I don't get it...

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Apr 4, 2006
I was on a flight from CLT the other day and a dead head pilot sat next to me. She noticed that i was a employee and asked if I was fgoing to PHX for business and I replied no, it's home. She then responded "oh you're a westie, why don't you fly on your own plane? It was scheduled to leave 3 minutes before this 1 does". She went on to say that she will never fly on a "west plane" because she get's treated like crap. Hmmm Wonder why??? Regardless of what company you started with, it's about treating others with respect. Apparently she wasn't taught that as a child...
It's an ugly merger TpDogDP and there are anecdotes of bad treatment on both the east and the west sides. I'm not excusing what you've reported as this pilot's behavior, but it is what it is. If you personally don't mistreat fellow employees from the east--I'm assuming you're a "westie"--then I applaud you. Let's hope that one day when we're all integrated that the animosity out there simmers down. Until then it's something we all with have to live with.
Whoa. She complains because she's treated poorly and it is her fault?
I can also attest that west hospitality toward east employees (of the aviator type) is poor at best.
It is a sad fact that the fine folks at SW - our competition - treat east employees much better than our company colleagues do.
It's an ugly merger TpDogDP and there are anecdotes of bad treatment on both the east and the west sides. I'm not excusing what you've reported as this pilot's behavior, but it is what it is. If you personally don't mistreat fellow employees from the east--I'm assuming you're a "westie"--then I applaud you. Let's hope that one day when we're all integrated that the animosity out there simmers down. Until then it's something we all with have to live with.

It was "ugly" only because the pilots made it so, dragging the FA's along with them because of the me too clauses. The other groups seem to get along ok.
It was "ugly" only because the pilots made it so, dragging the FA's along with them because of the me too clauses. The other groups seem to get along ok.

Excuse me.

The "me too" clause belongs to the flight attendants. Don't blame the pilots for your woes just because they (both sides) are doing what they think is right for their colleagues.

Here's a suggestion. Lobby to get rid of the "me too" clause. If it happens, let us know how that works out for you.
"I'm a(n) (EAST or WEST) pilot and I refuse to fly on (EAST or WEST) metal because those (EAST or WEST) guys are a bunch of jerks. Back when we were (AWA or USAir) we treated every one and each other with respect. But those (EAST or WEST) people are rude and misguided; I sure am glad to be a(n) (EASTIE or WESTIE)"

I think it's entirely laughable that each pilot group has been claiming the moral high ground while they've been mud wrestling in a dank pit for years now. Some of these haughty morons will remain so blinded by their own pride and high self-regard to ever recognize their own complicity in the hopelessness of the greater scheme. Their all-important and valiant struggle is no longer the centerpiece concern it once was; it's old news, and getting older by the day. Most of us are content to continue forward as a single airline with or without them. It's been five years...

Obviously there are a number of pilots still enswept in the Epic Drama, and it's Very Important which planes they fly on, and to let others know which Side They are On. Some fight because the times and circumstances require it, some fight because their lives are otherwise devoid of meaning and purpose. Oh well.
It was "ugly" only because the pilots made it so, dragging the FA's along with them because of the me too clauses. The other groups seem to get along ok.

Redhead I hate to burst your bubble but the bad treatment has included both the flight attendant and pilot work groups. I won't try to speak for the other workgroups because I'm not as involved with them. I've deadheaded on west metal with flight attendants who, if not indifferent, were, in a subtle way hostile. There is a segment of flight attendants out west who feel that we should feel indebted and grateful to them because we still have jobs. If you reference the last Crew News from 8/5/10 you'll see and hear a west FA totally expose her ignorance, and in the process embarrass herself as to the misinformation about the merger and the so-called HP "acquisition" of US. The acrimony that engulfs many in this company is not restricted to the pilots. And as far as the "Me-Too" clause, if you're a westie then you may not have an appreciation for Me-Too. And understandably so as you've never worked under those work rules. While not perfect, it's imperfection pales in comparison to the CHAOS that would define our lives if we didn't have it.
Excuse me.

The "me too" clause belongs to the flight attendants. Don't blame the pilots for your woes just because they (both sides) are doing what they think is right for their colleagues.

Here's a suggestion. Lobby to get rid of the "me too" clause. If it happens, let us know how that works out for you.

You are totally correct. The pilots did not drag the FA's into this on purpose and I did not mean to infer that they did. While I understand and appreciate the advantages of having the "me too" clauses in the FA contract, I believe the east FA's were short-sighted in including them into their contract.
No matter what side those of us may take, to comepletely "hitch your wagon" to the whims of another workgroup (who may or may not give a **** about you) was (IMHO) not wise.

That said, for a pilot to "suggest" that someone "fly on your own plane" is unprofessional and unexcusable. The same company signs all of our paychecks. Get used to it.

"Some of these haughty morons will remain so blinded by their own pride and high self-re"gard to ever recognize their own complicity in the hopelessness of the greater scheme. Their all-important and valiant struggle is no longer the centerpiece concern it once was; it's old news, and getting older by the day."

Best recap to date.
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