"HERE She COMES, Ready or NOT"..........(you) RE-PLUG-BLICANS !

Say what you want dog pile, but it was your anointed one who said ebola wouldn't make it to the states.
southwind said:
Ebola outbreaks in the U.S. !
Isis running roughshod through Iraq, killing Americans along the way!
China overtakes the U.S. as world's largest economy!

Yeah, Demorats rule !
You forgot the Redskins.
Dog Wonder said:
You and Southwind have a better chance of getting a clue than you do of getting Ebola.
That's one man's opinion.-------- But so far I'm not impressed where the Democrats have taken us! And if you believe what the poles have been saying lately, neither has the majority of the rest of the people!
Anyone think Elizabeth Warren will challenge Hillary? Also Bernie Sanders of VT is also making noises.
SparrowHawk said:
Anyone think Elizabeth Warren will challenge Hillary? Also Bernie Sanders of VT is also making noises.
The party is saying HC isn't left enough and articles are out there stating donations just aren't there.
delldude said:
The party is saying HC isn't left enough and articles are out there stating donations just aren't there.
So what's obama doing flying all over the country on fund raisers for the Democratic Party on Air Force One, which all of us are paying for, when he should be doing his job in DC.?
MCI transplant said:
So what's obama doing flying all over the country on fund raisers for the Democratic Party on Air Force One, which all of us are paying for, when he should be doing his job in DC.?
DNC vs HRC is the difference.
Dog Wonder said:
This won't go away that easily Dog!----- It shouldn't have happened in the first place! An American Ambassador and three others were killed on Hillery's watch because of her incompetence and attempted coverup. "Does it really matter at this point in time?" ------ Yes it does!!! If your looking for that "new car smell in the White House", Hellary ain't it! She has been around the block too many times for that!!! And I'm trying to be diplomatic here!
 So, question? ------ if Hillary decides not to run, who are the Democrats going to put op to run in her place? ------- Nancy Pelosi?         Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,!!!!!
So, question? ------ if Hillary decides not to run, who are the Democrats going to put op to run in her place? ------- Nancy Pelosi?         Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,!!!!!
Against Palin?