How Low can you really go?



excerpt from APFA Hotline:
In the past few weeks, APFA has received a large volume of Postage Paid Communique and Change of Address Cards that were blank, defaced, and in some cases contained vile and threatening language. This serious abuse of a membership service has resulted in unnecessary costs to the APFA. For this reason, the union must discontinue the Postage Paid feature of these cards. We sincerely
regret having to take this action.
I wonder who would be so immature to do such a thing, surely not from some FAs from a certain ex-airline that are so bitter about their predicament and claim that they are sincere mature professionals with the same breath OH NO, that could never happen now could it? No, maybe it''s from the several thousand FAs who are behind the APFA all the way, and don''t have a lawsuit going against it.
I really wonder who would be so low to start a campaign like this...any response from STL/ISL?
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amazing...104 hits on this post and yet not one response from the so-called professional FAs from STL/ISL in defense.

could it be that they've been busted on such a silly childish "protest" against the APFA & to show their their oh boo hoo poor us we're being screwed predicament. Yeah. we can't wait for the courts to decide so let's send in those change of address forms and blank membership cards and tell APFA what we really think, hopefully it'll bankrupt them.

amazing, truly amazing.

this does prove that their so-called professed "professionalism" is nothing more than mere rhetoric, and horrors they're not as squeaky clean as they want us to see them and that like everyone else, they're nothing but hypocritical BS'rs.
It is pure speculation on your part that this act was done by someone from STL.

Furthermore, it is obvious that, if true, it was the handywork of one or a handful of people which absolutely SHOULD NOT reflect on the dignity of the members of ANY base.
I know for a fact that there are ex-TWA'ers that are glad to be a part of AA and APFA. Lets not judge all by what a few here on this board write. Or even the few that may or may not have sent in their frustrations to APFA.
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On 2/14/2003 8:37:00 AM FYI wrote:

It is pure speculation on your part that this act was done by someone from STL.

Furthermore, it is obvious that, if true, it was the handywork of one or a handful of people which absolutely SHOULD NOT reflect on the dignity of the members of ANY base.


oh sure it's pure speculation on my part....considering all evidence points to STL, their apparent disgust with John Ward and APFA, dues arrear by most of the base members, the lawsuit, Sherry Cooper and her attempts to sue every little thing that does not go her way, etc. or then again MAYBE it was the work of AA FAs who have nothing against the union...oh wait, maybe it was Jane Allen's office that did it!

pure speculation indeed. sorry, but the breadcrumbs and footprints all point out to ex-TWA.

handywork of ONE or a few? if indeed it was ONE person, would this ONE person actually send in enough of those postage paid cards to warrant a big expense on APFA for it to suspend it? something that would cause unneeded expenses would certainly exceed ONE or a FEW disgruntled people sending in those cards.

wasn't it a common mantra among them too that THEY know how to stick together and that THEY know how to strike back with force collectively, and all that other junk they keep reinterating here and in other BBs. Spare me the "the actions of a few does not mean they're all bad" routine. In my book they knew exactly what they were doing and those who didn't participate in this childish action certainly turned a blind eye to it but Knew about it, and they're guilty as well of this immature and unprofessional prank.
You are ranting, Coldplay.

It IS speculation.

I realize you would love to condemn and discredit any and all TWA people by any means you can drum up but I think that you will not get far in convincing anyone that it was anything but a prank by one or a few people and not 'necessarily' from STL.

Again, something of this nature DOES NOT reflect on us despite how much you would like it to.

I feel sorry for you that you would show such 'glee' at your own 'spin'.
I find it interesting that coldplay's initial "intent" of the post was to "point out" the lack of professionalism by a certaing group yet it seems that the real "intent" was to show off your own unprofessionalism. Trying to start a flame posting is far from the image of professionalism...especially when the original poster has to reply to their own post just to get some reaction. It's interesting how you are the only one showing anger and lack of professional attitude in response to your own post.
Eventually all non paying dues f/a will be fired. That should be sped up to mitigate furloughs. And Kirkpatrick: If AA decides to move the equip over to the AA side even if they offer leaves on the AA side that would still leave an overage in STL. Until the cross training is complete we will remain in this situation.
On 2/14/2003 9:43:26 AM coldplay wrote:

oh sure it's pure speculation on my part....considering all evidence points to STL, their apparent disgust with John Ward and APFA, dues arrear by most of the base members,[/blockquote]

How low can one go? How about furloughing people and making no effort to mitigate such furloughs by offering leaves of absence in other bases where there is a demand for them? I hardly think a few cards with comments on them constitutes the low point of human behavior.

As for dues delinquency, see the last issue of Skyword in 2002, the one with the candle on the cover, for a list of all dues-delinquent AAers. Using the numbers for base size and number of FA's in arrears, I find 172 of 3387 at DFW or 5.1%. STL's figures are 180 of 2658 or 6.7%. That hardly constitutes "most base members." And when you consider the contempt which with APFA has treated us, I'm very surprised it's not higher.

On 2/14/2003 12:16:11 PM Ch. 12 wrote:

I find it interesting that coldplay's initial "intent" of the post was to "point out" the lack of professionalism by a certaing group yet it seems that the real "intent" was to show off your own unprofessionalism. Trying to start a flame posting is far from the image of professionalism...especially when the original poster has to reply to their own post just to get some reaction. It's interesting how you are the only one showing anger and lack of professional attitude in response to your own post.

maybe coldplay was the only one anal enough to point it out. While most will not say it's such a big issue being that it was a childish prank, they certainly think it was a stupid thing to do. I think it is, I think it's a real low blow, I think it's shows off the immaturity of some and shows the lack of professionalism, I think it gives a blackeye to those who claim TWA FAs are proud to be the best and most professional people around.

based on some of the posts in here proudly claiming the Professionalism of TWA FAs in the face of adversity, a prank like this must surely be a slap on their faces. I'm just wondering why not one of them are saying so, no matter how trivial it may be. Like coldplay says, all evidence points towards STL, as there are a lot of unhappy people based there with the predicament they're in (furloughs, further furloughs, DOH lawsuit, etc.). I've seen more replies exclaiming outrage at 2 pilots getting arrested for being drunk and everyone assuming that all pilots fly drunk. while the issue may not be as "large" as drunken pilots, it's still an issue that concerns conduct and professionalism.