Houston Mosque Fire

You think? I'm sure Samuel L Jackson was hoping it was set by a crazy Westboro member...
I'd have to give the radical smacks credit. Self inflicted wounds could be advantageous. If the guy wasn't caught on camera, what would be the MSM spin?
Dog Wonder said:
That really bad haircut.
I'm surprised that any righteous liberal could sadly prove such a racist islamaphobe as to insult the haircut of a fine representative of "the religion of peace" in that fashion. I say we all inform the Attorney General about this hate crime immediately!
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Dog Wonder said:
Who cuts your hair?
Who cuts yours?
Dog Wonder said:
Who cuts your hair?
Too late. Your obvious prejudice against a muslim immigrant has already been reported. Who do you think you are to be so callously judgmental?  What's next after insulting some noble immigrant's haircut?....Wrapping bacon around his barber's scissors? Your sort of disgusting intolerance needs to be stopped early.
delldude said:
DOJ hate crime?
Which one? Just some mindless animal setting fire to it's own place of "worship", or Dog's insulting it's haircut?....I only ask because it's becoming increasingly difficult to decide just which particular flavor of utterly-bat-chit crazy is most  "politically correct" at any given moment anymore? ;)
EastUS1 said:
Which one? Just some mindless animal setting fire to it's own place of "worship", or Dog's insulting it's haircut?....I only ask because it's becoming increasingly difficult to decide just which particular flavor of utterly-bat-chit crazy is most  "politically correct" at any given moment anymore? ;)