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Labor & Conference Call


Aug 20, 2002
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Was there a call today?? What was discussed??
I can't imagine that Glass will get what he wants on Monday. Maybe ...that's the point.
I don't see how they can obtain what they want by monday. Would this not require a vote from the labor groups to do so? He can't!! via conventional means. Expect extreme measures to come!!

I'm of the opinion that the un-realistic timeframe for the concessions or amendments they seek is a plot to take real drastic actions without any rubber stamping from the labor leadership or it's members.

Chip posed a thought about a direct attack to the pension fund. This I see as highly likely because that in itself will get U exactly where it needs to be in terms of securing the ATSB loan guarantees at a minimum.

With that said...don't begin to assume that "Labor Friendly Dave" is going to stop there...or act remotely satisfied , should he secure that victory.

Our so-called friend with the Harvard MBA is not going to be satisfied with just securing the needed loans. He will be looking way beyond the scope of simple re-payment and the showing of mear modest profits. He will be looking to secure large margins of profits for himself..and the investors , as any bright CEO is obligated to do. This of course will be at our expense in many cases.

Additional cuts..that Wolf saw as needed too , have now become obtainable due to the political and econmic slide the global economy is in. Expect him to attempt to capitalize on these issues at every given chance to do so. The honeymoon is over..no matter how rocky it began.

Dave has seen a unique opprotunity to seize what he needs in terms of attempting to "Kill Labor" to save the airline. Dave is looking to be the architect of "Dynamic Turn-around" in regards to this company..no matter how deeply it hurts the workforce while doing so. That's not his problem!!

Simply stated...His perception of right and wrong is not influenced by labors perception of him as a person or a leader.

His perception of right and wrong is defined by his standings among his peer group in the circles of the big business community. Should he be able to pull this company out of the fire? He will be able to write his own ticket for many years to come. How he leaves USAirways current or furloghed employee's in this quest , is of NO concern in the meantime. Don't begin to think other wise...If you do? You will be horribly dis-appointed beyond anything you feel at present

Expect Drastic measure leveled at all of us within the next few days..or the next short weeks proceeding the Christmas Holidays. I expect the hammer to drop hard within the next 96 hours. That's just my opinion.
MDA now staffed with 30 employees...what a joke!

according to the Hub. I have been told that the total employee cost is now in the 7 figures. Heard it is all execs including attorneys, accountants, economist and a secretary. What the hell is going on, this MDA airline doesn't even exist.
Say it isn't so Joe?

We're Goin Down!!!

"...why is mgmnt staffing MDA and they dont even have their operating certificate?"

They do, actually. They bought the certificate of Paradise Island Airlines f/k/a Chalk's International for Potomac Air Inc. and then transferred it from Potomac to MidAtlantic. US just asked DOT's permission to allow the certificate to remain dormant until April, 2003.

I'm not sure what's magic about April, since they have already said they won't fire up MDA until the second half of '03.

The remarks about a shell corp being created are becoming more possible. It would create a place to park assets and maintain slots and route authorities while things were reorganized...or...while awaiting a "unique corporate transaction."
They do, actually. They bought the certificate of Paradise Island Airlines f/k/a Chalk's International for Potomac Air Inc. and then transferred it from Potomac to MidAtlantic. US just asked DOT's permission to allow the certificate to remain dormant until April, 2003.

I'm not sure what's magic about April, since they have already said they won't fire up MDA until the second half of '03.

The remarks about a shell corp being created are becoming more possible. It would create a place to park assets and maintain slots and route authorities while things were reorganized...or...while awaiting a "unique corporate transaction."
Is this explain the new service into the "Islands" somehow?

I was stunned with the depth of management's request for productivity and pension changes. All of these requests dwarf the productivity clauses in the restructuring agreements.

The CWA told their members management said they want to know from each group, by close of business Monday, whether that group will participate in the concession negotiations, and that they want a "unanimous" response. That information, according to management, will be presented to the US Airways Board of Directors on Tuesday, December 3, and the Board will determine a future course of action for US Airways.

The deep cuts, a 6-day period to tell management if all labor groups will participate, and for the board, to decide 7 days after management's draconian proposal, to "determine a future course of action for US Airways", in my opinion sets up a showdown between labor and management.

To me this is absurd because the company has accomplished so much. The airline has over $1.3 billion in annual cost cuts, has obtained $425 to $475 million in annual aircraft lessor concessions, GECAS just announced it anticipates reaching a concession accord, authorization for 395 additional RJs, corporate agreements to add 88 RJs (Mesa & Midway, government approval for the domestic alliance, and acceptance into the Star alliance.

Is management willing to throw all of the postive restructuring efforts away? Especially since Dave Siegel told Airline Business in a November interview "I'm here to run an airline, and to save jobs. I'm still making my reputation."

I have been a fan of Dave's and supported his agenda, but if he draws a line in the sand on management's proposal, I cannot support this action. I believe labor is willing to help to bridge the revenue shortfall and emerge from bankruptcy, but it appears these cuts provide more than the amounts necessary to obtain the loan guarantee.

