Let's not let the terrorists win...


Sep 11, 2002
On the anniversary of 9/11, our company is fighting for its life. As US employees we have the opportunity to join together to help save our company, our jobs, and our livelihoods.
None of us wants to make the sacrifices each labor group has been asked to make and many members have referred not only to the loss of wages or benefits, but also to the loss of their honor and dignity if they make these concessions.
But is there any honor or dignity in allowing or contributing to our company''s becoming yet another victim of 9/11 and the terrorists? Consider this when casting your vote, and let''s not let the terrorists win.
I agree that USAirways situation being used in a remotely compairative form to the events of Sept.11th ..is not exactly cricket or remotely accurate. On the other hand..saying it's all Managements Fault is not exactly accurate either. The honest and accurate assesment of things , would be it's Past Managements Fault I do not fault Dave Siegel and his new crew for a moment. I actually admire the guy for making an attempt to Right the Wrongs of many years of shear stupidity..and self-serving greed. I doubt that he has any desire to be the man known for leading the company into the ground at age 41. USAirways problems predates our current leader even being a blip on the business worlds radar. He was in College when the chain of mistakes were taking shape. The issues and anger should be directed back to Edwin J. Colodny , Seth Schoefield and definately the Merger mentallity of Stephen Wolf. The last being the worst of all!! His tenure was nothing more than a fresh coat of paint..and slapping an old whore into a new dress ..and trying to sell it, or merge us for his and Gangwahl's personal gain. Too many problems have been swept under the rug during the tenure of all the above. The events of Sept.11th just happened to expose U as the teetering platform it is. This is not to say that the employee's have not done all they could..but in some cases we could have..or maybe should have done more too? We need to get past this It's all Managements Fault way of thinking. The fault is clear..but the solutions to the current problems are being swept up in finger pointing. We need to identify the problems...seek solutions...and try to overcome years of past tense issues. The problem now , is the issue of survival. Wrap yourselves up in comfort of saying it's Your Fault until you smother us all....It will not change the issues we all face for a moment. Take stock in the lessons of the past...but don't compound them..or mis-direct your frustrations.

USAirways problems pre-date the tragedy of September 11, 2002 and to equate the crisis at USAirway with the incalculable loss of life in NY, DC, and PA truly cheapens all those who perished. Management, as a whole needs to take responsibility for the present circumstances.

There is honor and integrity in reviewing the IAM Restructuring Agreement and making the best decision for yourself and your family. For the majority it was NO on August 28, 2002. We'll have to see what the outcome is on Tuesday, September 17. I wonder if Tampa will overwhelmingly go NO once again? We have several friends working at that location and they tell us it looks like a repeat. What is your take on the situation?

There is honor and integrity in reviewing the IAM Restructuring Agreement and making the best decision for yourself and your family. For the majority it was NO on August 28, 2002. We'll have to see what the outcome is on Tuesday, September 17. I wonder if Tampa will overwhelmingly go NO once again? We have several friends working at that location and they tell us it looks like a repeat. What is your take on the situation?



It's clearly obvious to this one little mechanic who looks, sees and hears that the no vote is driven with the hope of a better outcome. The hope is that there is light at the end of this long dark tunnel. Hope that the mechanics will be given something they can live with. This hope is a v-e-r-y powerful hope. Hoping that at the very last second, the company will blink, then cave, even little, but cave they must for the no voters to accept. I hope their hope is the right hope, because I know for sure they are a no vote till the end, no matter what that end.