
Sep 16, 2013
Having read the ASSociation's proposals presented to the company, I have not found anything about JOB SECURITY for TWU members as is covered in the US/IAM agreements. Am I missing something here?
Will the LUS people have job protection and the not the LAA people?
I Believe the Dual Unionism agreement specifies any job losses will be equal, percentage wise.
MetalMover said:
Having read the ASSociation's proposals presented to the company, I have not found anything about JOB SECURITY for TWU members as is covered in the US/IAM agreements. Am I missing something here?
Will the LUS people have job protection and the not the LAA people?
Unions can do nothing for job security. one of the biggest false hoods out there. Maybe they figured that out and are bargining for things that matter and not just ones that blow smoke.
Unions can do nothing for job security. one of the biggest false hoods out there. Maybe they figured that out and are bargining for things that matter and not just ones that blow smoke.
Not true many CBAs has no lay off clauses, if you knew about CBAs, instead of hating unions you would know this, go ask ALPA and the IAM about.

Doug needs his car washed, get over there now!
700UW said:
Not true many CBAs has no lay off clauses, if you knew about CBAs, instead of hating unions you would know this, go ask ALPA and the IAM about.

Doug needs his car washed, get over there now!
Worked out pretty good for the M&R at UAL in Indy.
Closed Indy in 'one day' and put everyone on ANP (Absent No Pay).
Yea love those iron clad clauses... :p
All the company has to do is claim that their fuel costs are causing an issue. 
They do not have to prove it to the union.
700UW said:
Not true many CBAs has no lay off clauses, if you knew about CBAs, instead of hating unions you would know this, go ask ALPA and the IAM about.

Doug needs his car washed, get over there now!
No Matter what is in any CBA there is No such thing as JOB Security in the airline biz.
There is no such thing as a NO Layoff clause, if company sheds work or aircraft or changes schedule where the city is no longer utilized
within the system the workers will be layed off, and have to go to a city where their seniority can be held or hit the street. No company is going to pay you to just sit around.
Ask the PMUS pilots over 200 of them in the late 90s who got paid to sit at home on layoff as their CBA had a no furlough clause, so US couldn't lay them off, they got paid to sit home.
Most all "no-layoff" clauses have riders on them called force majeure (Act-of-God) clauses which in most cases neuters the previous language.
So pretty much the exact time you'll need to be saved - you won't be.
Economic down turn is not a Force Maeujre item, that would be 9/11 and the Gulf Wars.