Is just me, or is Air Wisconsin having a bad week?

Aug 20, 2002
OK, this is just from the perspective of a smaller station in the Northeast, but seems that there a has been a higher than normal rate of problems at ZW this weeek. Long (1.5 plus) delays due to MTC on prior flights, cancelations, and the like.

(No, they don't seem to be as bad as Mesa. (yet?!?) )

With flights being so full, there are few reroute options and customers blame US Airways, not Express. (And they do have a good point).

Industry wide, would be interesting if the reliablity numbers for Express/Commuter/Link/Connection flights were required by the DOT to be published in CRS schedule displays. (Which is the case with Mainline flights).
Industry wide, would be interesting if the reliablity numbers for Express/Commuter/Link/Connection flights were required by the DOT to be published in CRS schedule displays. (Which is the case with Mainline flights).
It's a function of size. Carrier's with at least 1% of domestic passenger revenues are required by the DOT to report. That includes Eagle, ExpressJet, Comair, Skywest, and ASA. Plus Mesa - the only US Express operator large enough to be required to report.

Call it an "advantage" of having such a diverse mix of smaller Express operators - the consumer has no way of determining the reliability of these operators and their specific flights.

That said, the reporting "express" type carriers do a pretty good job on average, coming in only 1-2% behind their primary mainline partner in on-time performance.

I had an Air Wisconsin flight into LGA when the weather was crappy last week, and I expected tons of delays. They took a 30 minute ground hold (ATC) and that was it. I was pleasently suprised.
OK, this is just from the perspective of a smaller station in the Northeast, but seems that there a has been a higher than normal rate of problems at ZW ).
Air Wisconsin is never ending having problems at my station mechanicals crew all round bad reliability
well maybe it has to do with the network and aircraft routing than the operator... i mean, Mesa flew almost all of these routes... now its AWAC and they're having the same problems..... *koff*
Mainline use to fly these routes with very good reliability mechanical problems is just that the plane breaks you fix it and communicate and project the results in a timely fashion you have a missing crew you fix it. Communicate and project the results all in a timely fashion Express has a hard time with this

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