IAM Election

Here are some numbers for ya

District Officer elections update: CLT, MSP, PIT, ATL

PIT Delaney 65 Canale 14
CLT Delaney 426 The great arse 18
MSP Delaney 78 Management boy 2

All New Direction team members have won their positions and Canale's goofies will be kicked out of office in October. THere are still 10 stations left to vote and at this point, it is important to continue having decent station turnouts to support our new officers, and also to show management that your station isn't going to sit back during this historic action of solidarity to take back our District.

CLT and MSP win "All-Nelson" Awards for their bit** slap of Randy Canale. Both stations delivered 'great pain' for Canale.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman 1487, Chicago
To all our UA brothers and sisters,
I would just like to say I'm very proud of my station CLT for stepping up to the plate.

And I feel for the first time since we joined the district that we are coming together as one. the ND08 is making sure

that EVERY member US or UA will be represented in the way WE all should be. The ND08 slate from top to bottom

has nothing but FIRST CLASS UNION people representing us and for that I can sleep better tonight.
lets not forget the 2 ND08 that stuck to there convictions for the membership and didn't allow Randy to scare them out of the

race . eventhough it temporarily cost them there jobs and I'm sure a financial strain in this tough economy.

Mr. Delaney and Ms Stone . A BIG THANK YOU for steering the ship into the right direction for THE MEMBERSHIP...
To all our UA brothers and sisters,
I would just like to say I'm very proud of my station CLT for stepping up to the plate.

And I feel for the first time since we joined the district that we are coming together as one. the ND08 is making sure

that EVERY member US or UA will be represented in the way WE all should be. The ND08 slate from top to bottom

has nothing but FIRST CLASS UNION people representing us and for that I can sleep better tonight.
I agree that the stations who could get the vote out should be proud. That would be not only CLT but PHL also. As far as sleeping better tonight, well, that's what dreams are made of. :up: .....Hope you don't wake up in the midlle of it. You won't know how it ends.
I agree that the stations who could get the vote out should be proud. That would be not only CLT but PHL also. As far as sleeping better tonight, well, that's what dreams are made of. :up: .....Hope you don't wake up in the midlle of it. You won't know how it ends.
The great (not) cornholly arse has awoken a sleeping Giant in CLT....the most solidarity I have seen in my twenty-two plus years....Congrats....we will take the bull by the horns............
The great (not) cornholly arse has awoken a sleeping Giant in CLT....the most solidarity I have seen in my twenty-two plus years....Congrats....we will take the bull by the horns............

I have always been one to support Canale. I think he has been very successful in his endeavors. Now you have added one more success to his credit. "MOST SOLIDARITY IN 22 PLUS YEARS"
Again, I say, thanks Randy.
I have always been one to support Canale. I think he has been very successful in his endeavors. Now you have added one more success to his credit. "MOST SOLIDARITY IN 22 PLUS YEARS"
Again, I say, thanks Randy.
Sad that this credit comes from pis!!ng the members off! It would of been better to keep your blind loyalness to him if he was more credible in let's say, being a true unionist? Maybe when this election is over, ND08 will give you the spicy randaroo posters that are leftover? For some reason most of them have holes in them????
I have always been one to support Canale. I think he has been very successful in his endeavors. Now you have added one more success to his credit. "MOST SOLIDARITY IN 22 PLUS YEARS"
Again, I say, thanks Randy.
I never followed from 10+ years of US fleet membership in the IAM. I suppose because we at UA were enjoying our industry leading contracts. I have never been one to always look on the other side of the street to see if johnny got more than me. I always paid attention to my own company and my own coworkers. Going through bankruptcy twice must be a b**ch. I know going through once gutted is enough for me. If you guys at US fleet feel you got the shaft from your union and not your company, then you did what you had to do. But don't ever think that 19% of the membership that voted was a lopsided victory. It only shows 81% satisfied/complacent employees are not interested in an internal confrontation. I believe if/when this comes to fruitation, the silent ones will start screaming. For them, so sorry, too late, go with the flow and ride with the tide!
EZ,I'm with ya ,I usually don't get involved with the union politics....however after the co(US) and several get rich ,rape/run CEO's. we as a group felt like the IAM with present leadership did'nt have our best interest at heart,it's bad enough coming from your co.....but we pay these guys (IAM) to keep things in check....therefore the ND08 Team.....change is sometimes good...time will tell....good luck to our airlines,and to the New leadership of OUR IAM District....
for all the UA brothers and sisters
A big thankyou from you southern stepbrother. for voting ND08 .. and congrats to Nick H and Mike C

for getting elected. It's finally nice to have some representation on the district level out of CLT . US 2nd largest local.

again many thanks for helping this southern city finally have a voice.
Today LGA finished the district election with 50 votes for Delaney and 0 for Canale? Other numbers were similar by one vote etc., special thanks to LGA and FV for a great turnout considering the election was already decided!