Grimy Way To Fly

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Dea Certe said:
Perhaps another V.P. should be recuited to solve this little problem.... ;)



Let's get rid of the one we have now and see if it makes a difference. Uncle Al has to go.

Well I can see that in the coarse of the day we have blamed the PAX, and the flight crews. How about a little accountability here folks. If some one is supposed to be cleaning the planes. then make them clean them. If there are not enough cleaners, then operations need to hire enough to get the job done. In the end it is the responsiblity of Al Crellin.

You know the lipstick thing was sort of funny and intended to get the attention of CCY and the press. It did. Maybe the next plan should include sending bottles of 409 to CCY with a note. Or maybe even better picking a "let's clean a US plane day" and everyone from pax to crew bringing a bottle of 409 on board and giving it a quick shine. Of course digital cameras could be brought along to provide photos to the press. The press just loves this type of story. Humm. CCY are you listening?

Maybe we could get the assitance of the Corporate Affairs office to help us get the word out. I mean after all they handle the press so well.
I love the idea about giving 409 to everyone. Maybe CCY could put a upgrade or $10 off voucher or drink coupons in some of the bags to get passengers to open them and help.

If the planes are so nasty, is it not a health hazzard to be selling food? Maybe a health department should inspect airplanes like they do other eateries.

Don't worry about the mess on the floor in front of you, it probally, according to management will not have anything too contagious. Makes SARS look like a common cold.

I thought the lipstick was a great idea. This new one is even more fun.
LMAO :lol:

sign me
short timer

Please don't misunderstand, I don't blame the customers. It's US Airways responsibility to take care of its product, so I agree it's a management problem. If there's no time or not enough help to get the job done, they need to figure it out. I am more than willing to do my part. I carry Febreze and antibatericial wipes with me. I routinely wipe off tray tables as I drop them down to deliver drinks or food. I've been embarrassed too many times at the nasty tray tables to not go into the cabin without a damp paper towel in my apron pocket! I am politely agressive about collecting trash after the service. I don't know what more I can do to make my work environment and my customers experience more pleasant.

BTW, I thought the lipstick plan was clever and a great idea as an attempt to get management's attention. I also love the idea of "409 Your 321 Day"! Maybe you can get the makers of 409 to kick in a few cases of its product for a little free advertizing along with some publicity.

I was just kidding about hiring another VP. I think we all know adding more upper management isn't the answer. We need to clean Palace as well as our planes!

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Dea Certe said:

Please don't misunderstand, I don't blame the customers.

I was just kidding about hiring another VP. I think we all know adding more upper management isn't the answer. We need to clean Palace as well as our planes!


I should have addeed a smiley as I knew you were just kidding. As far as blaming pax and crews they were from earlier post as well. In all my time here I have seen few who I thought supported the customer or understood us as well as you do. One of these days we will meet and I will get to personally meet make sure you are "kissed by a cockroach"

As far as this 409 thang. You guys really need to quit encouraging me. I'm just crazy enough to do it. And in the end I guess there is little that I can do to move my self any closer to the center of the cross hairs of those in CCY.

Do ya really think we could pull it off?

I absolutely think you could pull it off. I believe in Cockroach Power!

I look forward to meeting you one day and getting kissed by a Cockroach! I've been kissed by far worse and lived to tell! (but I won't because I'm a lady and all....) :D

Although we feel we shouldn't blame the customers...who is to blame? The pilots aren't using the seat backs as garbage cans. It certainly isn't the flight attendants putting the trash on the floor or even under the seat so we can't see it. People are just pigs period. Go into a movie theater........when the movie is over, you find
sh!t everywhere. It is not for lack of trying on the flight attendants part. We tell them to look in the seat pockets and on the floor around them. They just don't care. As someone else said, the lower the fares the more trash. I mean the people too. Ever go into a project? I am quite sure they (builders) didn't build the housing that way. Low income usually means low standards and morals. Sorry, it is the truth. It is the new air travel and it is only going to get worse.

People are people and I'm sure you know there's nothing we can do to teach grown ups better manners or behavior. I'm not a Super Nanny and don't want to be! All we can do is not let our own manners and good upbringings drop to the lower levels we see every day.

We have an identified problem here: grimy airplanes. We need to find a solution. I don't know what it is but I'm trying to figure it out.

You're right about the state of airline travel today. Legacy or LCC, it's all Swine-lines now! :shock:

I like that l4pi is trying to keep a sense of humor about it all and accomplish something good for us all. I think it was Emma Goldman (a well-known commie) who said "If I can't sing and dance at this revolution, then I want no part of it."

I got my dancing shoes on! Someone hand me the mike!

The executives have gone way overboard on "the customer is always right."

This has garnered a culture of "screw you, I paid for it, now kiss my a** and clean up my mess, and how dare you suggest that my kid stop bothering the other passengers."

