Judge Approves $240 million Bid Stake in US Airways


Aug 19, 2002
TPG sounds like they are OK with things...I guess that's good for everyone? I wonder why TPG decided not to Pony-Up and match the offer? My guess would be that TPG was wanting to take more of a controllng interest in things , than Dave was willing to allow. This is indeed an interesting turn of events.
The attachment is not an indication that the Judge approved the offer. It is TPG's statement.
[SPAN class=t]Court backs US Airways $740 mln financing plan

[/SPAN][A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/020926/airlines_usairways_1.html]http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/020926/airlines_usairways_1.html[/A][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]Texas Pacific Group Yeilds In Initial Bidding for Stake In Carrier[BR][BR][A href=http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?siteid=yhoo&dist=yhoomore&guid=%7BCBE0D92A%2D94CF%2D4215%2DA6DA%2DB23586A703AD%7D]http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?siteid=yhoo&dist=yhoomore&guid=%7BCBE0D92A%2D94CF%2D4215%2DA6DA%2DB23586A703AD%7D[/A]
What is a state retirement fund doing gambling in the airline industry with their state employees retirement benefits? Sounds suicidle! You all would be better off chartering a bus trip to Vegas and at least have better odds then gambling it away in this industry!Ask any U employee about their 401K or ESOP plan now , what they expect in the future and what they had expected?

Siegel said that RSA's bid could be topped by another party, including TPG. I would not say they are out of the picture, Siegel said of David Bonderman's interest.
