Lee Greenwood Song.

Aug 20, 2002
And i'm proud to be an american,where at least I know I'm free,

and I won't forget the men who died,who gave that right to me,

and I'll gladly stand - up, next to you and defend her still today,

cause' there ain't no doubt I love this land,

God " H E L P " the USA !
And i'm proud to be an american,where at least I know I'm free,

and I won't forget the men who died,who gave that right to me,

and I'll gladly stand - up, next to you and defend her still today,

cause' there ain't no doubt I love this land,

God " H E L P " the USA !
God did bless the USA Old Goat. God prevented the Hildabeast corruption and failure from further dragging the USA down into 3rd world oblivion after 8 years of Barry Obummer. A whole thread devoted to disparaging a great patriotic song....got kicked out of bingo nite again? Friggin dolt.
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Now that the Pomp and Circumstance are through, I'll be anxiously awaiting for all those $ 20.00 an hour middle class jobs to magically appear, beginning this coming Monday morning 1/23/17 and going forward. Holding ones breath until they appear will be HAZARDOUS to ones HEALTH !!

Additionally, when do the ' hammers start swinging ' on that 'new' Mexican wall ??
Now that the Pomp and Circumstance are through, I'll be anxiously awaiting for all those $ 20.00 an hour middle class jobs to magically appear, beginning this coming Monday morning 1/23/17 and going forward. Holding ones breath until they appear will be HAZARDOUS to ones HEALTH !!

Additionally, when do the ' hammers start swinging ' on that 'new' Mexican wall ??
What does this have to do with Lee Greenwoods song? You trying to hijack your own thread?:eek: