Layoff Rumors At Sfo


Mar 2, 2004
Anyone hear about rumors that AMFA has negotiated with United over the layoff of 1,000 mechanics at SFO? To make matters worse, layoffs may not be based on seniority.
No, not in the last 24-36 hrs on the internet AMT grapevine...though a review of the gists of your previous posts may indicate you may wish it to be true.
Lets do the rough math....
2000 mechs in turbine shop....trying to deliver 600 engines this year.
759 mechs in OV...777, 767, 737, A319/320 c-checks and special route
459 line mechs....up to 40 overnighters per night
not sure how many in back shops...couple hundred???

your number 1000 at point....mmmmmm....kinda doubt it....

another 1000 system wide....quite possible/probable.....

Out of seniority...another probability based on the fact that it occurred on the last layoff....we have people on the property with less seniority than some that left. It has been grieved, but I don't think it will go far...especially while in BK

And remember, as always...Hug a Pilot today :D
"And remember, as always...Hug a Pilot today"

Care to elaborate? I am a UAL pilot and what have I done to you? We both have faceless union entitys that do our biding and you and I are just trying to earn a paycheck and live to work tommorow.

Perhaps your stabs should be aimed in the right direction.

If we can not stand together through the tough times then there is no hope left at all.
Care to elaborate? I am a UAL pilot and what have I done to you? We both have faceless union entitys that do our biding and you and I are just trying to earn a paycheck and live to work tommorow.

Of course you've done nothing to me. It was that faceless union that killed this company and wiped out innumerable careers. I've got nothing but love for you brother....heck, I need a driver for my shop to shuttle my customers. Give me an application and list of qualifications and we'll see if we can work something out. :up:
magsau said:
"And remember, as always...Hug a Pilot today"

Care to elaborate? I am a UAL pilot and what have I done to you? We both have faceless union entitys that do our biding and you and I are just trying to earn a paycheck and live to work tommorow.

Perhaps your stabs should be aimed in the right direction.

If we can not stand together through the tough times then there is no hope left at all.
Ronin has a selective memory. He seems to forget his union crossing a picket line and it's poison pill contract clauses that helped put UAL in it's current financial position. And lets not forget that while ALPA was trying to do what was necessary to avoid BK, his boys were demanding an industry leading contract. Blaming pilots for for his mistakes seems to be the modis..
I really don't think these rumors have any basis to be true. Claudia Taylor in the Turbine Shop just negotiated for more Korean Air 777 (large PW4000) engines starting this month. It seems our only restraints for bringing in more work is not enough manpower. Maximum overtime in the engine build area to make up for this shortage. Airplane Overhaul is bringing in 6 767 "C" checks starting this month. These were previously 100% outsourced. Once again, manpower constraints prohibit more work being brought back from outside vendors. Landing Gear shop getting ready to open in the Turbine Shop in September will require 75-100 more mechanics and other related personal. Word from upper management is that when we exit bankrupcy there will be large numbers of mechanic recalls.
The Ronin said:
Lets do the rough math....
2000 mechs in turbine shop....trying to deliver 600 engines this year.
759 mechs in OV...777, 767, 737, A319/320 c-checks and special route
459 line mechs....up to 40 overnighters per night
not sure how many in back shops...couple hundred???

your number 1000 at point....mmmmmm....kinda doubt it....

another 1000 system wide....quite possible/probable.....

Out of seniority...another probability based on the fact that it occurred on the last layoff....we have people on the property with less seniority than some that left. It has been grieved, but I don't think it will go far...especially while in BK

And remember, as always...Hug a Pilot today :D
Out of seniority...another probability based on the fact that it occurred on the last layoff....we have people on the property with less seniority than some that left. It has been grieved, but I don't think it will go far...especially while in BK
funny my union,say what you may still has seniority provisions....hows about YOURS?
Ronin has a selective memory. He seems to forget his union crossing a picket line and it's poison pill contract clauses that helped put UAL in it's current financial position. And lets not forget that while ALPA was trying to do what was necessary to avoid BK, his boys were demanding an industry leading contract. Blaming pilots for for his mistakes seems to be the modis..

