put his hands on other folks he should be restrained in any way they can to gain control. I don't feel the crew should have been suspended. More like administrative leave until the investigations are completed.
Frontier, if ya don't support your crew and employees, you won't have any crew or employees to fly passengers around, think about that...

Well, well, well, Frontier changing their tone so quickly. It appears they are NOW calling, the employees or flight crew involved with securing the passenger with duct tape, are on paid leave, and no longer saying on suspension. Why were they first saying suspension? As I stated it should have been administrative leave with pay until the investigation is completed and then released back for duty.
As someone states of film that it didn't look professionally accomplished, well, no kidding, the F/A's are not trained to secure, take into custody, or restrain passengers by professional manners. The F/A's are screaming for that training to start happening since all the unruly incidences are coming up. I say increase the penalties and fines and even jail time for interfering with the crew and flights.

Viral video on that Frontier F/A explaining what went down with the duct taped passenger and where his final straw was, some funny shite man...

And AA follows Frontiers move on duct taping passengers for restraining. Now let's see how AA treats their flight crew. And oh my, he was 13, not to a minor. Who cares when someone is attempting to kick out a window, and I am pretty positive that 13 yr old has no clue what would have taken place if he was successful with kicking out said window...

WoW! Only 2 months for groping and sexually grabbing female F/A's breasts, and punching a male attendant (third person assaulted). So now that they are finally doing something about unruly passengers, they only pass out very small punishments for it, how pathetic. Out 18 months possible for assaulting one, and sexually assaulting two other females. He should have received minimum 3 months per individual assaulted for a total of 9 months IMO. He's only getting 20 days per person he assaulted--how freakin pathetic!!! Where is the justice for out crew members that have have no where to go to get away. This has got to get better. I really don't care if he all of a sudden became a model citizen, of course he did, had to to show the judge he is a changed man right??? C'mon Man!!! The 2500 fine mommy and daddy will pay that, and then only a 1 year parole period. REALLY? The minimum time of "parole" after prison sentence (not probation because he is sentenced to prison), is normally a 2-3 years on parole. How disrespectful for the 3 victims involved...


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