How many Ual employees read this board?


Oct 13, 2002
I really wonder how many Ual employees really read this board.
For the ones that do, it is imperative that all your voices be heard. Lurking does nothing if you don''t also give your opinion on some of these topics. Pro or con.

Ual never ask any of us to come work for them. We were probably all excited to be hired on. Where does that go and the expectation grow that Ual owes us something?
To tell the truth, when I was young, I felt the same way after awhile.

Everybody has self interest at heart, but Ual has never been in these dire straights before, and it is going to take all the employees to turn this company around.

The whole process has to be revised so all feel they are helping and benefiting from it.

I have ideas which might not be the answers. You also have ideas which cold be.
If you don''t want to print them here, send them to [email protected]

The most important thing is; you become part of the process.

Good luck,

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