I don't see how they can obtain what they want by monday. Would this not require a vote from the labor groups to do so? He can't!! via conventional means. Expect extreme measures to come!!
I'm of the opinion that the un-realistic timeframe for the concessions or amendments they seek is a plot to take real drastic actions without any rubber stamping from the labor leadership or it's members.
Chip posed a thought about a direct attack to the pension fund. This I see as highly likely because that in itself will get U exactly where it needs to be in terms of securing the ATSB loan guarantees at a minimum.
With that said...don't begin to assume that "Labor Friendly Dave" is going to stop there...or act remotely satisfied , should he secure that victory.
Our so-called friend with the Harvard MBA is not going to be satisfied with just securing the needed loans. He will be looking way beyond the scope of simple re-payment and the showing of mear modest profits. He will be looking to secure large margins of profits for himself..and the investors , as any bright CEO is obligated to do. This of course will be at our expense in many cases.
Additional cuts..that Wolf saw as needed too , have now become obtainable due to the political and econmic slide the global economy is in. Expect him to attempt to capitalize on these issues at every given chance to do so. The honeymoon is over..no matter how rocky it began.
Dave has seen a unique opprotunity to seize what he needs in terms of attempting to "Kill Labor" to save the airline. Dave is looking to be the architect of "Dynamic Turn-around" in regards to this company..no matter how deeply it hurts the workforce while doing so. That's not his problem!!
Simply stated...His perception of right and wrong is not influenced by labors perception of him as a person or a leader.
His perception of right and wrong is defined by his standings among his peer group in the circles of the big business community. Should he be able to pull this company out of the fire? He will be able to write his own ticket for many years to come. How he leaves USAirways current or furloghed employee's in this quest , is of NO concern in the meantime. Don't begin to think other wise...If you do? You will be horribly dis-appointed beyond anything you feel at present
Expect Drastic measure leveled at all of us within the next few days..or the next short weeks proceeding the Christmas Holidays. I expect the hammer to drop hard within the next 96 hours. That's just my opinion.