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JetBlue MC's File For AMFA Representation


Oct 23, 2010
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Congrats to all the MC's at JB for their grass roots efforts in collecting over 80% cards for an election to have AMFA possibly represent their Maintenance Controllers.
AMFA is still growing. And getting more popular within the industry year by year. Having a Class and Craft pacific representational entity will better represent the members at JetBlue within the MC's group. Now, maybe, this will get the mechanics kicked into gear for an AMFA representation for their group as well.
Again congrats guys and gals. We all look forward to the election announcement...

Press Release: JetBlue MX Controllers File Representation Cards with NMB for AMFA
August 13, 2021 -- Today, The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is proud to announce that it has filed for union representation with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on behalf of the Aircraft Maintenance Controllers at JetBlue. “AMFA is elated that this workgroup has placed its confidence in us as their craft specific union representation,” said Bret Oestreich, AMFA National Director.
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Painter, you know how much you spent on the AA loss? How much did it cost in dues money?
JetBlue Mechanics and MC's, you guys may want to get those cards in ASAP as JB is still sweetening the pot for the merger with Spirit. Better to represented going into any merger. Sun Country Mechanics were certified 5-10 as indicated below on NMB sight. Spirit Airline Mechanics will be following suit here shortly when the NMB makes announcement on their election status after filing, also listed below on NMB sight. Can only hope you fellow Mechanics and Related @ JetBlue will get it done in time for these mergers coming in your future. Good luck to all involved and great to see you guys all focused on a Class and Craft Union Representation...

In hopes to see an AMFA Election Representational Filing from the Mechanic and Related group at JetBlue soon on the NMB web site...
Attention Mechanics and Related @ JetBlue, NMB just announced the election vote for AMFA representation is on @ Spirit Airlines. The count date will be 8-15. Just a heads up in case you JB Mechanics and Related are involved with the merger of Spirit you guys may wanna speed up the card collection as they did. NMB's posted elections below:

Why are AMFA organizers on zoom calls telling Jetblue AMTs that TWU AMT Organizers don't know how to turn on APUs? Zooms are a wonderful tool that many can listen in to. And call out lies afterwards. Why don't you tell them (and Spirit AMTs) that they will be asked to pay dues from day one in order to avoid initiation fees (TWU has none for new groups and would NEVER ask for dues before a contract!) And tell them how you screwed up the last filing that exposed the Jetblue MCTs to harm and potential outsourcing? You think Sean Love, Bill Cade and the rest of the TechOps team there are not on to you?
Why are AMFA organizers on zoom calls telling Jetblue AMTs that TWU AMT Organizers don't know how to turn on APUs? Zooms are a wonderful tool that many can listen in to. And call out lies afterwards. Why don't you tell them (and Spirit AMTs) that they will be asked to pay dues from day one in order to avoid initiation fees (TWU has none for new groups and would NEVER ask for dues before a contract!) And tell them how you screwed up the last filing that exposed the Jetblue MCTs to harm and potential outsourcing? You think Sean Love, Bill Cade and the rest of the TechOps team there are not on to you?

I just ran into two of those TWU organizers here in FLL and happen to know for a fact that they’re AMT’s. Also loved the TWU Local 591 Shirts they were wearing.