Islamic State Master Plan


Jul 10, 2004

Read it yourself.

I suggest reading it slowly, for comprehension, and honestly attempting to understand what they are saying.

I suggest taking great care to not read it looking for passages to support your own preconceptions and perceptions, and then ripping those passages out of context, in the great evangelical tradition, to support the conclusions you have made before you open the link.

They lay it out pretty clear.

As The Great George C. Scott said after defeating Rommel's Afrika Corps, "I read your book!"

(Great line, and a greater idea, and though I have been unable to find any evidence that Patton actually said it, he undoubtedly did read Rommel's book.)

Any of the useful idiots that feel inclined to post some bs about me apologizing for IS or Radical Terrorism or any other such nonsense, can it. I am advocating knowing the enemy, not identifying with them, and I am advocating knowing them by their own declaration, vs. the sound bite and agenda driven versions on talk radio and certain media.

Knowledge is the key, history the keyhole, ignorance the lock.
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townpete said:
So global warming had nothing to do with it?

No One said that global warming _caused_ terrorism or the creation of IS

Listen much?
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Some of what they did say:

Probably a bit too much for the simple-minded history challenged low info posters around here to comprehend, but no one said "Climate Change Creted IS/Terrorism"

They said it is a factor, and historically speaking, the effects are similiar to other conditins that have caused upheaval and conflict and war throughout human history.

Ignore of that that if all you are interested in is sloganeering and cartoons...

• Obama in a May 2015 speech: "Understand, climate change did not cause the conflicts we see around the world. Yet what we also know is that severe drought helped to create the instability in Nigeria that was exploited by the terrorist group Boko Haram."

• The Defense Department in a 2014 report: "In our defense strategy, we refer to climate change as a ‘threat multiplier’ because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we are dealing with today — from infectious disease to terrorism. We are already beginning to see some of these impacts."

• Adm. Samuel J. Locklear, then-commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in 2013 that the significant upheaval related to the warming planet "is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen … that will cripple the security environment."
Ifly2 said:

No One said that either
You really are that uninformed.

Blaming Terrorism on Climate Change Isn't Just Stupid—It's Dangerous
In Paris, for example, he framed the need for international cooperation on climate issues like this: “And in some ways, it’s [climate change] akin to the problem of terrorism and ISIL.” “In some ways” and “akin” are weasel words that suggest a linkage without really making one.
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Like I said, probably a bit difficult for those with bumper-sticker sized minds to comprehend...
Ifly2 said:
No One said that global warming _caused_ terrorism or the creation of IS
Listen much?
Welp apparently everyone has been saying it.

Congrats on your apparent lack of awarness of the world you live in.

Should I list some more?

Just to make sure it sinks in?

Ifly2 said:
Like I said, probably a bit difficult for those with bumper-sticker sized minds to comprehend...
You're the one who said "nobody".

All you had to do is type in global+warming+terrorism in Google and you'll see all the usual LWNJ's who've been making such claims.

Or maybe you have a different definition of "nobody?

Ms Tree said:
You need to look up the word connection and cause.  I think you are missing the difference between the two.
More of the infamous Tree "weasel words" as E put it.


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