Glo-Bull Warming and Science

Dog Wonder said:
The Republicans will take care of Cruz on the birther front.
yea cause the neocons "love" cruz...  
/sarcasm <<<<just in case you missed it lol 
It is Thursday and I'm still trying to figure it out.
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Forget the Biblical doomsday predictions, if things do happen, I doubt you can say they are man-made.

Supermoons have been proven to cause sea levels to rise as the gravitational pull of the Earth’s closest neighbour increases as it gets closer.

Such events have been linked to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and devastating tidal waves including the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004.

A catastrophic earthquake ripped open the ground beneath Indonesia before a supermoon, officially called a perigee moon, appeared on January 10, 2005. It was followed by a devastating tsunami.

This weekend’s super moon will also coincide with the arrival of Storm Bertha currently hurtling across the Atlantic and due to rip into Britain on Sunday morning.

signals said:
Forget the Biblical doomsday predictions, if things do happen, I doubt you can say they are man-made.

Supermoons have been proven to cause sea levels to rise as the gravitational pull of the Earth’s closest neighbour increases as it gets closer.

Such events have been linked to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and devastating tidal waves including the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004.

A catastrophic earthquake ripped open the ground beneath Indonesia before a supermoon, officially called a perigee moon, appeared on January 10, 2005. It was followed by a devastating tsunami.

This weekend’s super moon will also coincide with the arrival of Storm Bertha currently hurtling across the Atlantic and due to rip into Britain on Sunday morning.
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delldude said:
Nah...been around for quite sometime.
New birther movement about Ted the canuck......dems vying for equal time rule. Can't let the GOP have all the fun.
it was the dems that started the birther movement with obama anyway..
not surprised they started another one ...
they had also started one with mccain years ago too...  
they are batting a thousand 
Climate scientist wins major court battle just in time for Trump administration

"The ruling by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, found that a "reasonable jury" could find that two writers defamed Michael Mann — known for the famous "hockey stick" graph showing that modern climate change is unprecedented in human history — by making false claims about his work, and comparing him to a notorious child molester."

"Employees from CEI, including Chris Horner, are on Trump's transition team for the EPA, raising concerns that harassment of climate scientists could become official government policy. Horner, for example, has spent years filing lawsuits against climate scientists, seeking email records and other information to prove allegations of research misconduct."

"The case, which specifically concerns articles that appeared on the CEI website and in the conservative publication National Review, will now be remanded to a lower court for trial."

"And the ruling may have wide-reaching implications."

"The case may lay the groundwork for future lawsuits brought by climate scientists and scientists in other hotly contested fields who believe their reputations were damaged by press reports and even organized misinformation campaigns."
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Climate scientist wins major court battle just in time for Trump administration

"The ruling by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, found that a "reasonable jury" could find that two writers defamed Michael Mann — known for the famous "hockey stick" graph showing that modern climate change is unprecedented in human history — by making false claims about his work, and comparing him to a notorious child molester."

"Employees from CEI, including Chris Horner, are on Trump's transition team for the EPA, raising concerns that harassment of climate scientists could become official government policy. Horner, for example, has spent years filing lawsuits against climate scientists, seeking email records and other information to prove allegations of research misconduct."

"The case, which specifically concerns articles that appeared on the CEI website and in the conservative publication National Review, will now be remanded to a lower court for trial."

"And the ruling may have wide-reaching implications."

"The case may lay the groundwork for future lawsuits brought by climate scientists and scientists in other hotly contested fields who believe their reputations were damaged by press reports and even organized misinformation campaigns."
You do know that whale bones were found in the desert.
According to archaeologists, this is a 25,000 year cyclical event.

In KommieFornia, we are spending millions of dollars saving the 'wet lands' which will be 3 feet under water in 50years?
How smart is that?
You do know that whale bones were found in the desert.
According to archaeologists, this is a 25,000 year cyclical event.

I really hope we aren't in year 24,980 or more. I think I have at least another 20 in me.

As for California, I moved away in 1998 and haven't looked back.