JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I'm going to take a page from your book and say an absolute.

This will not be pushed until the contracts become amendable.

Those raises we got had to come with some type of attachment? And that attachment doesn't necessarily have to have been written as legalese. Some people still do make Gentlemens agreements in this Country.

Duly noted. You believe this will not be pushed down the road because we are dealing with gentlemen.
Far far far from it. I've capitulated multiple times on your opinions and have many times sided with you that those opinions do make sense. What disturbes you is that I'm not one of your in House sheep who go along with everything you tell them. I know and speak to people who are much smarter than you and I and I respect those opinions and conversations.

You just have so much hatred and animosity towards me now that your emotions have compromised you.

Let you in on a little secret. I don't undermine you as much as you think and have even tried to tell a few of my "friends" where you could be very valuable. "They just don't listen to me on that one"

See, you just can't resist.

I'd have to guess you don't even realize you're doing it when you do it. Of the two, the only one that shows any type of emotions in their responses, would be yourself. And again, other people read these pages and can see for themselves.
Weez you've said that a hundred times I don't think he's interested.Either that or he doesn't drink coffee.

I drink coffee. I just don't have the need to spend time with someone who just feels like insults are a manner in which to conduct a debate or an exchange of ideas. Seems counterproductive.
Duly noted. You believe this will not be pushed down the road because we are dealing with gentlemen.

Possibly yes. You can't deny that since the merger they have done a few things that have left you scratching your head. I seem to recall a PM you responded to me once where you used one word, "flabbergasted"

You were shocked if you recall a move the company made that I said they would make and you were saying "no way"

They've done a few of those since the merger. Now are they going to do all of the things we ask for or want? Of course not. Neither side wants to be taken advantage of and kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness.

No I 100% don't believe this will drag out till 2018 and I think there are still a few more "surprises" left to come before we put this to bed and move on for the next 5 years.
I drink coffee. I just don't have the need to spend time with someone who just feels like insults are a manner in which to conduct a debate or an exchange of ideas. Seems counterproductive.

Tell you what. I'll make you a promise not to insult you if you make the same promise. I think we both can have the will to restrain ourselves?

We can even have a friend of yours present if it makes you more comfortable? How about Dave Wojnar? I freakin love Wojnar. Very honorable man IMO.
I know and speak to people who are much smarter than you and I and I respect those opinions and conversations.
Did you hear that NYer? WeAAsles knows IMPORTANT people.
I don't undermine you as much as you think and have even tried to tell a few of my "friends" where you could be very valuable.
Always ready to manipulate people for your own purposes aye WeAAsles?
They just don't listen to me
What do you know they ARE smarter than you.
Did you hear that NYer? WeAAsles knows IMPORTANT people.Always ready to manipulate people for your own purposes aye WeAAsles?What do you know they ARE smarter than you.

You really are making me laugh now troll.
What's the matter? I get under your skin saying that you'll NEVER NEVER NEVER be back with us and that you're garbage?

Oh and glad that the TWU and us members scewed you royally. I hope when we get a JCBA we get a chance to do it again HARD!!!

You see NYer I'm really only a flaming A hole to certain people who I think deserve it. Otherwise there are plenty of people who (heart) me like a skinny Teddy Bear.
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LU LU, Please dude, why do you have to carry on. Fine and dandy if you like adding an opinion industry,
contract or AA related from the outside, even if it's 99.9% negative. Can you at least stop chasing Weasles around like a little punk trying to get in the last shot. If you are over 21, maybe start acting it a little more.
You pollute the forum with your never ending hatred for the man and he has even stated he will not even respond to you. How about a least staying partially on topic here. Thanks a bunch!

And W, you did say no more falling into his trap, my words not yours...ignore the guy.
This is a serious problem we have as members, hearing this kind of stuff and then how difficult it is for the NC to deal with the company. I'm bewildered and disturbed at this. Should it be so hard to get what many others in the industry already have, such as more holidays, better holiday pay and more jobs to go with it. How it can take this long to come up with so little is mind boggling. Something is very wrong and needs to be addressed by the unions and members. What a crock of excrement.
Talos, let me just say this, until the Association is on the same page, we will not have an agreement. I don't care what P. Rez, Charlie Brown, NYer or anyone else comes on here and tells you or you read in Association updates. I don't care what Parker has to spend, offer or refuses to accept, until the TWU and IAM can agree on the remaining articles, you will not see any type of JCBA. Take that for what it's worth.
LU LU, Please dude, why do you have to carry on. Fine and dandy if you like adding an opinion industry,
contract or AA related from the outside, even if it's 99.9% negative. Can you at least stop chasing Weasles around like a little punk trying to get in the last shot. If you are over 21, maybe start acting it a little more.
You pollute the forum with your never ending hatred for the man and he has even stated he will not even respond to you. How about a least staying partially on topic here. Thanks a bunch!

And W, you did say no more falling into his trap, my words not yours...ignore the guy.

I don't read his stuff because it's all pandantic rants but unfortunately Forums never put in that Block feature like Facebook so it's like hearing the buzz of a fly near your ear.

Thanks though buddy. I'll give it a good college effort to ignore the guy.
I don't read his stuff because it's all pandantic rants but unfortunately Forums never put in that Block feature like Facebook so it's like hearing the buzz of a fly near your ear.

Thanks though buddy. I'll give it a good college effort to ignore the guy.
Too bad I found it entertaining
Possibly yes. You can't deny that since the merger they have done a few things that have left you scratching your head. I seem to recall a PM you responded to me once where you used one word, "flabbergasted"

You were shocked if you recall a move the company made that I said they would make and you were saying "no way"

They've done a few of those since the merger. Now are they going to do all of the things we ask for or want? Of course not. Neither side wants to be taken advantage of and kindness shouldn't be mistaken for weakness.

No I 100% don't believe this will drag out till 2018 and I think there are still a few more "surprises" left to come before we put this to bed and move on for the next 5 years.

You've been wrong on most points up to know, so I guess the odds must be in your favor by now.
Tell you what. I'll make you a promise not to insult you if you make the same promise. I think we both can have the will to restrain ourselves?

We can even have a friend of yours present if it makes you more comfortable? How about Dave Wojnar? I freakin love Wojnar. Very honorable man IMO.

Insults don't really bother me. They're more of a reflection of your integrity than mine.
You've been wrong on most points up to know, so I guess the odds must be in your favor by now.

Really? You think so? I think my score has been much better than yours since you got out of bed with Jim, Tim and Bobby.
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