It's Official. The SWAMP is very soon about to DRAIN. Flynn pleads Guilty !

Aug 20, 2002
General Mike Flynn, just became a Government 'RAT' by way of his recent guilty plea !!
Mueller probably spared Flynns son, in exchange foe 'INFO', LOTS of INFO.
Lets see, Manafort.BUSTED. FLYNN,..G U I L T Y. Next up, the 'KUSH' (Kushner) with most likely Donald Jr. 'on deck', maybe PENCE, ................... T H E N..........??

On a side note, every REPLUG Senator has a 'breaking point', meaning WHEN each one will choose to turn on T-Rump. Obviously Not politicians that would elect a PEDOPHILE in order to keep GOP control, but as the 'Swamp Rats' drain into the ENEMA BAG, I expect to see Replugs dis-attatch themselves from the MORON , and probably relatively SOON !!

The GIFT that (WILL) ALWAYS keep on GIVING !!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha !!
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General Mike Flynn, just became a Government 'RAT' by way of his recent guilty plea !!
Mueller probably spared Flynns son, in exchange foe 'INFO', LOTS of INFO.
Lets see, Manafort.BUSTED. FLYNN,..G U I L T Y. Next up, the 'KUSH' (Kushner) with most likely Donald Jr. 'on deck', maybe PENCE, ................... T H E N..........??

On a side note, every REPLUG Senator has a 'breaking point', meaning WHEN each one will choose to turn on T-Rump. Obviously Not politicians that would elect a PEDOPHILE in order to keep GOP control, but as the 'Swamp Rats' drain into the ENEMA BAG, I expect to see Replugs dis-attatch themselves from the MORON , and probably relatively SOON !!

The GIFT that (WILL) ALWAYS keep on GIVING !!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha !!

Hmmmm. No interest in Flynn PLEADING GUILTY, by our resident ('cooler') consevatives, HMMMMM !!
If Kushner, or for that matter Trump, told Flynn to contact Russia either pre or post election, what law would be violated and what would the penalty be?
Though I will not miss Trump or Pence if they go, let's not exalt in their downfall just yet. Yesterday there were reports on television that there is evidence of lying by both Trump and Pence regarding Russia. To lose both the President and the Vice-President has never happened in our history. Are we sure that the Republic can survive such an event? The concept of the United States has survived some real political shocks in its lifetime, but nothing like appears to be building at the moment.

Let us hope that everyone will be willing to act like responsible adults and accept whatever outcome results.
there isn't one incoming admins who hasn'tcontacted Russia for decades, its just liberals maintaining hope theres a shred of evidence for something that caused their precious Hillary( maybe worse candidate of all time, who took millions fron Russia interests) to lose
Meant to add...

There are large numbers of people out there who get their political "knowledge" from Facebook. As George Will (My favorite classic conservative) pointed out yesterday on one of the talk shows that over 20% of the U.S. population thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and the average college freshman does not know the term lengths for a single national office--President, Vice-President, or member of either chamber of Congress. We have people out there who can vote who not only don't know anything, they don't even suspect.
there isn't one incoming admins who hasn'tcontacted Russia for decades, its just liberals maintaining hope theres a shred of evidence for something that caused their precious Hillary( maybe worse candidate of all time, who took millions fron Russia interests) to lose
You are wrong. Pre-Trump there has been a tradition honored by both political parties that there is one Presidential administration at a time, and regardless how one incoming President feels about his predecessor's foreign policy, the incoming President and his staff do NOT take any action until AFTER he or she is sworn in. What Flynn did is also a violation of the Logan Act (which admittedly has never been enforced, but that may be because there had been no violations of it until now).

You really need to move on from Hillary. Neither she nor the Democratic Party is in power now. I suppose Hillary is also responsible for the War Between the States in your book. I repeat...Hillary is not in charge now, and she never had the power to do any of the stuff you claim she did--you must be one of the Facebook-trained political experts. Hillary is not in charge. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers.
You are wrong. Pre-Trump there has been a tradition honored by both political parties that there is one Presidential administration at a time, and regardless how one incoming President feels about his predecessor's foreign policy, the incoming President and his staff do NOT take any action until AFTER he or she is sworn in. What Flynn did is also a violation of the Logan Act (which admittedly has never been enforced, but that may be because there had been no violations of it until now).

You really need to move on from Hillary. Neither she nor the Democratic Party is in power now. I suppose Hillary is also responsible for the War Between the States in your book. I repeat...Hillary is not in charge now, and she never had the power to do any of the stuff you claim she did--you must be one of the Facebook-trained political experts. Hillary is not in charge. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers.

I guess you forgot the meeting between VP Candidate Bush and William Casey with Iran in 1980 prior to Reagan taking office?
Never been successfully used, is unconstitutional, constitutionally vague and unenforceable.
It's a dead law that makes liberals have a sense of purpose in their lives and a thrill up their legs.
So may I ask since it’s never been challenged nor taken to the Supreme Court and since you aren’t a lawyer nor a Constutional one at that, how is it unconstitutional?

Neither you nor I are in a position to declare it that.

Been a law since the 1800s.
So may I ask since it’s never been challenged nor taken to the Supreme Court and since you aren’t a lawyer nor a Constutional one at that, how is it unconstitutional?

Neither you nor I are in a position to declare it that.

Been a law since the 1800s.

Violates ones freedom of speech for openers.

If it does please show how.

Can you yell fire in a crowded movie theater?

Government telling you that you can't talk to foreigners.

I thought you claimed freedom of speech rights only apply to what the government can do to you. Looks like its an open and shut case.