John Murtha Navy award poll

He claimed he got his info from the military it's self. Clinton was accused in the public forum for White Water and never convicted. What of it? The info I remember reading early on was that the military investigators had the soldiers dead to rights. Now they are all innocent. I smell something fishy.

As for being acquitted, has the military ever tried to cover up any thing in the past? Do they have any incentive to cover anything up in Iraq?
Weak :down:
It is entirely possible to be a highly accomplished and decorated veteran, yet still be a traitor.

One of the brightest and most successful military commanders in the Continental Army was Benedict Arnold. Up until 1780, that is, when he switched sides and plotted against his own army.

Mirtha and Kerry are worse than Arnold. At least Arnold had the common sense to leave the country, never to return.
He claimed he got his info from the military it's self. Clinton was accused in the public forum for White Water and never convicted. What of it? The info I remember reading early on was that the military investigators had the soldiers dead to rights. Now they are all innocent. I smell something fishy.

As for being acquitted, has the military ever tried to cover up any thing in the past? Do they have any incentive to cover anything up in Iraq?
Clinton was accused, yes. He was a standing President for Gods sake. Senate HEARINGS of investigations into IMPROPER behavoir and use of the White House are open to the public....C-Span??

I think you smell anything fishy when it involves anything to do with our military and/or a "right leaning Govt. When you read "early on" these Marines were "dead to rights, was because of the fact that once the left leaning media got hold of this nice morsel to smear the Bush Administration/policies on Iraq, they ran with it like a kid through a candy store.Thank god for news outlets both tv and print, that show how instances like this can ruin good people just to benefit themselves in smearing an Administration at all cost, instead of REPORTING the FACTS, which eventually came to light to aquit these brave soldiers doing a tough job.....Fighting in a WAR, however unpopular. Remember, in a WAR, a soldier raises his weapon, you TRY to raise yours, your dead. Period. Would you not comply with a Police Officer doing the same over a traffic stop?
Considering that he earned Bronze Star with Valor, two Purple Hearts, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and the Distinguished Navy Cross I think he has earned the right to say anything he god damn well wants to say.

As I recall learning in Civics class. People in the US have the right to speak freely in the US even if that person disagrees with the government or the majority of the people. IIRC, it's even mentioned in the USSC. I could be wrong on that last part ... feel free to look it up.

Unless you disagree with "The Annoited One" ! :shock:

Then your put on the Demorats "Slander" hit list !

Clinton was accused, yes. He was a standing President for Gods sake. Senate HEARINGS of investigations into IMPROPER behavoir and use of the White House are open to the public....C-Span??

I think you smell anything fishy when it involves anything to do with our military and/or a "right leaning Govt. When you read "early on" these Marines were "dead to rights, was because of the fact that once the left leaning media got hold of this nice morsel to smear the Bush Administration/policies on Iraq, they ran with it like a kid through a candy store.Thank god for news outlets both tv and print, that show how instances like this can ruin good people just to benefit themselves in smearing an Administration at all cost, instead of REPORTING the FACTS, which eventually came to light to aquit these brave soldiers doing a tough job.....Fighting in a WAR, however unpopular. Remember, in a WAR, a soldier raises his weapon, you TRY to raise yours, your dead. Period. Would you not comply with a Police Officer doing the same over a traffic stop?
My brother is a cop/swat. They get the same treatment when they have to take out some meth/crack head dirtbag the hard way.

He has a story similar to what happened to those guys. It came out all right for the good guys.
My brother is a cop/swat. They get the same treatment when they have to take out some meth/crack head dirtbag the hard way.

He has a story similar to what happened to those guys. It came out all right for the good guys.
Good for your brother. Tough job that is underappreciated by some, most know that is a noble profession.

Kudos! :up:
What disturbs me is people who pretend to know another's heart.

Until you've run out onto the beaches of Normandy under withering gunfire do not speak of another's reaction to war!

Unlike you dapoes, my Uncle did exactly as described. Three survived from his Higgin's boat as he ran onto the beaches of Normandy in defense of Freedom and Liberty.
Coming from a military family, such as I, if he in turn, turned his back on his fellow soldiers as an outright coward, then he can follow Mr Murthas path straight to hell!

Im sure your uncle would agree...