If true, in my opinion there must be an ulterior motive. I believe there could be three potential motives:

1. Seek to cancel the pension plans for any union who does not agree to participate in the concession negotiations.

2. Management believe war in the Middle East is certain and these cuts are necessary to survive an extended conflict.

3. Request the court cancel our contracts, regardless of S.1113 protections, and execute a "corporate transaction" when US Airways has the lowest industry labor expense.

Chip, I agree with you 100%....Maybe Dave does see the potential for war with Iraq being a greater certainty than some? I tend to think it's a sure bet....based on the stories coming out of Baghdad from the UN Inspectors regarding the shell game that Saddam is obviously playing with the dirty little items the majority of the world suspects him of having.

I also agree about having believed in Dave in the past. This is an area where we have never failed to agree...inspite of other differences of opinions on other related matters. However...This weeks actions in TPA...and this "Show Down" he's aiming us toward , has destroyed my faith in him...and his barely earned trust he was establishing prior to last tuesdays "Blitz Krieg" in TPA.

Dave's approach is completely 180 degrees out from being what he represented himself to be in the beginning. I'm glad to see that you have your doubts now too.

Again...I find myself agreeing again , that an alterior motive must be present to warrant a "Clash of the Titans" with all the labor groups. I would have to throw up my hands in disgust for everything....should any labor group find this acceptable? , muchless all of them signing off on this bilge in unison.

From my perspective in the "Cheap Seats"....I say let this little bastard do whatever he wants to try with his "Sword of Gideon" in hand.....but I'll be damned if I'm going to volunteer anything else on my own accord. I have worked my fanny off to keep things flying ...and keep things real from a cost perspective while doing so. I have also devoted alot of off time toward finding solutions to problems that this collection of bafoons are failing or choosing not to address as real and valid detrements to our chances of profitability.

Dave's un-spoken attitude of "Let Then eat cake" via his recent actions....has killed whatever possible chances we had of moving forward with a work group behind him....or as behind him as they can physically stomach due to recent actions taken..or requested of late.

My theory is this....I came to USAir looking for a job.....and I'm not too sorry to find another one. So let him draw a line in the sand.!! Labor needs to tell him in no uncertain terms to "Go Pack Sand" !! If you catch my drift? This is the point where we should stand our ground. Loyalty to a job and aviation in general has now become an un-profitable or un-desireable pursuit....Unless we band together against what is clearly oppresion minded tactics.
Back to your original question, did a call take place on the 29th? Does anyone know what was discussed?
Take this to the bank... no matter what the future holds for me or the rest of my colleagues, threats or no threats to "take it to the judge", I will vote NO to anything CWA further presents to me to vote on, other than a fair retirement reorganization plan. If it means all the lights go out,so be it.
Reply to AOG, CHIP
I have never been an fan of AOG or chip, maybe know you see the writing on the wall. There was reason so many of us said no for the first round of cuts. Because there is always a second, third and maybe a forth. If you would commute the system like many us know are doing, people would see this guy (Dave) has no clue. He is quessing with the schedule, USAIRWAYS schedule is so out of wack cusomers are leaving us in droves. For many passengers our schedule doesn't work for them because of odd times wrong size a/c etc... The size of A/C, boy that's joke alone large a/c flying more than half empty, and small a/c on markets where they leave people at gates. Since my last 8 months of flying twice a week I am confinced he has no clue, even passengers are at a loss of what he's doing. It's alsmost like were are setup to lose money or even worse fail. I am done no more chasing a USAIRWAYS job, good employees are leaving and all I see is talent walking out door. I came from repair stations and the talent there is something to be alarmed with. I have 7 days left to my furlough. I am truley glad it's over, time to pass on other stations and hit the street. Best of luck to you all, good luck to the end.
Sidestick, The fact that you are not a "Fan" of mine is very disturbing. I may not get all of my alloted 9 hours of sleep over this.[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']

I realize that my choice to vote for the companies survival during the last go around , was NOT popular with many of the hardliners. That's fine...and I respect your rights to have a differing opinion.

I also am the type to give most anyone the benefit of the doubt once....and as I stated during the last concession vote...That was thier one and only chance with me. I can now no longer support the course of action that Dave requires or invisions for those whom remain with this disfunctional and aimless roller coaster.

What's being asked of us...Is not labor friendly , inspite of Dave's spoken and written definition of the term. What's being asked is an attempt at "Labor Suicide"....or possibly even union busting? , should our Harvard friend seek abrogation of our wobbly contracts when this is rejected.

I'm amazed this time at the number of Pilots that are speaking out...and I damn sure admire the AFA's open objections without managment taking part of the hit they've earned in this mess.

Should you be furloughed as you stated you would be? I wish you all the best in your next endeavor...I hope it's a million times better than what you are parting from!!!
[P][BR]I'm amazed this time at the number of Pilots that are speaking out[BR]----------------[BR][BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]I'd pay money to see how well chips theories go over on the alpa boards.cut and paste anyone? pleaseeeeee[/FONT][/STRONG][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][BR]I'm amazed this time at the number of Pilots that are speaking out[BR]----------------[BR][BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]I'd pay money to see how well chips theories go over on the alpa boards.cut and paste anyone? pleaseeeeee[/FONT][/STRONG][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]

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