And it's just getting worse. I couldn't put up with half the crap that FAs and especially gate agents put up with . . . . especially when they are deliberately understaffed in hopes of extracting that last drop of blood from them. Dips like Lakefield need to take a day off from the country club and see how their employees are treated by the general public.
There is a solution! Bring back cleaners. The contract cleaners on the West Coast are great. We need good contract cleaners or good cleaners period. Even the cleaners that we did employ didn't do a good job. (Not all, so don't go there) Trying to get most of them to do something was like pulling teeth. We just need someone with that job title to do it..not rampers, catering, agents and especially NOT flight attendants, as we are doing it for FREE. At least everyone else is getting paid hourly. When that door opens we are no longer getting paid, so we are cleaning for free. The company is not stupid.

This staff writer for the St Petersburg Times had been writing negative articles about US Airways for years. Although there is some truth in what he is writing, he always, always puts a negative spin on any story he writes about US. He never writes about any other carrier. Someone must have smoked his cheese or he is on the WN payroll. Take the guy for what he is worth. He has a bully pulpit writing for this large rag of a paper and seems to take pleasure in sensationalizing any story about US. Smooth talker, but very full of digested food.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
By STEVE HUETTEL, Times Staff Writer

..."They're taking away but not adding any value," said Daniel Singer, a top-level Chairman's Preferred flier from Tampa. "They need to give us an incentive to stay because they're not giving us the (same) product."

This must be one of the same rocket scientists who, not too long ago, was complaining that business travelers refused to pay high fares any longer. Now the chickens have come home to roost, and they're still whining. The airline isn't giving you the same product because YOU ARE NO LONGER PAYING for the same product!

Chairman's Preferred or not, you get what you pay for. You...AND I MEAN ALL OF YOU...have demanded cheap fares and you've gotten your wish. You all-too-savvy business people should be the first to realize that there's no free lunch. You wanted Wal-Mart; you got Wal-Mart. It's supply and demand at its exquisite peak! So stop your *itching!

I think your solution is the best one so far. We need to bring back the cleaners and they all need to do their jobs well. Can we figure out a way to do that? My first impulse is to cut a few executive pay checks and VP's and pay the people who keep the customers coming back. In my mind, that would be RES, AMT's and the cleaners. Let's base the executive pay on company performance. We could use the cost savings there to pay the people.


I disagree that most people leave behind messes because they think they've paid to be cleaned up after, I think they are just totally unconcious. It's like the people who go to the movies and leave their trash on the floors. They don't even think twice about it. Bad manners, poor upbringing or preoccupation with whatever is going on in their own world probably has more to do with it.

Honestly, I don't see that much fit-pitching by our FF's. I see far more tantrums and ridiculous behavior from the few times a year travelers. I do agree the airlines have created a culture of "Throw a Fit, Get a Reward" by giving away far too much. It's the same with the fares. Your average traveler will scour the internet for those yummy $2.00 tickets. The industry devalued itself. Now, no one is happy.

But that's another discussion.

This afternoon we had a flight come thru our station that was filthy. The flight attendant called the gate agent and said" Please do not board the plane until the cleaners go thru the cabin".
One cleaner arrived to clean the plane and guess what ???????
They boarded the filthy plane while he was in the back pulling the garbage.
We had to bring a catering truck around to the back to bring him down.
What kind of operation are we running ? :down:
Most of the grime that I see is normal wear and tear being left to accumulate.

Stuff gets spilled. Not because people are out to get you (nobody in particular, the airline) but because its a (very) confined space with lots of motion and jostling. Trays are going to get stuff on them. If they don't get cleaned once in a while they'll start to get really gross... and they aren't being cleaned. Not even once in a while.

Seats get broken too -- once again through normal wear and tear and the circumstances. Yeah, kids fool with stuff. They fool with stuff at home too. Yep, some of them are even out of control little twerps. And some of those seats are holding people that weigh 3 or 4 times the design limit. But there's nothing new there -- the new thing is that the airline isn't even trying.

And then there are the terminals -- the beards growing from the ventilation ducts are really creepy. And I keep expecting to see winos sleeping in the jetways. The filth in the terminals is beyond belief.

WalMart has benches and lavs and low prices and somehow they manage to keep the place in repair. But when nothing ever gets fixed it just gets more and more obvious with every flight.

This isn't about customers whining. The idots complaining about customers getting what they wanted have been drinking management's kool-aid from a firehose -- the customer is the enemy. Right. Sure. That'll turn things around.

This is not what we want. And claiming that we do is idiotic. Even claiming that we're all about low prices is bogus. SWA proves that day in and day out. Only someone dim enough to be a VP at US Airways would think that low prices are what it is all about.

This is about management that has abandoned any pretense of running a business. Send them out to play golf before they do any more damage.