Oh come on....I love you brother...sing with me now" ain't no mountain high enough...ain't no valley low enough...mmmmm" :lol:
funny my union,say what you may still has seniority provisions....hows about YOURS?

From that sentence, if you want to call it that, I assume you are refering to Article X. Right you are my friend, PROVISIONS. Now, take a walk with me and lets look at the R&E list. What???, they're are guys here with LESS class and company seniority than A&P's that went out the door!!! what does your union say about that smart guy.... :D
Main Entry: 1ru•mor
Pronunciation: 'rü-m&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English rumour, from Middle French, from Latin rumor clamor, gossip; akin to Old English rEon to lament, Sanskrit rauti he roars
1 : talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source
2 : a statement or report current without known authority for its truth

There are many ‘rumors’ going around that are unsubstantiated.
Until they are proven, they are what they are, ‘rumors’!!!
To the best of my knowledge, these ‘rumors’ are more slanderous lies and disinformation that have no substance. AMFA is not negotiating at this time, and when ‘if’ they do, the AMFA represented employees ‘will’ be notified and included in the process.

Anyone hear about rumors that AMFA has negotiated with United over the layoff of 1,000 mechanics at SFO? To make matters worse, layoffs may not be based on seniority.

1) Anyone hear about rumors that AMFA has negotiated with United over the layoff of 1,000 mechanics at SFO?
What have you been smoking? This is another ‘RUMOR’!!! (ie… BS)
2) To make matters worse, layoffs may not be based on seniority.
When/if layoffs occur, they will occur as is stipulated in the ‘contract’!!!

Care to elaborate? I am a UAL pilot and what have I done to you? We both have faceless union entitys that do our biding and you and I are just trying to earn a paycheck and live to work tommorow.
Perhaps your stabs should be aimed in the right direction.
If we can not stand together through the tough times then there is no hope left at all.

Ronin might be referring to the last egg ALPA choked from ‘our’ goose. Not every one feels that way but there certainly is some built up animosity towards each other. Hopefully, we will be able to bridge the gap, but only time will tell.

The rumor I heard to was that AMFA has discussed doing away with Letter
74 1-M.

Nope. This is another rumor.

Ronin has a selective memory. He seems to forget his union crossing a picket line and it's poison pill contract clauses that helped put UAL in it's current financial position. And lets not forget that while ALPA was trying to do what was necessary to avoid BK, his boys were demanding an industry leading contract. Blaming pilots for for his mistakes seems to be the modis..

When a ‘union’ allows a clause in the contract that mandates that they ‘must’ cross a picket line, then is it a ‘union’?
Case in point, your ‘AFL-CIO’ affiliated ‘Brothers and Sisters’ (IAM) allowed this clause in their contract, does that make you feel warm and fuzzy now?
Good Read:
If ALPA has interest in mending fences now that AMFA is on board, you still have to get your ‘AFL-CIO’ ‘Brothers and Sisters’ to allow you to even talk to us. The most recent opportunity was the ‘Retiree Medical’ issue. Why would ALPA & the AFA not include AMFA in the ‘Coalition’? So, please, do not speak of ‘solidarity’ unless you are willing to be an active participant. AMFA is based on ‘Unionism’, all the time, not just when it suits your needs. If we continue to allow the company to pit one against another, we are all fools at fault. As for your statement “ALPA was trying to do what was necessary to avoid BKâ€, this is BS, and you know it!!! I’d rather not ‘rehash’ this but…

funny my union,say what you may still has seniority provisions....hows about YOURS?

Nice try, How is that Airbus thingy working for USAir. Ironclad contract? (LOL)
Call me when you get a set!


Thanks for the update.

It is evident that our 'communications' is not as great as it should be.

It is well known that there is much contention about (for/against) our LOA's.

However, I (and many others) assumed that the LOA's (which are part of the contract - LOA# 74-1M - Page 128/129 ) would not be addressed/modified/cancelled without input from the membership.

It will be interesting to listen to the LEC/MEC explain to 'US' as to how this information was made public on the 'Internet' before the 'Membership' was informed (much less given a chance for discussion).

If the LEC/MEC continue this methodology of making decisions for 'US' they will certainly face the same destiny as their predecessors!!!

Take Care,